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Everything posted by nli2work

  1. Special Edition Engines if you have Karbonite mod installed.
  2. ah right. MLG only accepts one wheelCollider... might still be able to do this with stock MLG... would probbaly have to do some trickery with position constraint to match rotation on the 2nd set oif wheels; definitely more complicated... if possible at all.
  3. added few notes to the image lo-fi posted on the main landing gear set up. hopefully correct and understandable. what I don't get is how ModuleLandingGear knows which wheel mesh is linked to which wheel collider... the order in the heirarchy? wheelCollider radius determines the rotation speed of the wheel mesh; larger radius = slower rotation speed.
  4. so basically something like this? textureNames = Gamedata/ModA/PartA/textureA;Gamedata/ModB/PartB/textureB
  5. good to know. the emitter on fireTransform requires a dummy texture or the part won't load, at least exporting from Unity 4.2.2 + Parttools 0.23. I put together a quick test using the transforms from the 50cal sample project on a different model last night, and the gun was shooting sideways, in the X direction, for some reason. no matter which way I rotated the transform in Unity, or changed the emitter's force direction, it's the same in KSP. Very nice plugin.
  6. hi Snjo how would can I handle texture switch between multiple mod folders? I saw textureSwitcher2 has setting for mod folder path; I'm looking at shared textures between Mod A and B. Would it be best to handle that with multiple textureSwitcher modules? thanks!
  7. awesome. I'm nearly done with the current pack of atmospheric engines. then I'll get to look at those low profile engines once more time and see what I can do.
  8. are the particle emitters required on the fireTransform and muzzleTransforms? Edit: i see they are. are the pitch, yaw, slide transforms required? Edit: yes they are
  9. little proof of concept; has potential I think, so it seems RPM doesn't display the entire SCANSat map on the screen, only a section of it, looking at the RPM screen capture in the upper right. I tried various UV positions, seems the map is in the middle 1/2 of UV space. top 1/4 and bottom 1/4 seem to be filled with parts of the SCANSat map that's not on the RPM screen. and left/right edges of the scansat map are clamped instead of tiled. Also transparency render order issues for background handler, KSP thing there, would be nice if this could work on a transparent globe, though probably difficult considering how problematic it was with the steerable camera on a transparent screen. Just remembered SCANSat integration is in the hands of technogeeky now, and MapRenderer is part of SCANSat.dll... should I be bugging him/her?
  10. Sanka MkB test flight and botched landing. stock and SP+ wing pieces. rest of the parts will see release soon.
  11. Tools->KSP Part Tools ->Setup tab. just tested it, doesn't give me the same error as yours. worth a shot, but you may need to reinstall Part Tools if setting the gamedata path doesn't do anything. can also try reverting Unity layout to default or factory. Unity UI runs the same way as game object components and sometimes things get wonky and need a reset.
  12. sometimes it resets when you change between KSP unity projects. I really don't know what else would cause the problem.
  13. Model and texture is icing on the cake. I'd just mess around with SmokeScreen using just a primitive and get a handle on how that works. after you have the FX you want, it's all cake walk from there.
  14. did you set up GameData path for part tools? doesn't have to be in KSP folder, can be anywhere. but the scripts seem to require that to work properly.
  15. another test flight. really need to work on my landing.
  16. yeah only 1 IVA per pod. you can use the generic 1 kerbal IVA from Squad. you can plan ahead a bit and make them share some IVAs, but probably not all of them.
  17. very cool. Good to know! look forward to seeing what you come up with.
  18. nice! I just finished a few engines with contr-rotating propellers. Made them more for fictional airplanes, not historical ones. look forward to seeing what you come up with.
  19. worth a shot. simpler and quicker to test than writing a plugin. vessel.staticPressure is probably something you can't use in a config file. as far as the glowing exhaust trail, SmokeScreen FX plugin might be able to handle it.
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