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Everything posted by nli2work

  1. default CoM for a part is the 0,0,0 of the mesh. You can try using CoM Offset in config to put it where it should be.
  2. no appreciable difference performance wise. KSP shaders have few extras for Opacity and Rim Color/Falloff. Rim Color/Falloff allows for a kind of cartoony look on objects. But seems that look has been abandoned by Squad. If it loads in game, probably fine.
  3. TextureReplacer allows customization for Heads and Suits. and a few other things as well.
  4. Got the air breather engines knocked out today, a stack nozzle and a radial on a pylon ala B9... still working out some issues setting them up KSP. I'll send them along in a day or two, when I get the gimbal and firespitter props working.. or when I give up them.
  5. it's part of stock most likely, I had it yesterday. I only have RPM; Joint Reinforcement; and FAR installed
  6. Ah, so you can get multiple airlocks on a single part! I tried that before and never got it to work and settled for single airlock per pod. good to know.
  7. I tried, but 1.5km long space banana didn't work too well. You'll have to settle for a smaller one in the future.
  8. Looks like a good project. I hate to be a downer, but you're probably limited to something no bigger than a few hundred meters for largest ship... about a small frigate from SW I'd guess. I tried a 1.5km ship, controls don't work, can barely zoom out enough to see the entire ship. Maybe this can be changed with some plugin magic, I dunno. look forward to seeing how this developes.
  9. spent a day wondering why globalButtons weren't working on MFD... tried different collider names, button names, different exports. now I saw I had commented out the globalButtons line. LOL
  10. for stock-alike look I'm pretty sure they are recreated, not pulled from Squad's models.
  11. I dunno... I've made 3 pods so far, and they don't follow a pattern at all that I could see. except maybe the collider name... Airlock placement is all voodoo as far as I'm concerned 1 has airlock above CoM of the pod; 1 below; and 1 at the same level. and they work just fine. The 1st pod gave me the most trouble, I got it to work eventually and it's actually clipping through 3 other colliders... so I was wrong about only clipping 1 collider. there is probably some truth to it having to do with the pod's size. The 3.75m pod was the 1st and it took days of trial and error to find a working location of the airlock. The other pods are 2.5m and 0.625m and neither gave me any problems at all. worked on the first try.
  12. I'm starting to think maybe Kerbals are related to Orks.
  13. BWHAHAHA, MOAR POWAH! Look at that G-meter go! if that's just from 1.25m... the 2.5m gonna be a monster
  14. Ah.. I see. interesting. the issue is not really generating EC, but consuming it. If the vessle has 0 EC capacity, then no amount of generation from engines will do any good.
  15. just tested it with squad's LV-T30 engine, one with EC resource, another without. Engine without EC resources will still generate electricity for the vessel and recharge batteries. All that's necessary is the Alternator module.
  16. nice! will try it out when I take a break from RPM.
  17. could do something like this http://i.imgur.com/7dQmVqd.jpg vary the width of decor strips, light main color to dark accents
  18. in the part config file, if there's a line "rescaleFactor = 1" remove it. or resize your mesh in Blender to 1.25m in diameter. explained in detail http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/87477-Modding-Where-do-I-start?p=1293395&viewfull=1#post1293395
  19. You can push the alpha past 1 for ultra glow. I animate the RGB as well so lower heating it's more red, and higher heating it's more yellow/white. just have to experiment and see what you get. alot of different factors working in combination.
  20. very nice! Something that wasn't explicitly stated in the original tutorial. the Emissive map can be full RGB instead of grayscale. The RBG values are added to your _MainTex, along with the Emissive color in the KSP shader. That gives you flexibility to have different parts glow different colors
  21. Lookin sharp! Those ribs on the expanded panels could extend further sideways to increase the intake too.
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