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Everything posted by nli2work

  1. under going rigorous testing. It could be the engine for the first RF space plane.
  2. very nice! check out Bahamuto's lander leg tutorial if you want set up suspension on it.
  3. Yes it's possible. but my bet is Inventor will drive you just as insane, in a different way. and it's likely that no one else here will be able to help you with Inventor in any way.
  4. I suggest not using CAD programs (Rhino; AutoCAD; SilverScreen). They are not meant for creating real-time 3d assets and you'll most likely run into issues that no one here will be able to help you with.
  5. child it to the pink piece in Unity Blue piece Red piece //LookAt yellow or pink piece Green piece pink piece yellow piece //LookAt red piece
  6. a very simplified visible mesh. Look in the debug log and you will see FAR generating drag models for each part during load time. gaps doesn't appear to significantly affect overall drag. The drag values are calculated per part far as I can tell, with exceptions you set in FAR config.
  7. if the landing strut has no suspension; just key it in the 3d app. if it does, you can use the LookAtConstraint to point the two piston arms at each other. info on those in this thread http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/72802
  8. primitive colliders are not too resources, that arrangement could work.
  9. I suggest blender, it's free and it is by far most popular for KSP modders, you'll most likedly to get help here with blender questions. There're few max users here; and maybe one or two maya users. maybe one lightwave person. if you use Rhino or Modo or ZW3D, you are pretty much on your own as far as KSP modding goes. and if you are looking to do a diary of your learning progress, the Blog option might be better. Forum is mostly for specific questions and people don't really want to read pages and pages of stuff you copied and pasted from somewhere else.
  10. it will collide with other colliders, just not another non-convex mesh collider.
  11. read a few lines down. or the end of that sentence. Convex If enabled, this Mesh Collider will collide with other Mesh Colliders. Convex Mesh Colliders are limited to 255 triangles. And no, no such thing as concave colliders in Unity. anything that appears concave in game is a collection of overlapping colliders to approximate a concavity.
  12. part 3 video in OP. picks up where pt2 ends; and covers IVA props, tools; and configs.
  13. then you are exporting the mesh incorrectly. The MU file I checked earlier had the battery mesh, and that's what KSP will load. it doesn't know the file name isn't supposed to be the mesh that's in the file. and the texture the file is looking for is not in the same folder as the mesh, and so shows up white in game. check out this video to make sure you didn't miss any thing in the export process.
  14. it's a name conflict. you have multiple configs with the same part name; KSP loads their meshes interchangebly. create a folder for your exported part; put your part config; MU/DAE; and textures into that folder. in the part config file at the very top there is a line "name = "; change that to something unique and descriptive; like "theScienceBox"; so you can recognized it and KSP doesn't mix it up with battery or KER flight control. then change your "mesh =" line to point to your MU/DAE file. as long as the MU, Config, and texture are in the same folder and somehwere inside of Gamedata; the part should load correctly.
  15. colliders in the same part will pass through each other no problem, exception being wheelCollider which is a special case. Door panels with colliders will push against neighboring parts if they are close enougu, the square B9 retractable docking port did that if you didn't give it enough clearance for the doors to fully open.
  16. I'm getting materials together to record a video for doing that, possibly tomorrow. keep an eye out in the model/texture section.
  17. It's meant to expand on TT's tutorial. since that one was all text. I had to cover the entire process mostly out of necessity and had to gloss over a lot of things.
  18. I supposed the first question would be what is this and what does it do? based on pWings... I think you can build your mesh collider at the smallest shape; skin it to your rig that opens the net thing. the collider should change up along with the bucket. a simpler collider for the base cylinder will ensure the part is right-clickable. Honestly I recommend redesigning the part. As it is now, you either have to settle with a "solid" center; or a high number of individual colliders that may eat up frame rate in VAB/SPH, and potentially nightmarish collision calculations if something gets caught in the netting.
  19. alot of the information on the Wiki is outdated. you are better off looking through the links here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/94638-New-Mod-Development-Links-Compilation
  20. The in game image doesn't seem to show the normal map at all. are you using KSP/Bump or KSP/BumpSpecular shader? It could be the edges are sharp, but the normal map in Unity was hiding it.
  21. IVA tutorial with example part files and Unity assets http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/94871
  22. Engine setup with EFFECT{} Basic Engine setup; with Emissive, Gimbal, and Fairing Using MultiModeEngine{}; all other settings apply the same. MultiModeEngine supports two different modes. MODULE { name = MultiModeEngine primaryEngineID = modeA [COLOR="#808080"] //this you set in ModuleEngines or ModuleEnginesFX, see below[/COLOR] secondaryEngineID = modeB mode = modeA [COLOR="#808080"]//initial engine mode; defaults to primary [/COLOR] runningPrimary = true [COLOR="#808080"]//defaults to true; I think does similar thing as mode = [/COLOR] autoSwitch = true [COLOR="#808080"]//defaults to true; automatically switch to secondary mode when primary mode is out of fuel. gives you Auto/Manual switch button in part menu[/COLOR] } MODULE { name = ModuleEngines [COLOR="#808080"]//or ModuleEnginesFX; you need two for MultiModeEngine{}. Using ModuleEnginesFX will allow different visual FX for each engine mode.[/COLOR] engineID = modeA [COLOR="#808080"]//engineID for primaryEngineID and secondaryEngineID in MultiModeEngine module[/COLOR] runningEffectName = running_modeA [COLOR="#808080"]//FX for different engine mode, match the engine states defined in EFFECT{}; effects for disengage; engage; flameout; etc can be shared unless you specify otherwise[/COLOR] } Part files and Unity assets
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