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Everything posted by nli2work

  1. I'm having issues with the new pWings. can't get the control surface part to behave correctly.
  2. the main gist of my method is getting a irregular and natural looking selection of just the edges, after which I can filter, stamp, do whatever; and finally touch up by hand. Another thing you can try is ramping up the contrast of the AO map, that should give you a selection of where the larger sections meet (and generally where more wear occurs). Can also can try creating cavity map out of the normal, it's a part of legacy nDo (similar to xNormal, but just a script plugin for PS), you might be able to run it in GIMP with the thing that lets you run photoshop scripts. the result is sort of like a bump map, and you can pull a selection of the edges and the troughs of the seams out of the cavity map.
  3. the parts above can easily be scaled. With the new folder structure it should be much easier to set up your own set of parts and delete the ones you don't use. Textures are all centralized and shared. if you don't want a particular piece, just delete it's folder containing the MU, config, and dummy texutres. cockpits will be two parts; one for the the smaller and one for larger. Smaller one would be something like Huey/Blackhawk/Osprey. Larger one will be more fanciful. I expect the tail pieces will be two separate parts as well for some variety; smaller one a raised adapter to 1.25 with door on the lower side. the larger a longer section, with longer ramp. moving door panels really restricts attachment options unfortunately.
  4. filters alone won't give you what you need. but combined with manual painting and strategic sampling of photo sources will give you very natural looking results and much quicker. But then again, if the style you want is the hand painted look, well, no way to get there other than hand painting. And a small tablet will make the process go much quicker and painless as well.
  5. I'm pretty sure there are similar tools in GIMP; but in PS I make selection out of the seams, go into quick mask mode. That lets me manipulate the selection mask as if it's a normal layer. I can paint, erase, run filters etc. Run some filters like fragment and pixelate on the mask; then switch back to normal mode. that gives you a selection with imperfect edges, then you can paint in the selection with a dirtied up brush to give you a quick lay-in for this type of scuffs. you can also use the selection to copy/paste grunge textures from photos and manipulate them further with layering and filters. cgtextures.com is a good place to go; free account gets you 15 megs worth of very good high res texture source photos, per 24hr period. free of license restrictions. after you get a look that's 80% there; you can go in with a small brush to kick out some strong high lights like at the corners of the panels.
  6. My apologies. the big red [Request] tag was misleading. No I don't think there is something in the scope you are talking about. However as mentioned before, Mechjeb fills the role quite well as it will create maneuver nodes without executing them, if that is what the player prefers. It would be simpler to adjust Mechjeb's functionality than the develop a separate plugin. A MM patch to limit Mechjeb's functions to only Maneuver Node calculations might be more fitting for people who prefer manual execution of maneuver nodes.
  7. That's looking pretty good Jovzin. you are giving UV space proportional to the mesh's size in the model, bigger mesh = more UV space, that's good. I find the Tetris mindset is helpful when dealing with UVs
  8. yeah, in the process of converting textures to PNGs. Hopefully ATM will get updated soon as it fixes a host of issues with default KSP asset loader with textures. They should be the size you are looking for when they are scaled down to 50% (~1.8m external width, almost exact size of Osprey fuselage), with generous room inside for 1.25m cargo and adaptors to 1.25m standard cylindrical parts Tail hatch is definitely in the plans; as are command pods; and some landing gears probably. should play nicely with some KAX or Firespitter rotor blades for VTOL crafts. now just waiting for Firespitter to update so it doesn't throw the incompatibility message.
  9. Unity's post effect shaders are already loaded in KSP; should be accessable by mods. There was a cinematic mod IIRC that did some post effects like chromatic abberation; grain; vignetting. atmospheric haze is a global setting for unity project, should be able to manipulate it by plugin as well
  10. I can build a prop, just don't know enough coding to help on that side. I figure it could be like the stock compass module, extended with the target selection; direction/alignment indicator and glide slope displays added. I'll play with the RPM version to familiarize myself with the information it shows first.
  11. I didn't include a mechjeb page. Haven't tried MJ and RPM integration yet. Will updated when I have it working in 0.25. any external camera that works with RPM should work, docking camera should be steerable via small key pad on the lower right side of main display. if you had the previous version of TransparentPods it included an external camera part, that one's moved over to retrofuture now. RPM includes an external camera (repurposed linear RCS port) that should work also.
  12. Resolved. old config file had incorrect settings after update.
  13. PFD and MFD are already part of RPM; EFIS is just a umbrella term that encompasses PFD and MFD and many other flight instrumentations; which is what RPM provides.
  14. True true. but to be honest it's really up to IVA builders to provide the user manual. RPM can be configured in many different ways and it would be impossible to provide a manual.
  15. placeable camera is included. RF1.5 includes another placeable camera. RPM also supports some HullcamVDS cameras
  16. updated textures to PNG. textures should load consistently now. I suggest grabbing Active Texture Management when it's updated to 0.25 as it solves texture loading problems with KSP's default asset loader. not to mention it reduces overall texture memory usage as well.
  17. lets you assign custom FX for RCS thrusters like you can with Engines.
  18. they are built-in. You could try using NathanKell's ModuleRCSFX and use a non-emitting FX model.
  19. extending outside the UV space works if the texture is set to repeat in Unity before export, this is default and in most instances you won't have any problems. But if it's some texture you didn't export and it was set to clamp in Unity, this method won't work.
  20. It's good to know that all polys don't need unique UV space. beyond that, deciding where t UV seam and how much to tile is a matter of artistic judgement and design necessity. It varies wildly from one model to the next. The saying "more than one way to skin a cat" is rather apt here.
  21. MODULE { name = ModuleGimbal gimbalTransformName = thrustTransform //any transform will do, children of it will move along with it. thrustTransform is most logical one to use. gimbalRange = 10 //range in degrees useGimbalResponseSpeed = true // if true; gimbal will smoothly rotate to input value instead of snapping to maximum gimbalResponseSpeed = 6 //how fast gimbal will rotate, only applicable if previews setting is set to true } MODULE { name = ModuleJettison jettisonName = ED250_Fairing //separate mesh that appears when something is attached to the node set in the next variable; the mesh detaches when the lower part is staged bottomNodeName = bottom //a part attached to this node will make the fairing mesh visible. must be a stack node isFairing = True //affects Drag when the fairing is on. jettisonedObjectMass = 0.1 // mass of the jettisoned mesh as debris jettisonForce = 5 // impulse on the fairing mesh when jettisoned jettisonDirection = 0 0 1 //in XYZ format; +Z is same direction as engine thrust, or some other direction you set. }
  22. You are welcome! RPM just updated. still waiting for Firespitter to push out a new compile. It works right now, but throws impatibility message. Hopefully by this weekend. that will give me time finish up a few larger parts. v1.6 will have new folder structure under GameData/RetroFuture; and some new bits and parts I rather like. so don't get too attached to v1.5. Transparent Pods v1.2 in OP.
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