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Angelo Kerman

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Everything posted by Angelo Kerman

  1. BARIS 1.2.5 is now available: Test Bench - Test Bench now calculates the simulation costs based upon breakable parts, not all the parts in the vessel. - Test Bench lists both initial and integrated Reliability, both before and after purchasing a Reliability upgrade. - Test Bench lets you add 1, 5, and 10 points of Reliability at a time, with appropriate cost increases. - For KCT users, the VAB/SPH BARIS button will show what the vessel's reliability will be after construction. Escape Pods - Removed escape pod flag from ModuleQualityControl; it was causing confusion. Part Failures - Messages are now displayed in the correct sequence during a staging event's critical failure. - Added new Settings option to give parts the option to explode during failures. It is off by default. They can explode during failed staging events and during post-launch critical failures when the part has run out of MTBF. - Added new Settings option to control how likely a part will explode during staging events. - Added new Settings option to control how likely a part will explode during a post-launch activity when the part critically fails and is out of MTBF. - Critical failures are less likely to happen during post-launch activities. - Revised engine failure modes: shutdown (75% chance unless engine can't shut down, in which case it explodes); stuck on (20% chance unless engine can't shut down, in which case it explodes); explode (5% chance). - Increased the maximum number of seconds in which to make a staging check. - Fixed persistence issues with broken parts. - Crew will no longer try to escape an unkermanned vessel. Event Cards - The available event cards now depend upon the current game mode.
  2. New Test Bench window with reliability calculations and option to add 1, 5, or 10 points of reliability to all parts in the vessel. Smaller screen is for KCT, and shows what the reliability will be after KCT finishes vessel construction.
  3. Had to do some UV mapping work to get all the tanks to line up, and redid the Duna-18 and Duna-36 tanks. But with that done, I've started in on the Duna-72 (FLM-7200). From left to right: older model FLM-7200, newer 3D model, stock FL-7200.
  4. BARIS doesn't touch kerbnet, but it will affect transmitters if they break. Wasn't planning on it, I'm keeping the types of parts that break limited to prevent the game from slowing down.
  5. Well that's interesting, I know I fixed that before. I think when I transferred the project between computers, something got lost in the process. I should be able to fix that fairly quickly. Yeah, I have to update the price calculations to reflect just the breakable parts, not the whole vessel. Check the Wiki for detailed descriptions on how Quality works.
  6. Fixed. Also, out with the old, in with the new: The old version of the FLM-3600 (left) compared with the new model (right). I'm currently working on the gray textures that will match the existing D2 parts, but there will also be a white texture variant to match stock Size 3 tanks as well as a newer "Big Orange Tank" texture variant.
  7. Huh. Didn't even know you could do that. I blame SQUAD for that error, maybe I can create a workaround.
  8. Can you elaborate on this, preferably with screenshots? I've always enabled BARIS from the KSC Space Center screen.
  9. MOLE 1.8.7 is now available: - Updated BARIS to the latest version.
  10. BARIS 1.2.0 is now available: - Fixed issues with event card tips repeatedly showing up. - Tool tip cards won't show up if BARIS is disabled. - Parts on new vessels will receive default flight experience points when launches can't fail. - Parts created in the field will receive default flight experience if none existed before. This will help with incorporating BARIS into existing games. - Improvements to flight experience will now affect vessels currently undergoing vehicle integration. - Fixed issue with flight experience not being added to parts after vehicle integration was completed. - New VAB/SPH button: Test Bench - If you assemble a collection of parts in the VAB/SPH, you can spend Science in Science Sandbox and Career games and/or Funds in Career games to simulate launch conditions and gain flight experience. That flight experience will improve your vessel Reliability ratings on future craft. You can adjust the per-part Funds cost in the Difficulties screen; Science cost is based on how many flights it takes to gain a flight experience bonus point. - Vehicle integration rush jobs are now only available in Career games.
  11. Great chapter! It's definitely getting twisted! Though I think that plant girl ate too many beans..
  12. Test Bench is available even with KCT disabled. I don't have a Patreon link but I accept Amazon gift cards if you're so inclined. PM me if you're interested- and thanks!
  13. Next time that happens, can you post your logs? That's a really weird one.
  14. Not sure where you're getting the 35 quality from, but if I take one of my reference designs and add flight experience to it, then start a new vessel integration, then I see the vessel reliability increase. It won't increase for a vessel currently undergoing vehicle integration; that's a feature that will be added in a future release. Normally, when you gain flight experience through staging events, it will only affect future vessels. Flight experience is per part, not per vessel. The exception is the in-flight debug option, which will affect not just future vessels, but the active vessel as well. I'm unconcerned about the debug button clutter- it's there for testing purposes. You already have a way to turn off flight experience features; simply disable the ability for flights to fail during staging events. The event card issue is due to how and when KSP does its saves. I think I can manually tell KSP to save the game; should be addressed in the next update.
  15. Heisenberg 2.8.5 is now available: - BARIS is now an optional download as originally intended- just took awhile for me to figure out how to make that work. DO NOT DELETE the 000ABARISBridgeDoNotDelete FOLDER! That plugin is the bridge between this mod and BARIS.
  16. Aw nuts. That comes from Cormorant Aeronology. Next update I'll use the stock strakes.
  17. Did you get any loading errors? I haven't seen that problem. Does it happen with Buffalo 2.1.3 or 2.2?
  18. DSEV 2.2.5 is now available: - BARIS is now an optional download as originally intended- just took awhile for me to figure out how to make that work. DO NOT DELETE the 000ABARISBridgeDoNotDelete FOLDER! That plugin is the bridge between this mod and BARIS. - Fixed some issues with Cryo Engines support. - D2 Greenhouse should work properly for TAC-LS and Snacks. - Added KIS storage option to the Size 2 and Size 3 fuel tanks. - Transfered Quad Engine Coupler from MOLE to DSEV; retexturing not done yet. - Added Hyperion T.A.V. to ReferenceDesigns.
  19. MOLE 1.8.5 is now available: - Although BARIS is bundled with MOLE, you now have the option to remove BARIS if desired. Simply delete the 000BARIS folder if you don't want its functionality. DO NOT DELETE the 000ABARISBridgeDoNotDelete FOLDER! That plugin is the bridge between MOLE and BARIS. - Recalibrated templates for Cryo Engines. - Removed deprecated Titan II part.
  20. Pathfinder 1.11.5 is now available: - BARIS is now an optional download as originally intended- just took awhile for me to figure out how to make that work. DO NOT DELETE the 000ABARISBridgeDoNotDelete FOLDER! That plugin is the bridge between this mod and BARIS.
  21. Buffalo 2.2.5 is now available: - BARIS is now an optional download as originally intended- just took awhile for me to figure out how to make that work. DO NOT DELETE the 000ABARISBridgeDoNotDelete FOLDER! That plugin is the bridge between this mod and BARIS.
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