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Everything posted by Cepheus

  1. Here\'s a comparison for you folks. Which do you like best? Personally, I really like the detail and color on Ben\'s (the one with red), but I like how Epsigma\'s is pretty close to real scale. Hmm, now that I think about it, if Ben\'s was shorter, and a little more \'plump\' (for lack of a better word) it would be perfect. I\'ll put more angles up soon. Also, hat tip to CBBP for the reference photos. And here\'s the second set. Order is the same as last time: real, Eps\'s, then Ben\'s. Note: the image of ben\'s engines shows the gimbal: and how I would prefer it to stay.
  2. Looks pretty neat. Does it work with solids, or only with liquid tanks?
  3. Hey folks. As you may know, 0.15 is going to bring lots of new stuff for spaceplanes. Since this IS a space shuttle, after all, the update\'s going to wait until after I can get a good amount of testing in. Regard. Cepheus. That\'s about it for now. We should be starting experimentals soon now I think, but I think it\'s far too early to be talking about release dates. It all depends on how well experimentals go, and there\'s no way to predict that. Cheers
  4. Check over at kspyard. They\'ve got the Apollo spacecraft to go with it. Google it, if you\'re not familiar.
  5. Two from inside the payload bay. God, this thing is pretty. Also, for the sake of realism, the real shuttle\'s doors open one at a time. Don\'t think that\'s possible with sarkun\'s plugin, but hey, a guy can hope.
  6. Oh, you\'re back Flixx? Good show!
  7. Looking pretty spiffy. Needs to be balanced, but hell, this thing looks pretty good.
  8. Looks good, Epsigma. One thought, Do you think it\'s possible for them to start with a nonzero gimbal? Here\'s what I mean. If you look closely at the exhaust from the main engines, you can see that they\'re thrusting the shuttle toward the tank / booster assembly. Also, I have considered the aunch platform (imagine if it had the caterpillar wheels too).
  9. Please, don\'t necro.
  10. Alright, I\'ve got one last update for the weekend. I\'ve done some rebalancing on th shuttle, mostly with weights and drag values. I did, however, run into some unexpected difficulties, mostly with thrust. Hmm. It seems that I\'ve balanced the mass and drag values of the shuttle, but not the rest of the stack. That may be the problem here. Secondary update here: I\'ve finally managed to loft the damn thing into orbit (far harder than it needs to be for release). I\'m happy to say that the shuttle has a good amount of stability after leaving the atmosphere (again, I blame my wonky drag values.) The Shuttle also has a significantly improved glide ratio during supersonic (above 340 m/s) and during subsonic (under 340 m/s) flight, and is extremely stable. However, the aircraft has a tendency to pitch down during sonic flight. I\'d suggest just not trying to fly at that speed. It\'s a bad idea. Tertiary update. It seems that .15 is going to bring some new mechanics with it, courtesy of C7. I\'ll see what I can implement.
  11. I am talking about ratios: 1/1000th of real output, and mass. I think I\'ll play with it some more, and instead of having a ratio between ingame weight, and real weight, I\'ll have realistic ratios ingame (I\'ll explain this confusing jibberish later, if I see if it works)
  12. Bumpdate here. I\'m working on a rebalance here, and trying to bring weights and thrusts to about that of the real life shuttle. Unsurprisingly, it ISN\'T working, and I don\'t now why. It likes to tip over, and all the linkages seem to be made of string cheese. It\'s been three hours, and I\'m considering not even rebalancing it now.
  13. There\'s always the over-sensitive folks, you know.
  14. Small-ish update here. I\'ve done some testing with a functional ET, and it does work very well. Now, I\'ve just got to figure out how to decouple the damn thing. I\'d like to have some sort of invisible decoupler 'node.' I\'m considering using C7\'s old 'Hard Points' kit, (which I\'ve never used before.) I haven\'t encountered a problem like this before. What does it say in the debug window (or whatever it is that the window is called.)
  15. You want to sned ksp to space? Isn\'t that what we already do?
  16. Woah. Man, this is utterly amazing. Can\'t wait for that mac version.
  17. The Space We Live In Nothing makes you feel more insignificant than seeing renderings of the universe, eh? Enjoy folks. Watch it in full screen.
  18. The general idea is that the version in the thread is the most recent version. It doesn\'t matter what the version number is, or when it was released. If you\'re so concerned about the date, check at the bottom of the first post. It\'ll say something along the lines of '« Last Edit: April 06, 2012, 06:09:58 PM by Cepheus »' That will tell you the exact date and time of the last edit. Most people only edit the first post to update with a new version.
  19. Not at all! It\'s actually pretty easy to control. Turn on precise controls, and you\'re good to go. Alternatively, you can modify the .cfg file of the engine mount, and turn it into an ASAS unit. I\'ve already had a couple words with him about this, and he\'ll let me do just that. However, this will require modeling skills, which I don\'t have, so that addition will take some time.
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