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Everything posted by nli2work

  1. some engines have issues with mirrored Normal maps; I don't think Unity has that problem. how did you generate the normal maps? It could be that the Green channel needs to be inverted before importing to Unity.
  2. your MU file is still the battery. the model.mu got mixed up somewhere along the way. name the export file to something more descriptive than "mode" in Unity and you can avoid this problem.
  3. what's your part config look like? This appears to be more of a config/folder setup problem
  4. no real need for additional ammo containers, existing ammo boxes can be mounted inside fuselage parts same way you mount hidden fuel lines and struts.
  5. Can't open as in it says "invalid or locked part"? or can't open as in it doesn't show up in load craft window? If it's first; check the installation and make sure all the RF parts are loaded correctly. if 2nd; move the craft files to KSP/Ships/SPH or KSP/saves/yourSave/Ships/SPH
  6. Ah I see. I didn't think of cases where MM isn't used. MM is so common place I forget. I added that bit recently hopefully to make things little clearer.
  7. Very nice! it should be FAR compatible without any changes.
  8. It's very simple actually, grab the sample wing in OP and you can set up your own basic pWings very quickly. - - - Updated - - - when's this update gonna drop? or has it already?
  9. to remove the IVAs, delete the INTERNAL{} blocks in the cockpit config files. then delete the spaces, props, and patches folder inside rectCkPit folder. The gun stuff are non-functional if you don't have BDArmory plugin, they would just be purely decorative. they may throw NREs in the background and mess up the game, I can't say for sure. But if it works out that's great. The ":NEEDS[bDArmory]" bit is for ModuleManager so it knows not to load the part if BDArmory plugin is not present. for future versions I'm working on setting up the configs so there are non-plugin and plugin variants that load depending whether you have dependency mods or not. Also rearranging the folder structure to make setting up custom installs easier, hopefully. Thanks for the heads up on that technode. I managed to catch most of them in the last round. still missed one.
  10. better check in the plugin development forum, especially since you are looking for information on how KSP references game objects in and across scenes.
  11. so this is like Hotrockets? a pack of sound effects with MM configs to replace the stock ones? no plugin?
  12. cool, placing transforms would be tough with pWings... but it'd be easy to set up a wingtip vapor trail effect along with main sound barrier vapor emitter. should look nice. and a short video; improved flame jets; and new audio.
  13. not hotrockets.. Sarbian's SmokeScreen! that's what drives HotRockets! yeah hehe, probably rein it back down to 10 degrees. at 15 degrees it's pushing 20gs on a min radius turn.
  14. Snjo and Mihara keeps the best code documentation. Firespitter Module documentation, not all the modules; but the most popular ones. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iD52DfHft04Hb48TEhF5a4n5JOc8efUevdg5Y_QPICQ/edit RPM Documentation; if you want to make decent IVAs, this is a must. https://github.com/Mihara/RasterPropMonitor/wiki BahamutoD has .50Cal turret Unity example file that can get you started with BDArmory parts If you have little bit of developing background, it can help tremendously by just opening up the dll in Mono or VisualC and see the public variables and their default values since public variables are the ones addressable in part config files.
  15. click the area next to "Bumped" just above the shader selection drop down. the settings should return. Another one of those annoying Unity quirks.
  16. these might help with orientations As far as IVA shifting, I see it too, though not nearly as severe as yours, I was pulling maybe 12~13Gs. The exterior getting highlighted is normal I believe. You can cover up the windows with simple trigger colliders, that might the highlighting. You'll see through them fine, but the mouse pointer won't
  17. i would simply replace "Brief explanation of atmosphereCurve and velocityCurve" with Taverius' KSP Float Curves thread. here's some info on getting correct Air Intake settings, for Stock Aerodynamics, by Taverius. https://bitbucket.org/Taverius/b9-aerospace/wiki/Intake%20Area.md#!intake-areahttps://bitbucket.org/Taverius/b9-aerospace/wiki/Intake%20Area.md#!intake-area
  18. stock FX is easy to work with but still very limited. I think new ModuleEngineFX + SmokeScreen is where it's at.
  19. Right click on the external Camera part in VAB or after launch and use +/- signs to assign unique ID #;
  20. Unity 4.2.2 (or earlier) for better (emissive) animation support. TT's tutorial is still decent, though it could use some fleshing out. I'll see if I have time to record an IVA tutorial soon. Bahamuto's excellent tutorial on Lander Legs http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/77991 "Brief explanation of atmosphereCurve and velocityCurve" is only half correct about curves; the other half is explained by Taverius Taverius' Curve/Tangent thread should be much more prominent as it is quite fundamental. The curve/tagent stuff applies to all KSP/Mod Modules that use input curves: ModuleEngine ModuleRCS and ModuleEngineFX, ModuleSteering and ModuleWheels, and possibly other stock modules that I don't recall. For Mod modules that includes FSWheel/Steering modules; SmokeScreen FX; AJE module; possibly others as well.
  21. Ah, good to know. I think I see a way to take advantage of this. how much processor overhead is this route? seems like a rather complex module to spawn an FX for a bit of visual that only occurs for a second or two under very specific conditions.
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