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Angelo Kerman

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Everything posted by Angelo Kerman

  1. Interesting! I didn't know that. Is it from the Space Center? In my game when I click on the USI-LS button from the space center, the window is blank; no controls appear. I really don't know much about the mod, so I don't know if that is normal. It does sound like a similar concept though. Too bad you can't add a reputation hit to the list of options. That would be a nice addition for Snacks users. That and the ability to specify what resource constitutes supplies. I'd say the Snacks equivalent would be what I described, assuming of course that is a direction the mod should go in The original author hinted at starvation consequences in the OP but never got to it. Anyway, like I said, Snacks is low priority for me right now since I have a lot on my plate. I encourage another modder with more free time to give the mod a permanent home. I do want to avoid the issues I ran into with the CactEye where an entitled forum user wanted a timetable for updates to the mod. I currently keep Snacks up to date because I don't want it to die but would like to see someone pick up the torch.
  2. Precisely. I'm starting to gain more appreciation for USI-LS but one option I don't like (which I think you can turn off, but not sure) is that kerbals become tourists when starved. To me that becomes an issue when you uninstall the mod, and possibly in other situations as well. So rather thando that, my thought is to instead have other effects that re 100% controllable in game. I envision something like this: You open the settings window at the space center and are presented a list of things that can happen when a kerbal is starved. Each one is an option that you can turn on or off. One item from the list is chosen at random for each kerbal that is starved. The list could include items like: A kerbal dies (a servant of the many-faced-god does not ask why. ) The ship loses a random science report A random part that stores resources loses 2% of one of its resources A randomly selected radially attached part explodes (a servant of the many-faced-god does not ask why. ) A randomly selected engine ignites for one second. Etc. More severe options could have a percentage chance of occurring. So if a severe option is selected but you roll low enough then nothing happens. A smartly designed system will have an interface so that other modules can be added in the future to handle custom effects. The basic idea is that starved kerbals do dumb things.
  3. Heresy! A bug on you (and everybody because I haven't fixed the bugs yet...). No worries, all I need to do is figure out the densities of Uranite and Uranium and poke around until I get some conversion numbers that make sense. And besides, DSEV will eventually get an NTR that requires Uranium.
  4. Don't know why this one keeps coming up, I'll take a look for the next update. Thanks for the report. Not a bad idea. I'll look into that, thanks for the suggestion. :)
  5. Not AWOL as modding is a volunteer effort, but yes the original author appears to have retired. In his stead, I've updated the mod to 1.1.2. You can find the latest version here. I'm keeping the mod up to date for now, though if someone else wants to run with it, then by all means. I plan to keep to the original vision and not add parts in the core mod. I'm also looking at optional consequences of not feeding the crew, such as randomly dumping a science report, a portion of resources, crew dying, etc. Basically, stuff that won't irrevocably turn them into a tourist so that if you uninstall the mod, you can still control your ship. That is all low priority for me, hence keeping the mod light, and noting that if another modder feels called to maintain Snacks, then by all means.
  6. Wow! Looks great! How are you attaching the Pathfinder parts to KPBS? Any issues? Squad help me, now that I slogged through the latest MOLE release, I'll be focusing on getting the Doc IVA done next, and doing some experimental programming towards that story I wrote.
  7. How did you get that screenshot? Is there a mod that shows the colliders?
  8. Nice to see engineers getting to do engineering:)
  9. Does RemoteTech have an API that will let me transmit data back to KSC and tell me when it is done, or errors out? It doesn't look like the RTAntenna part module has methods to initiate transmission.
  10. More mundane, like a cargo chute, SAS unit, and custom docking port. Not sure when these will be available, I have a mountain of other parts to create first.
  11. Yup! You can easily swap out WBIResourceSwitcher for WBIConvertibleStorage without issues (other than losing the current contents when you switch over the module). I'll officially update that in the next release.
  12. @Pak This is a novel approach to adding a flat bottom to the Mk3 parts, well done! One suggestion for somewhere down the road is to just have the flat bottom slab without the Mk3-shaped back piece, done in the three cargobay lengths (2.5, 5, and 10m). A similar piece could be made for the Mk3 cockpit. That would give players more options for building their shuttles.
  13. Thanks! It was a fun challenge to create something that was conceptually similar to the NASA MMSEV, but also looked like it belonged in the same family as the vehicles around the KSC. I have more stuff planned but they're accessories so it'll be awhile. Definitely not finished with the Buffalo.
  14. One ladt question: how do I know what env_radiation is? Is there a max amount somewhere? Thanks again!
  15. Will it be necessary to modify the existing radiation rule, or can I have an additional radiation rule to consume (in my case) PlasmaShielding?
  16. Outstanding! That means I can make a mini-magnetospheric plasma shield for Pathfinder's inflatable base modules. Shielding is too heavy to lug around to fit in with Pathfinder's mobility theme, but a MMPS could generate PlasmaShielding (a hidden resource) by consuming ElectricCharge and a small amount of Oxygen to generate the plasma. Thanks for pointing out the rule-based config and for all your hard work. Pathfinder will be getting Kerbalism support next release (Buffalo and MOLE already have it).
  17. Is Shielding the only resource that can stop radiation? Or can you specify multiple resources, any one of which would qualify as radiation shielding?
  18. Ah, that explains it. Pathfinder supports USI-LS but not MKS; it would be too much work for me to support both my own mod and MKS- it has a lot of bells and whistles from what I remember. But you could easily add living space to your game by editing the MM_USILS.cfg file to add that MKSModule in, or use the file as a basis to create your own patch for MKS. I'm sure there are other modules that you'd need.
  19. They've lost radio contact! As is only right and proper.
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