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Angelo Kerman

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Everything posted by Angelo Kerman

  1. The JetWing works best with KIS. It has a built-in decoupler so you can attach it to the side of a vessel, then board it like a command seat. Once boarded, decouple the wing and fly away.
  2. I think this has to do with KIS; there is a known issue where spawned parts will explode. It depends upon where the part is spawned; on the launchpad, for instance, I have no issues. Where did you see this happen?
  3. Happy Birthday Pathfinder! What a difference a year makes! Pathfinder began a year ago on the Add-on Development forum after it became clear that its predecessor, Mulitpurpose Colony Modules (MCM), essentially a re-skinned MKS/OKS, began to outgrow the mod it was founded on. I wanted a direction where kebals could build bases by hauling parts on their backs to a desired location, inflate the module, and fill it with the stuff it would need to fulfill a specific purpose. That vision include a bootstraps nature as well. Pathfinder brought that vision to reality. Many of the original parts transitioned over to Pathfinder, as did the dynamic template system that I created to let players change a part’s functionality both before and after launch. It gained a geology research system that lets you take core samples to improve drilling efficiency, and research projects to improve production efficiency- or to publish for reputation gains, or to sell for funds. It gained the Buffalo Modular Space Exploration Vehicle (MSEV), also available separately, to transport your base components around when you’re ready to pick up and move to another biome. And it adhered to the philosophy that it’s your game, your choice; you have numerous ways to customize Pathfinder to suit your play style instead of being funneled through a particular vision that might or might not work for you. While Pathfinder is nearing its 1.0 release- there are 1-3 more parts to build and I have to finish the IVAs- I’ve been thinking about what to do for Pathfinder’s end-game features. And since the mod’s first year began with a story, it seems only fitting that its second also starts with a story: The Buffalo Construction Rover (BCR) settled onto the ground and wasted no time deploying its long legs. Within a few seconds, it raised itself to its full height. Satisfied with the diagnostics data, Mission Control directed the automated rover to begin building a Tipi habitat module. It needed resources to build with, but a nearby automated Buffalo Resource Rover (BRR) was already busy sifting through the dirt and making konkrete, chemicals, and other essential building materials. The construction rover rotated its printer gantry and began printing up the new home using nothing but local resources. A week later, the BCR completed its task, and a brand new Tipi rested on the surface, built without the help of a single kerbal. This multi-tonne, radiation hardened structure represented the first permanent structure on the surface of Duna. Its red hue reflected the local materials it was built from. Not much bigger than a Ponderosa (it has to fit under the BCR), the Tipi had four standard expansion ports that provided egress and ingress and could accommodate any of the older inflatable multipurpose modules. But attaching them would require kerbals, and none currently resided on the rusty planet. Instead, Mission Control continued with the automated base building by ordering the BCR to make a Pueblo extension for the Tipi. Like the Chuckwagon before it, the Pueblo could hold a variety of different resources. A few days later, the Pueblo was finished and attached to the Tipi, again without kerbal intervention. Mission Control continued with the construction by ordering the BCR to move to an available expansion port and build a Wigwam that will house the base’s industrial elements, a Ramada to park a Buffalo rover, and a Hogan to house the science labs. After that, the BRR would create equipment and store it in the Pueblo for a future crew to outfit their new home with, and a greenhouse variant of the Tipi to plant the seeds of future growth… Unlike the current model, where you have kerbals pull flat-packed modules from an inventory and assemble them, the end-game parts are built on site via 3D printing. The idea is actually being studied by NASA and ESA. Here are some links I found: http://www.space.com/18694-moon-dirt-3d-printing-lunar-base.html http://www.space.com/19602-moon-colony-3d-printing-lunar-dirt.html http://www.space.com/30551-3d-printed-mars-bubble-house.html NASA even had a 3D habitat challenge: http://www.nasa.gov/directorates/spacetech/centennial_challenges/3DPHab/index.html I think it will be a good goal to figure out how to build and attach parts to expansion ports without the need for a kerbal on EVA. I envision that after taking the prerequisite time to build the structure using local resources, the game spawns the part and attaches it to the desired port (or simply on the ground as the root of a new vessel). Fortunately, KIS has many of the tools I need to do just that. It may take awhile, but it'll be a good goal to achieve.
