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Everything posted by nli2work

  1. think of it in terms of KSP shaders. KSP only allows 1 shader on a mesh object. combine non-moving mesh objects that share the same shader in KSP; then moving parts that share same shader; then parts that require different shader and/or move independently. to use your VTOL engine as example; the nozzles can be one object (they move), and engine body is one object; Even though they might share the same shader, Emissive/Diffuse/Specular for instance. If the nozzles were fixed, then you could combine everything into a single object and apply a single KSP shader. if you have nozzle on one side, and a teletubbie on the other side, and they are moved by different animations, then you'd have 3 mesh objects, with 1, 2, or 3 KSP shaders.
  2. ok looking at the screencap... did you set the rig to "Legacy" before exporting? in the Animation (Not Animator) component; uncheck "Play Automatically" if you got it out to KSP, and no animation plays, post your config and output_logs
  3. You want them to overheat more often?? LOL. I was afraid I had the heat production too high on them I'll look at the orientation for next update. I don't think the placement in SPH matters much for FAR/NEAR, the aerodynamic mesh appears to be generated during load after SPH. Dyanimc pressure from what I can tell is a global setting in FAR. Haven't had the chance to experiment with different settings yet. Cockpit fragility is probably over sight on my part. I'll fix it for next update. Yeah that's same idea as I've been toying with. I'm figuring out ways I can get the fan blades to stop spinning when switched to different engine mode. If that's not possible within FS I can still figure out some ways around it in design, but would have to sacrifice some visuals. I'd rather not do that if possible.
  4. Oh? how would I set it up... if I were to attach FSengineSound to rapier's Atmospheric mode; but not closedCycle mode?
  5. is it possible to link PropellerSpinner with unique EngineID from Squad's MultiModeEngine module? if not, a feature request?
  6. basically faces in the same smooth group are treated as round shape; so you get the darkening effect as you get toward the sides where the shape curves away from light source into shadow.
  7. smoothing groups? the bottom face should be on a separate smoothing group as the radial walls.
  8. Hey I was messing about with a SCANSat prop. is there a way to access the entire large map in rectangular format for spherical projection? It seems SCANSatRPM only display a portion of the large map; and then only in the middle 1/2 of the UV space, with top and lower 1/4 being filled by remaining sections of the large map, folded in some way I don't quite understand.
  9. Make sure you have the latest versiosn of SCANSat, and no SCANSatRPM folder or dll. SCANSatRPM has been integrated with SCANSat and if you still have issues, you should check with SCANSat for additional help.
  10. write a plugin? or use a plugin? if you mean writing, try the plugin dev/support section. using a plugin? look for code documentation from plugin author.
  11. maybe a mod that takes advantage of Antimatter explosions
  12. make you have a thrustTransform in the MU and it's not close to a collision mesh in the +Z direction.
  13. I observed this line in the Debug log. what is it? how can I get more of it, and make it more visible, say the same green text as other notifications? surely this can be leveraged by some mods. "JetEngine Exploded!! - blast awesomeness: 0.5"
  14. yeah that's intentional; maximum velocity is around mach2 before a sharp drop in thrust. the blades need thick air to push against. The propfans do better at higher altitude than the normal piston engine props. but not really SSTO capable. I'll probably do some mixed mode engines like rapier/saber for that role. yeah I haven't yet found a satisfactory compromise for the sound fx yet. need alot of tweaking in the FSEngineSound settings.
  15. KSP interstellar; beamed microwave thermal turbojets.
  16. wow that's a gorgeous plane you built Lazarus! @BeetleCat those are Porkjet's spaceplane+ wing parts. very nice system he created if you haven't checked it out yet. I have some ideas for a universal IVA using RPM. will have to do some exprimenting, but at least conceptually it should work.
  17. send me the unity assets, I can take a look at it maybe figure it out. everything so far looks correct, there's something else that's not right. or post the output_log.txt, there's more info in there you don't see in debug or log.txt.
  18. NullRefException is kind of vague, just means something is missing, could be anything though. IndexOutOfRange generally mean a module is not loaded correctly, doesn't say which one. but usually it's the last one in the config file. KSP is trying to access a module at Index 5, for example, when there are only 4 in the array, and throws IndexOutOfRange error. launch the part, try triggering the animation and see what comes up in Debug window. if a NullRefException comes up when you trigger the animation, it means the animation is not in the MU file. it either didn't export out of unity correctly, or KSP has the wrong MU file. did you copy the config from another part? if so, check the part = partname line at the very beginning make sure it's not a duplicate.
  19. I have long term plans for some larger ships that go with EPL, ship sections built and assembled in orbit with EPL; which then act as EPL going out to other planets. perfect now that Karbonite is really catching on and EPL will open up to it more and more, and hopefully become independent of Kethane.
  20. what does debug window say when you load the part in Editor or when you try to trigger the animation? ALT-F2 brings up debug console. white/orange text is okay; red is bad. what's your output_log.txt say? it's in KSP_Data folder. Open it up and do a search for the part's name. you will see KSP loading its texture; then model; then config; then compiling the part for Editor. and if there's any error in one of the stages, there would be some info on what caused the error. here's a part using ModuleAnimateGeneric; if you import this package into an existing project; don't import the Part Tools bits. duplicate part tools in same project makes things funky. http://www./download/6xzew1ij1vcvu1x/AnimateGenericPart.zip
  21. sorry to sound like I'm repetitive, your reply to spanner went in while I was typing. still no go? is Play Automatically unchecked?
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