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Everything posted by nli2work

  1. you only want the Animation component. Animator is new component in Unity 4 and is not supported by KSP. I'm using 4.2.2 so I'm not familiar with the workflow after editing the animation clip manually. But I'm guessing once you've edited the animation file changing it to legacy mode, remove the Animator Component, make sure the Rig in the import object is set to Legacy. add Animation component if not already there, and assign the animation clip. should see it play now when you scrub the timeline in Animation window. Add emissive animation keys export.
  2. for game-art techniques you wanna check Polycount.org, Gameartisans.org, or cgtalk for texturing tutorials. Texturing is a long process, not well suited to videos. here're couple to start with http://forums.cgsociety.org/showthread.php?t=373024
  3. lots of layers, photosourcing. and lots of time spent analyzing light and how different surfaces reflect. and lots of manual adjusting the textures, and the UVs. Paint.net? MS Paint? That won't cut it I'm afraid.
  4. click on the small down arrow with 3 bars button, next to the lock icon and above the cog icon. change to "Normal" instead of "Debug" mode, you should get a drop down for serialization mode. if not, try serialization mode 2
  5. cool. I meant in whatever form when used directly as engine fuel. these two engines will be good diversion while wrangling RPM monitor settings.
  6. probably been covered already... what is the natural state of Karbonite? Gas? Liquid? Solid? some combination?
  7. what layer should internal Props be set to? Internal Space? Aaahh... what a noob mistake. LOL yeah wrong layer it was Thanks!
  8. JSITransparentPod is the one you want for see through pods. it's part of RasterPropMonitor plugin.
  9. A bit of vert pushing before bed time. 1.25m, lower profile. I'll probably go with skeletal fairing on this one and the 2.5m
  10. so this is a simple prop PROP { name = HoloMFD } however in IVA view, the prop loads in wrong location, and doesn't follow the IVA... I'm not getting any errors in the logs or output_logs. I've tried adding MODULE { name = internalGeneric } and it makes no difference I'm pretty stumpped
  11. make sure the Airlock only intersects 1 collider mesh in your model, also try capsule collider as it has smaller footprint compared to box collider.
  12. you got a good start on the air scoop, don't drop it yet. . You want to add some small chamfer on the leading edges of the intake and the vanes to give them a little more beef. also adjust the smoothing to help define the "planes" in your design. triangle count is not a huge concern in KSP and you can certainly put some more on the intake. You are probably in the low-hundreds right now. take it up to 1k and see how much more you can do. Consider it's purpose, aerodynamic efficiency is not as much a priority as "eating up" as much atmosphere as possible, so the intake can stand to be much larger. With that you can design a larger body, and that gives you space to add more visual elements. Things like vents, hoses, grills are all good options for this. look at the vents on Nertea's parts; or the cooling vanes on my engine; for example.
  13. It still needs a bit of work. need to set up proper UVs and finish up the texture, and collision mesh too. Will send you the package once I get it completed!
  14. Whipped up 2.5m engine taking some ques from Nertea's tank and converters, keeping to the same color scheme. more of a workhorse engine, low efficiency and packs a decent punch. will create two sets of FX for Karbonite and LFOX modes.
  15. Noted. time to dig up the rapier engine config file again.
  16. check out JSITransparentPod module. it's exactly what you need. Since you plan to add RPM in it, you'll already have the plugin loaded.
  17. triangle count is not as big a problem as you expect. Some one on the forums had a 900k+ part in KSP without any appreciable frame rate drop. I had a 250k+ character running on a 2 year old Android phone without frame rate issues. Stay under 5k triangles is good for most parts; pods and IVAs 10k is no problem. Textures are more memory and drawcall intensive, share as much as possible with the MODEL{} nodes. First and Biggest cause of slow-down are the physics calculations. There's nothing you can do for that with mesh and textures. Next are collision meshes, use as few as possible, and use Unity's primitive colliders whenever possible. Large textures can cause memory spikes that may crash the game in 32bit. I use max as well, I set system unit to 1 meter; display to generic units. set my viewport near clip to as low as possible. That's enough for anything in KSP unless you are making parts that are in the centimeter to millimeter range, shouldn't be a need for that at all. But in worst case, scale it up, do all the modeling work, reset it back to 100% scale before export. Make sure the import scale factor in Unity is set to 1 from default. that will eliminate a layer of unnecessary complication. To simplify things for myself I always model 1:1, 1.25m in Max is 1.25m in KSP, etc; and force the rescaleFactor to 1 in the part config file. Normal maps follow standard procedure. in max you set up a projection modifier on the game-mesh and point it to the high res mesh. from there you can bake out the Normal, AO, and Diffuse maps with Render to Texture dialogue. KSP has shaders that will take advantage of Normal, Diffuse+Alpha. Alpha controls Specular value or Transparency depending on the shader. Emissive shader will read RGB values from a texture for self-illumination value and color.
  18. ok I see you're using Bahamuto's animation plugin... maybe this is why? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/71247-WIP-Plugin-Animation-Modules-alpha-v0-3?p=1220241&viewfull=1#post1220241
  19. hard to say without looking at the logs. first place I'd check is to make sure the module is calling the correct animation in your MU file. check KSP_Data/output_log.txt and do a search for the part that fails to load, usually you'll see some error message that gives you a clue where to look.
  20. still ironing out pipelines; refining design; occasional mishaps can't be avoided.
  21. Looks great Nertea! I got in mind a few low profile Karbonite fueled rocket engines in mind. gives me a chance to play with SmokeScreen particles. I'll wait for your parts to develope a bit more and follow the style in mine.
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