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Everything posted by nli2work

  1. I stand corrected. I know using rescaleFactor to change a landing gear's size will make it work incorrectly. tweakScale obviously works in different fashion and is compatible with landing gears.
  2. yes, easiest to build it all in one go before exporting.
  3. Ah yeah, that's pretty different in the guts. I was thinking RocketLauncher with tracking warheads would make neat looking swarmer missile system. a pod that would fire in salvos of ~6 missiles in quick succession.
  4. biggest thing is wheelcollider doesn't scale with the mesh. if tweakscale works the way I think it works, you'll have gear wheels that float or sink into the ground when you make the landing gear bigger and smaller.
  5. I just realized that "Dimensions" section probably means the pieces are still primitives instead of polygons. In Max there's option to convert a primitive (box, sphere, etc) to editable polygons, it's good idea to convert all primitives to polygons before exporting.
  6. I exported from the blender file and the FBX still contains key frames in scale, even though in the blender scene it looks like there are only position and rotation key frames. I don't know why it is this way, but it's something that needs to be fixed in Blender before export. I don't know enough blender to help on that side. there's a "Dimensions" in Blenders, that sounds like a local scale or something. You need to get all the pieces such that when imported to Unity, their scales are all 1,1,1 when childed to the world. I would break all the pieces out of the heirarchy and reset their scales and dimensions to 1; edit the polygons to the shapes you need. then reconstruct the heirarchy, key the animation and export.
  7. I don't mean set it back to a cube, I mean reset the scale so whatever scale changes you made to get to the shape becomes the new 1 scale. I don't know what Blender calls this operation.
  8. ok I see what's the issue; you have scale keys in there. from a different angle, you can see the moving part is not bending down, but becoming super stretched in one direction. it's because you didn't reset your scales on the pieces. Scrubb through the animation and you will see the scales changing drastically. You have to reset the scales on the pieces in Blender to 1 or 100%, then key the animation and export.
  9. sorry, Unity loves itty bitty buttons. it's the tiny symbol on the right side of the left panel. It defaults to Euler. Once you set it to Quarternion, the curve will look odd, but the animation should play correctly.
  10. open the animation window CTRL-6. find the animation curves, right click in the left panel where you see the color coded curve entries, and set interpolation to Quarternion instead of Euler.
  11. I stick to primitives whenever possible. breaking it up depends, for what you have, a single piece of cargo bay that's not changeble in length it makes sense as one part. but if you have bays in sections, tubes essentially, you can eliminate the colliders on the front and back and let the builder close those up with other sections of the vessel. as for corners, and nooks and cranies, anything smaller than a kerbal doesn't need to have concavities with compound colliders, since they can't get in there anyway. so for example the armatures can be a simple box collider that encloses the entire volume containing its full range of motion as opposed to capsule collider on each arm piece.
  12. colliders per part is not the same as colliders per vessel. I start to notice frame rate drops in VAB/SPH with my command pods that have 6 or 7+ colliders, specifically convex mesh colliders in the upper half of the 255 triangle limit. It's slight, but noticeble; I haven't tested to see how many convex mesh colliders a single part can have before it's unusable. Once launched the frame rate improves. Vessels can have very high part count and still be reasonably flyable. as another anecdote, someone was asking about extremely poor frame rates in VAB with a solar panel part; turned out it was set to automatically generate colliders, and the design generated something around 30 mesh colliders. Once that was adjusted, the frame rates went back to normal. but like I said, it's worth a try, like all things magical.
  13. would it be difficult to combine RocketLauncher and MissileLauncher modules? They seem very close in terms of game behavior, except one has tracking the other doesn't.
  14. Well, worth a shot. The IXS Enterprise ship appears to have pretty complex collider setup, it seems to have very playable framerates. You may have to break up the ship into smaller parts. I'd say 6 or 7 collider on a single part is about tops, that's when I start noticing frame rate drops.
  15. I think you need MechJeb installed along with RPM then you'll have access to some MechJeb functions from the MFD.
  16. is possible to embed quantum struts in parts with "TransformName =" field? would multiple strut points require multiple modules or will it work for all transforms of the same name? will the module have issues for power consumption of 0?
  17. hm Osprey does look pretty cool. would be good way to expand into larger parts after I round out smaller parts into space plane field... tandem 2 seater larger cockpit like Osprey would make nice IVA too.
  18. you want the overfill the UV patches by a few pixels, 4~6 pixels of padding. As the mesh gets bigger or smaller on screen, the pixel averaging and mipmaps will make the UV edges change, the padding helps to alleviate that.
  19. Retro Future 1.5! IVA! Advanced Instrumentations! Guns! download in OP!
  20. I'd try a capsule collider; after the first pod where I used a box collider, I only used capsule colliders for Airlock and never looked back. as last resort you can try moving everything lower so the hatch collider is closer to 0 on the Y; then use CoMOffset in config to move the COM back to where you need it.
  21. are those strictly emissives or do you have lights embedded? I would go with strictly emissive as there is a maximum # of light sources KSP can display simultaneously. it is a fair amount, but most people have it set much lower. Aside from that, great progress!
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