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Everything posted by nli2work

  1. trying to setup a basic gun. it fires to the +X direction with the fireTransform's +Z pointed forward. if I rotate the fireTransform any other way, +Y or +X forward, the gun won't fire at all. muzzelTransform works as expected. There's no pitch or yaw in this setup, but the transforms are required by the module AFAIK. export root object is aligned to world, Y-up; Z-forward; X-right. everything is oriented Z-forward; Y-up; X-right. no errors in output_log. rotating the root mesh object makes no different either. EDIT: okay something to do with pitch and yaw range settings. can't really understand how the fireTransforms are being reoriented in the code. Seems to be getting reoriented several times depending on target or no target, and the aimTransforms. The fireTransform moves whether it's child of aim transforms or not, which is a bit counter intuitive, though I think I can see why you'd set it up that way. How do I set it so the gun is fixed and fires forward only? I've tried setting min/max pitch yaw to 0 like the hidden vulcan. the fireTransforms still move in some odd relation to the mouse pointer, even when not children of the Aim Transforms. I can't load the hiddenvulvan mu in blender so I can't see how it's transforms are oriented. shouldn't the firevelocity be using the fireTransform's direction instead of the pitchTransform's direction?
  2. the test in post #82 is lo-fi's gear model, heirarchy setup; with stock ModuleLandingGear. works just fine.
  3. none that I know of. I recommend getting the mod that sets start throttle to 0 as a temporary fix
  4. feature request, more of an extention. JSIActionGroupSwitch can trigger Prop and External animations; JSIInternalEVAHatch can trigger Prop and IVA animations. can JSIActionGroupSwitch be extended to trigger all 3? Prop, External, and IVA animations in synch via PerPodPersistenceName? to run this without kicking the Kerbal out basically
  5. you have KSPI? KSPI + Engines using FSpropellerSpinner are automatically activated on launch. not related to B9. not sure if there's fix.
  6. yeah that's the trend with stock modules... multiple modules of the same on a single part usually is bad news.
  7. just had the same issue you had with the landing gear... unable to pick it from parts list. my log says wrong animation name every time I attempt to select the part in the list.
  8. could a mod please sticky this? too valuable to be burried by time.
  9. Yeah I noticed that too. though when I checked the files in Unity the rotations zeroed out. I'll check them again might be something else I missed. Ah yea, I'll fix them. Incorrect setting on all the engines. Need to do a pass to fix the curves with KSPCurveEditor.
  10. I tried a bunch of different combinations. the targets' positions was more important than the heirarchy order. The order the CONSTRAINFX blocks are set in the config seem to matter too, but it would take too much testing to see any pattern. I don't know why your gear would be unselectable in the part menu, that's really odd. even parts without collision mesh won't do that. post up the unity project with the bug? Maybe parttools got messed up somewhere?
  11. looking good. the end cap texture needs to be slightly higher res; and the strut's have too much uniform noise making them look more like concrete than metal.
  12. no luck. only one loop works it seems. one of the two I set it back to old arrangement without loop; and both work okay.
  13. big improvement in torque arm behaviour with some tips from lo-fi; now the arms point correctly even at full extension updated mediafire file
  14. not so happy with 2 sets of torque arms though. same arrangement as skylon; one of them works, the other one works too, but also does the spin thing
  15. I set rescaleFactor = 0.5; the wheelCollider radius and suspension distance doesn't scale correctly. and some look constraints get odd too.
  16. well I'll be damned. dependency loop does work better in KSP. Thanks for sharing the gear setup lo-fi. must have been something else that made me think it didn't work. big improvement from shifting heirarchy order and position for just 1 object. definitely does not like resizing by rescaleFactor though.
  17. you have the unity setup somewhere lo-fi? I'd like to take a look at it. might help improve my setups. I've made dependency loops in KSP before; the two sides just flip back and forth non-stop. I suspect your setup doesn't have it.
  18. I would just do a simple animation; call it with ModuleAnimateGeneric and let the player link it to mode switch with action group key
  19. Firespitter does have an animated intake module that might do what you need. it positions a mesh transform based on min/max intake flow. You set the min/max, and intake mesh object https://github.com/snjo/Firespitter/blob/master/Firespitter/animation/FSanimatedAirIntake.cs haven't messed with it. but it would either open or close the intake based on intake flow rate, depending on your settings
  20. for wings, proceduralWings got you covered small or large.
  21. Mihara has something similar to this with VariableAnimator, but they are only for internal Props, and the targets are internal variables instead of other transforms. The translation constraint is probably the easiest. usage might look something like this MODULE { name = FXtranslateConstraint CONSTRAINTRANSLATEFX //block set can be repeated so the mover moves in combinations of X,Y, or Z { moversDirection = 0,0,1 //sets the direction the mover will translate in, -1 would flip the direction for the mover targetName = transformA //target's translation in world space moversName = transformB //mover's translation in local space moversMultiplier = 1 //something to reduce or multiply the mover's translation; defaults to 1 moversLimit = 1 // aboslute value the mover can move in a direction. } }
  22. ModuleEngine require a propellant that has mass. whether it's air, LF/OX, or Xenon. the closest you can come to electric only is make the mass propellant's consumption extremely low by adjusting ISP or fuel ratio
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