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Everything posted by nli2work

  1. I got couple of the settings wrong in the last post. My guess is your Emissive animation is controlling the Light as well? try setting "useAnimationDim = false"; it maybe the LightModule is fighting your emissive animation for control over the light. or remove any curves that control the light in Unity animation before exporting. alternative is to use ModuleAnimateGeneric, key the light and emissive in one animation. down side is that won't respond to U-key and possibly Action groups.
  2. http://www./download/gzrltot812ealfp/KaJetsRepack.zip Here's a repack of the 3 Jet engines, should save about 10 megs of texture. and audio for Prop Fan should work now. Adjusted the Velocity curves, Max thrust, mass, and ISP some to make them closer to Squad engines. General feel should still be the same, Much-Louder-Faster-LessEfficient. added initial Tech Tree placement at same node as stock basic jet engine, and initial entry/part costs. Prop-Fan - most efficient, lowest thrust, optimum speed of 325m/s Turbofan Radial - middle ground efficiency, thrust, optimum speed 800m/s Inline Turbofan - least efficient, highest thrust, optimum speed 1000m/s
  3. add a light in Unity and put it in the appropriate place in your part hierarchy. then add this module to the part MODULE { name = ModuleLight lightName = spotlight //name of the light you added in Unity useAnimationDim = true //use BrightenSpeed and DimSpeed settings. lightBrightenSpeed = 2.5 lightDimSpeed = 2.5 resourceAmount = 0.04 //amount of EC consumed per second animationName = LightAnimation //Emissive animation useResources = true // set to false of you don't want light to consume EC } that should make the light function like stock lights. and respond to U-key
  4. those wheels are great tool. The main thing is once you've sort out the values, lights and darks, you can make almost any color combination work after that.
  5. yeah, same here. That's an odd one. Never seen that before. Will look into the engines tomorrow. Need some sleep now.
  6. @ Shad0wCatcher: I was using FS 6.3.4 when setting up the engines. that maybe why? not sure where I can get the dev v7 to test. The Turbofan and Prop Fan engines thrustTransform is just past the exhaust port in the rear of the engine, along the fan axel, so you wanna keep that area clear of other parts Prop engine audio, yes, FSengineSounds needs the full URL to the audio clip name = FSengineSounds engage = UmbraSpaceIndustries/Karbonite/Parts/propFan/KaPropFan_Start disengage = UmbraSpaceIndustries/Karbonite/Parts/propFan/KaPropFan_Stop flameout = UmbraSpaceIndustries/Karbonite/Parts/propFan/KaPropFan_Stop power = UmbraSpaceIndustries/Karbonite/Parts/propFan/KaPropFan_Running
  7. hm. Well damn, that's real tough. Few general guides might help. You know the numers work so with that you can be certain other people will see the color close to what you intended. It'd just be a matter of figuring out the right number combinations. keep colors toward the middle. Instead of 255,0,0 red; go with 180,0,0; or 180,5,5 red. complimentry colors is generally good... combinations like Yellow/Blue; Orange/Violet; are generally good. Neighboring color combinations are good too... Yellow/Orange/Red. Or a mix of the two... Blue/Violet/Orange. The thing with mixing different colors is you want them to be separated by value, their lightness. If you lay down complimentry colors with similar values close to each other they play tricks on the eye and looks unpleasant. colors are divided by values from lightest to darkest: Yellow-Orange-Red/Green-Blue-Violet. That's why you don't tend to see Red/Green combinations because their values are close together. Working in "3s" will keep things simple and effective. 3 values, Dark, Medium and Light; 3 colors in your color scheme; 2/3rds one value/color; 1/3rd a combination of the other two, which can also be divided into 3rds again.
  8. honestly I have no clue. You have to dig pretty deep to get to it. The module system doesn't seem to deal with anything having to do with the Kerbals. The easiest is probably to have them animate on command, like emotes in other games; but given their limited animation set that's not all that useful.
  9. Yeah. just need to take a break from looking at RPM page definitions and figuring out what switches and buttons I need to make. Don't worry. I'll do a proper AO one of these days just for you.
  10. LOL. sure tangent call it what you will. Biggest reason is texture sharing. I have 7.5 engines sharing the same texture. have to compromise on the AO.
  11. Most of this stuff will be flat looking because I don't want to spend weeks creating a proper highpoly mesh just to bake AO and Normal map. Not making a PS4 game here. just some stuff for fun. That and there's alot of texture sharing, if I laid it on 100% the AO would only look right on 1 and the rest would be off.
  12. you mean the textures? I do. I don't lay it on 100% in PS though.
  13. which colors are you blind to? Red/Green? Blue/Green? all colors? you can also type the RGB values. R+G = yellow; G+B = teal; B+G = violet. Red = 255,0,0 Blue = 0,255,0 Green = 0,0,255 Yellow = 255,255,0 Teal = 0,255,255 Violet = 255,0,255 adjust the numbers equally will adjust the value/brightness Black = 0,0,0 White = 255,255,255 Gray = 127,127,127 But as Cap. Kip said, 90% of colors in KSP are gray, white, and black. once you have that, lay down a few block selections and fill in colors using the RGB numbers.
  14. So so sweet! As far as unwrapping, I tend to unwrap as go before doors and radiator fins are duplicated/mirrored. saves UV space and time later.
  15. search for Antonov AN-70 or Tupolev on youtube for some real applications of the design. You'll see where I borrowed the sound from too.
  16. you can build a prop for it if you have the RPM mod.
  17. far as I know those Kerbal assets are not accessible by Mods. You'd have to recreate the Kerbals and animations. The best you maybe able to get is call the animations that are built into the game, assuming your Kerbal has the same skeleton as the one in game. But without access to the original that's almost impossible.
  18. Making progress. Biggest hurdle is setting up the new RPM monitor, which will be placed in all 3 pods. I might have a video of testing this weekend.
  19. When KSPI main gets updated to 24.2 you'll have it again. for now you have to use the experimental version.
  20. It would be a nice addition. I was looking at that F119 while figuring out what air engines I might model. Opted for a rolls-royce instead. My stack turbofan is pretty archaic looking. Another stack mount engine would be cool. You can always release it on you own in addition to it being part of Ka part pack. Ka's license doesn't restrict any of that.
  21. yeah there's a turbofan, check the imgur album in 1st Post. Another, larger, one wouldn't hurt!
  22. RPM does get tested in 32bit. I do it by using the plugin to build IVAs. Any issues I contact Mihara and it gets resolved quickly. Whatever he's running on x64 runs just fine on x86. If you have an actual problem post it and it'll get resolved.
  23. Very nice! huge improvement. You can do a little more very quickly with the textures. Look at the screen shot you posted and compare the tank's texture just below. The pearly effects in the white and red areas should be much less pronounced, barely visible at all. The wide bands on the top and bottom should be darker. The discolored metallic effect is very nice, but again, more subtle. And for similar triangle counts, you can put less divisions on the yellow rings, average Squad cylinder is 24 divisions from what I hear. You are probably pushing 30 to 40. Use more detail in the "Start" or "Emergency Stop" button... like an actual button instead of texture, a protective lid/cap, hinges on the cap. etc.
  24. I tested it last night, only to find out I've forgotten how to build a rocket! Couldn't even get a mining rig into orbit, much less to the Mun. But from what I did get to test... Detection seems to work, just like KSPI's UF4 and Th4... Extraction and Convertion both seem to work just fine. they seem to consume very little EC, I was able to run extractor and converter outputting LF/OX and Mono all with just 4 RTGs.
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