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Everything posted by juvilado

  1. When i first learnt to dock i followed the instructions of a tutorial, thats is more or less (after a rendez-vous): [0.- Reduce engines power output (right click at engines: change output)] 1.- Navball switch to target, aim retrograde until relative speed is almost 0. 2.- Aim to target (not too powerful) 3.- When very near the other vessel, control from docking port, set target docking port as target, then repeat 1 and 2 very carefully. I switch vessels to correct the alignement of the docking ports. There is also a mod called "Docking port alignement" but i don't take the point to understand how to take advantage of it. It helps in the orientation process. And i never used RCS in the tutorial, so i got used to dock without RCSs
  2. Hi, am i the only who never uses RCS?
  3. Hi, i think this would be an invaluable tool for all of us, if we could see real time inflight CoM and CoL, is it possible?
  4. Thanks, You have been of great help! With your advices, I refined the spaceplane and managed to orbit LKO with 2K dV left, so thats a great improvement over previous designs. Now let's aim for a bigger bird...
  5. Correct me if im wrong, but won't i need as much air as i can to feed the jets? If not, they won't hav enough power, so the plane won't catch enough speed? Thanks
  6. Wow, that concept is just fantastic! I might be a little exagerated... I just made a SSTO spaceplane able to land on minmus and back in one piece, but i find really difficult to optimize a vessel to do the same for Duna without refuelling...
  7. Hi, just suggest to add a new type of vessel when you rename it: A Spaceplane, for SSTO and so...
  8. Hi, i've been playing KSP longtime, before 1.0, and surfing the forum sometimes i see here and there people talking about his SSTOs that can land Duna and return, for instance. I find quite challenging making a SSTO spaceplane that can orbit and land without spinning, once in a forgotten savegame i managed to create one able to land on minmus (or was just orbit?) and back, but never dreamed about interplanetary travel with a SSTO, i looks like magic to me. So, what advices and tips can you give me an us to achieve that high objective? thanks
  9. Woa! its quite expensive, but for once i can consider buying an expensive lego product...
  10. Hi, i installed Interestellar mod, ii noticed several changes in the game, some of them i liked, some of them i didnt: Liked: In the VAB the parts were differently sorted, more practical and easy to find and search Disliked: ISRU now can mine for many many different resources (water, allumina, etc..) All the parts in the VAB now have a "+" in the corner. I deleted the folder in the gamedata to uninstall the mod but the abundance of elements prevail as well as the "+", while the parts sorting has dissapeared. QUESTION: How can i maintain the part sorting while i erase the elemnts and the "+"? Thanks
  11. Hi, there are certainly some possibilities with this kind of runways, for helping some "resilient" spaceplanes to leave ground, as well as there have been several concepts that use this kind of runway. http://www.pmview.com/spaceodysseytwo/spacelvs/sld011.htm I suggest aside the stock runway (or wherever), a (or several) custom angled runway may be constructed, may be electrified or not (magnetic takeoff possible)...
  12. Hi, i was wondering if the game could allow an hypotethical ring assembled with structural pylons or something like that, that completely surounded a celestial body...
  13. I made "this-strange-thing" to gather science for the MPL Flies quite well...
  14. I feel like cheating when i use ISRU and was wondering... Are Drills and Conver-o-trons minimally based on actual realistic designs or prototypes?
  15. MJ for Minmus? Really? Mun and Minmus are easy to reach even by eyeball! Just make a man node at kerbin orbit with prograde until you reach Minmus orbit. And play with the timing of the node to make the maneouver cope with minmus SOI
  16. There so much to do... Sometimes i listen to a space documentary and then the ideas flow. Sometimes it is just making a new SSTO, just for training and not totally forgetting the engineering. Sometimes is a martian film that gives me enough courage to organize a new manned mission to Duna. Plenty Celestial bodies to visit (with OPM, even more!)
  17. The early game, the first Mun and minmus landings. I still remember feeling like Armstrong when i first landed Jeb for the first time on the Mun! It is exciting but easy (well, easy due to years of experience) to play, then there are Duna manned missions and forth, they are funny too but start being mindcracking. I also love the Jool System Mothership (for landing and possibly returning from most bodies there) part, although it requires too much planing, thinking and playing!
  18. Yes, you should feel very bad. Or not, it depends. Of several factors, none of them having anything to do with KSP. You can do whatever you want, it is a game, and it is not multiplayer, so you won't bother others. But if i were you, i'd try not to cheat, because when you get the objectives without cheating, they are more comforting. Sorry 4 my english, Regards
  19. Im not a planetaracist, I pay Dres same attention as other planets. When the agency will offer me the contract for exploring it, i will. No aerobraking though...
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