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Everything posted by Cepheus

  1. If you want, I can send you the most up-to-date version of the CSS shuttle. It\'s got new engine models, and a cargo bay.
  2. You sir, have my applause. Show me the SATURN V!
  3. Is that heat shield ablative? I\'d love to see it get all pitted and destroyed.
  4. Do you know how many Space Shuttle flights got delayed? A lot of them.
  5. First to land a Space Shuttle on Minmus? I don\'t know, I just wanted to be part of the fun.
  6. Doesn\'t it have full engine-out capability? I remember reading something very specific about this.
  7. Good news, with the updated mechjeb (and some tinkering of my own) the shuttle is now operational again, though it no longer has cargo doors. Actually, no. It\'s not just operational, it flies like a dream. Here\'s something to tide you over. I\'m considering including some placeholder landing gear in the next release. Chariots, Cepheus.
  8. Who\'s staying up for the SpaceX launch?
  9. It doesn\'t seem that any mod is working properly, now.
  10. Also, v0.15 broke the shuttle. Thought you should know.
  11. Won\'t you look at that. Thanks, Harv.
  12. You can use the 'time launch to rendezvous' option. Select the craft you want to meet up with, and engage the ascent autopilot. It\'ll take things from there.
  13. I must say, I think the best way to handle the inclusion of the new OMS system would be with the MuMechVariableEngine, MuMechVariableRCS, and MuMechVariableTank. This way, I don\'t have to worry about wierd fuel transfer, and I can also disable the engines. I\'ve already tested the idea with the SSMEs, and it works exactly the way I want it to.
  14. YES. It\'ll be neat when we can build the thing in orbit, then send it off.
  15. No matter. People still frown upon necoposting threads.
  16. I\'m not completely sure what you did. Just switch out the command pod? Good that you\'ve gotten into the game, and keep at it.
  17. Good news is that the engines won\'t gimbal nearly as much in the next version. We\'re also looking at an RCS system and OMS pods.
  18. I construct a faux hill on a hollywood set, and send everybody footage of me controlling it. Chaos ensues. I enjoy the view from my rebuilt German cottage.
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