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Everything posted by Ippo

  1. Actually, the more I think about it, the less I like that idea. The problem is that you are buying parts from third parties (rockomax, kerbodyne, and such) "off the shelf", so it doesn't really make sense that you can get the same engine with a better quality. After all, the reliability is a consequence of the design and construction quality: if you go to buy a car, you can't custom-order a "better" instance of the same exact model. So it definitely won't be in the next release... and I'm not sure it's coming ever. That's the advantage of not merging our mods, we can do things differently and you guys can choose the one that fits your style better
  2. Yeah, not the best explanation maybe. I tried to write a MM patch to exclude unmanned pods, but no luck. So I had to write specific configs for each crew capacity, and I stopped at seven because that's the biggest pod I know of. This also means that pods will now have 50 spares per kerbal, which makes more sense. Unmanned pods don't have any... Mech Jeb included
  3. I just uploaded a new update. Changelog for Alpha 3.3: Also, testing that thing about the temperature was FUN:
  4. Alpha 3.3 is now available! I decided to push an intermediate update because of that kinda serious bug with the spares that could not be taken from the command pods. Alongside with that fix, this is the complete changelog: Before you ask, no, this is NOT the savebreaking update. That will be alpha 4, this is still alpha 3. Happy failing! P.S: as with the previous update: if anyone is using KSP-AVC, could you please confirm that you were notified of the update? Thanks!
  5. Please see some posts above, it's a bug in the current version. The only solution is to edit your save file to increase the range of the spares container module. Only the vessels in range can fail, once they are on rails they are safe. Maybe one day I will figure out a way to update unloaded vessels, but that's a plan for an eventual Dang It 2.
  6. Exactly: the save will still work as usual, but you will find that your crews might not have the training you need, and then you are stuck. For example, you might find that by chance every member of your crew is an electrician, but an engine just broke. I am not yet very sure of the details of the perk system: in fact, I am very open to hear everyone's feedback about the preliminary idea I presented in the dev thread. Each kerbal will be given a random set of perks when my mod first sees him in game; subsequent training will require (A LOT) of funds. These perks will be stored in your persistent file so you can go and edit them if you see fit. If anyone cares to give me some advice about the perk system, you are all very welcome in the dev thread! (Seriously though, I could use some advice)
  7. Well, you have found an oversight on my part You aren't doing anything wrong, it's the spares module that simply ignores the distance you set in the settings. I will fix it in the next release (actually, I might even release a patch if I have the time), in the meantime I'm afraid that the only thing you can do is a savefile edit :/
  8. That's actually really strange. Could you please post your save file somewhere, or maybe send me an email? I'd need to check it out.
  9. Ippo

    Which one?

    Please enlighten me with reasons for your statement.
  10. Yes, thanks, it's an issue that many are having. It is due to the fact that I chose a default distance that is too strict. KSP computes your distance from the centre of a part, instead that from its surface. So if you are interacting with a 2.5m part, you can never get closer to it that 1.125m, and the default distance I set is 1m. Try increasing the distance in the settings (you can access them from the space centre), it should fix the issue.
  11. No, you don't understand. They are a "real resource" - meaning that they are just implemented like any other resource you use in the stock game. The only difference is that I set the flow mode to NONE, just like SolidFuel, because they are a solid resource and thus it wouldn't make sense if you were able to "pump" it from one capsule to another one. What you can do, though, is to go on EVA, take some spares from capsule A, then fly to capsule B, right click on it, and choose "Deposit spares". This will effectively move the spares from capsule A to B (well, from A to the kerbal and then from the kerbal to . If you really really want to be able to pump them, you can edit the resource definition to make them transferrable, but that is pretty much against the objective of this mod, that is "giving you more stuff to do on EVA".
  12. Ippo

    Which one?

    News posted on mondays about a huge parts pack. I haven't watched the video yet, so I don't know if they mean this is getting integrated or, more likely, it's just a showcase.
  13. They can't be moved like other resources, because they are a solid resource. They behave just like solid fuel: that is, no transfer, ever. You can however move them manually by taking them for a spacewalk and depositing them into another part.
  14. Ippo

    Which one?

    SpacePlane plus is impossible because they had an intern working on it all summer.
  15. Thanks for spotting this, I will try to replicate it as soon as I have some spare time
  16. Sure, but how do you translate that into module manager syntax? I suspect that it's this: @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand]:!HAS[#CrewCapacity[0]]] But I haven't had time to try to see if it works.
  17. Yes, not only you can resize the casing, but also the chute itself. You should really play with the settings, it can do a lot of stuff. Now back on topic
  18. The "no damage" thing comes from deadly reentry. Same as above: try going closer / increasing the repair distance. You can do it with the settings button in the space center. EXIT: also yes, only one resource will leak from each tank (it is selected randomly as the leak begins) EDIT 2: also, when building your ship, click on the action group tab and then select the parachute, the window from real chute will come up and you can customize the size of the chute to match the capsule (and a lot more options).
  19. Don't worry, alpha 4 is at least 2 weeks away, but more likely one month. Also, brofist: I play hardcore with RT2 too I'm waiting to finish this play through to start RSS
  20. I need some more details about this. However, my first guess is that you need to increase the repair distance from the settings GUI. KSP computes the distance from the center of the part, not from its surface, which makes it tricky to interact with big parts. Please try increasing the distance and see if it works.
  21. Thank you for your feedback! Also, planning / development for alpha 4 has started. Please pay attention to the warning in the OP: the next update will break saves. Well, not really (hopefully, at least), what I mean is that from the next update each kerbal will have to be trained before he can repair stuff. If you upgrade from alpha 3, the kerbals that are already in flight might not have the perks you need should a failure arise. More details coming soonâ„¢.
  22. Yes please, I am going to need to see the log. The absolute best would be opening an issue on github, if you don't mind. Can you please try to replicate this in a clean install with just my mod installed? I've never seen this happen (but I don't play career except for testing). Thank you!
  23. Yes... The dll You will need to track down where the incompatibility is, edit the source code, and recompile everything. If you are new to modding you are better off opening an issue on taranis' bug tracker.
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