  4. A mentor once told me that the only one true way that exists is the one that works for you and those you interact with. Mods like Pathfinder, UKS, KPBS, and others are no different. It comes down to what your interests are. Pathfinder is aimed at players like me who are semi-casual, who want base building aspects in the game, and who see them as a means to support their exploration efforts but also not get in the way. The mod is built around the premise of "we've just planted boot prints and flags, now what?" This is a question that all the base building mods try to answer, to be honest. For Pathfinder, the idea is that you set up temporary bases via EVA- which means KIS/KAS is a prerequisite- and then outfit the empty modules with equipment. It's also based around the bootstrap and jerry-rig nature of the old west; several parts can be converted after launch to serve different functions. Need a geology lab? As long as you have enough equipment, you can convert that unused habitat into one. Build a generator out of a storage box. Convert a Chuckwagon into a greenhouse. I've built a lot of configurable options into the mod, because my play style might not match yours. For instance, you can opt out of the need to have enough equipment on hand to reconfigure a module, opt out of the need for an engineer, and (for those parts that break), the need for resources to repair the module, and you can even decide whether or not the parts can break. It also has three different play modes: Default, with all the bells and whistles, Simplified, with a simplified production chain for those who want just a bit of complexity and/or are just starting out, and Pristine, which does away with all the converters in favor just having nice looking parts. You can select your play mode at the space center; just decide which one you want to use, and restart the game. Your bases will adjust accordingly. The other options are configurable both at the space center and in flight. You also have science options: core samples give you some science and a chance to improve- or worsen- resource extraction rates in the current biome. The geology lab can unlock the biome and generate science. It also lets you conduct studies that might improve your production rates- or worsen them- for the current biome, based upon gaining a better understanding of the composition of the local resources. And you have an orbiting satellite that gains science by continuously monitoring and cataloging the planet's resources. And once you're done improving drilling and production to your liking, you can continue to do geology studies and either publish your research for reputation, or sell the research for funds. Or you can ignore the geology studies altogether, and stick with the base level efficiencies, and not bother with publishing or selling your research. It's your game, your choice. I can't really speak to the differences between mods, so instead I'll point you to the Pathfinder Wiki so you can see what the mod has and doesn't. The information there is pretty up to date, though it could use a bit of organization to help understand the resource production flow and base design. Hope that helps and as always, have fun.
  5. The Input is NULL error has been around for a long time, since the Multipurpose Colony Modules era. It comes from the game trying to save the ship's configuration data after you add a part. It was caused by fields in a custom PartModule that I created that were initialized to null (meaning, they had no text in them). It wasn't until KSP 1.1 finally started showing me more debug information that I could ferret out what was causing the issues and fix them.
  6. Yes. It has to do with the fix I tried to make to stop wheels from getting blocked. I fixed that in the current release. I hope.
  7. Ok, 0.9.24 is officially released! - Fixed an issue where the Buffalo crew module was not loading properly and messing up the KIS seat inventories as a result. - Fixed NREs and Input is NULL errors. - Fixed an issue where the Buffalo Adapter was not showing up in flight. - Fixed an attachment node height issue with the M1-A1. - Increased ElectricCharge storage in Buffalo parts to account for new KSP 1.1 wheel power requirements. - Added support to the Buffalo for Kerbalism. - Made some minor updates to the Buffalo Crew Module IVA. - Fixed an issue in the Saddleback 2 where it would be spawned partly below ground when pulled from a KIS inventory.
  8. Ok, found it! Here is 0.2.15: - Fixed an issue where the crew module was not loading properly and messing up the KIS seat inventories as a result.
  9. So, does this mean Kenlie is becoming Dr. Strange? Pretty cool to see the great disturbance in the persistence. I suspect that it might happen again when 1.2 comes out..
  10. Can you post your logs with the issue reproduced? Like, zip them up and post them somewhere? Only thing I can think of is that there is an error of some sort going on that I'm not seeing.
  11. Aha! Nobody expects the Kerman Inquisition!
  12. Well, you got me then, I don't know why you're having that problem. Works just fine for me. I have KIS, KAS, my constellation of mods, nothing else, and it works just fine. No issues whatsoever.
  13. Ok, now give WBT 1.2.3 a try. Like I said, I see none of the problems that you are. And from what I gather, neither are other people or they'd be on the forums talking about it..
  14. Ok, without WBT installed and just Buffalo etc, go to your GameData folder and delete any "ModuleManager" files you find except the .dll file. Then see if that helps.
  15. It has something to do with how the game saves the craft. It isn't fatal though, you can safely ignore it. Definitely not seeing that issue. Have you tried 0.9.23? Edit: I found where the Input is null error is coming from and fixed that. Still isn't fatal though.
  16. Not sure where the issue is. You could try temporarily removing WildBlueTools and see if you still have a problem. Obviously other things won't work, just trying to see if WBT is causing issues with the seat inventory. It sounds like a KIS problem. Also, delete your ModuleManager Cache.
  17. I don't see that problem on my install. Make sure you've got WildBlueTools 1.2.2 installed though.
  18. Hm, ok, I'm using the exact same versions. If you only have KIS, KAS, and Buffalo installed, do you still see the problem?
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