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Everything posted by Ippo

  1. Why people would want to ruin this game with weapons will always be beyond me.
  2. Yep, I figured that the messaging app was the proper place. By the way, the inspection message overrides the global mute, because I figured that it counts as a sort of report that the kerbal makes. In fact, I had looked into making the inspection a science experiment (with a very low science value) so that you could transmit it to the KSC for roleplaying, but unfortunately science reports are disabled in sandbox mode, so that wasn't viable unfortunately.
  3. By the way, as far as I see it I am nearing scope completion, to use a familiar term about this game. With this, just as SQUAD, I mean that basically all the gameplay elements I want to add are almost there. Basically, the only part that is absolutely lacking is kerbal management (perks and training*), unless something new comes to mind. I am not a fan of the "quality" system many have talked about (i.e, spending more to have more reliable parts), and basically with perks the basic system will be there, and after that I will work on adding more and more failures and supporting more parts / mods. Unless someone has a particularly good idea, that is * By the way, one day I'm going to talk with the author of Kerbal Economy Enhancements to make sure that trained kerbals will be more expensive to maintain.
  4. You won't find KAS on Curse as Majiir, its maintainer, is one of the many modders that are not interested in using Curse.
  5. I tried to boost the minimum distance (by using the menu in the space centre): I passed from 1 to 10 and it worked! Oh, good ^^ For the distance, well, I'm afraid that that's something I can't change. I think that KSP computes the distance from the centre of the part instead of the distance from its surface, and it shows when you have big parts like an orange tank. Thank you for pointing that out to me, it's good to know this happens!
  6. Uh, are you using the 64 bit version? Because that's a known issue with the 64 bit build. I really hope you are using that one because otherwise I really have no idea :/
  7. No problem, it must be that then. If it happens again, check the failure message (unless you disabled them) to see what's gone wrong, I think it will be "A tank of PunchCards is leaking!".
  8. Thanks guys, but you missed the point of my post. The whole point was that its effect are so strong that it's even kinda comical (try to imagine the exhaust coming from the IMMA CHARGIN' MAH LAZER meme and see what I mean). When was the last time you saw an engine in KSP being *this* awesome? Seriously, it's closer to a kamehameha than to a mainsail
  9. After seeing this, I just can't be satisfied of my mainsails anymore.
  10. I *may* have figured it out: are you running MKS / OKS too? I can confirm that antennae don't receive any of my failure module... unless some other mod adds a resource to them, in which case they get a tank module because they contain resources. For example, I just noticed that with MKS the DTS1 contains some PunchCards. I imagine you don't have the log file anymore, right? I'm almost sure that if you could remember the failure message, it was a leak of some kind.
  11. Well, the only solution that comes to my mind is to create a PartModule and attach it to every part. In this module you can have a field with your ID and make it persistent by saving / loading in the OnSave / OnLoad methods. This would work, but it's so god-awful that there must be a better way. :/
  12. Not really, personally. To me it comes across like an update on something that I don't care about (yet), I am more likely to delete the email without checking it out than being interested in a mod. But that's just me ofc.
  13. Part derives from UnityEngine.Object, so it has a GetInstanceID() method. However, I wouldn't bet on it being persistent across different scenes as I imagine it will change each time that you focus back to the ship / reload a save. Try and see if the instance ID is persistent, but personally I think you will have to add your own persistent field.
  14. I think he means this shouldn't be a mod, but should be stock. It's unrealistic that Jeb would volounteer to be on the first mission right after spending the last 5 years in space, unless Jeb is a sick space-holic.
  15. 1) I'm pretty sure you are not supposed to use 2 life support mods at the same time. The real surprise would be if they were compatible. 2) The TAC life support resources are stored in dedicated containers found in the "utility" category. But seriously, you can't run them together.
  16. You should be getting a message at the top of the screen alongside with the red glow. Additionally, the failure should be logged in the flight log (press F3), and finally in the latest version you also get a message in the messaging system (the one that notifies you about completed contracts, top right of the screen). Exactly, just like that. Right now the only advantage to intelligent kerbals is that they can save some spares, in the future you will need a kerbal with the right training. Also, probe cores won't have spare parts in them for long (as soon as I figure out how to filter unmanned pods from a MM patch). Yes, you finally can You need to bring up the settings window by pressing the app button. It's visible in the space centre and its icon is the one that doesn't mean anything (!#?). ... that wasn't me though. Antennas are still safe from my mod: what do you mean exactly "blow out"?
  17. Hotfix Ok, I just rushed a fix for the multiple buttons issues. It *should* work as intended now (I surely hope so). Sorry again about the mess. If you have downloaded 0.3.2, you should update it. Sorry again.
  18. Try to guess how often it happened in testing. Hint: it's not one or greater.
  19. By the way, I have my first bug report less than 1 hour, and it's from ME. It appears that multiple buttons can appear in the stock toolbar. I'll look into it. I knew it was going to be the GUI >.<
  20. Kinda. I haven't checked specifically, but unless it has some specific quirks, it should have the same support as every other part mod. My mod will just look for all the engines, tanks, batteries and so on, regardless of where they came from, and try to mess with them If you find some incompatibility, please report it on the issue tracker so I can check it out!
  21. Alpha 3.2 is out! This is pretty much just a polish update. There are no new features in it, but now I integrated my messages in the stock messaging app. Also, you can now edit the settings using a window that can be brought up in the KSC with a button in the stock toolbar (thank ferram4 for this). Cheers!
  22. Alpha 3.2 is out! This is pretty much just a polish update. There are no new features in it, but now I integrated my messages in the stock messaging app. Also, you can now edit the settings using a window that can be brought up in the KSC with a button in the stock toolbar (thank ferram4 for this). Cheers! P.S: if anyone is using both 0.3.1 and KSP-AVC, can you tell me if you have been notified of the update please? Thanks!
  23. Well, no, it had to be something else. I was able to replicate the bug even in new saves and even with just my mod installed to rule out every other possibility, so it was definitely a bug in my code. However I was looking at the logs, and the order in which the debug logs appeared didn't quite match what I expected (it tried to add the button BEFORE Awake ), so I tried a coroutine: public DangIt() { // constructor stuff this.StartCoroutine("AddAppButton"); } IEnumerator AddAppButton() { while (!ApplicationLauncher.Ready || !this.IsReady) yield return null; if (ApplicationLauncher.Ready && this.IsReady) { try { Debug.Log("About to add the app button..."); Texture btnTex = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture("DangIt/Textures/appBtn", false); if (btnTex == null) throw new Exception("The texture wasn't loaded!"); appBtn = ApplicationLauncher.Instance.AddModApplication( onAppBtnToggleOn, onAppBtnToggleOff, dummyVoid, dummyVoid, dummyVoid, dummyVoid, ApplicationLauncher.AppScenes.SPACECENTER, btnTex); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Log("[DangIt]: Error! " + e.Message); throw; } } } Maybe it's a bit overkill, but it works now. :shrug:
  24. What's the proper way to add a new AppLauncher button to the stock toolbar? I want it to show in the space centre only. Right now I am doing this (posted to pastebin because it's a bit long and terrible without highlighting). Am I missing something obvious? --- EDIT: I changed the code around to mimic the code I found in FAR. I changed OnAwake to Awake (dammit, KSP). Overall the code is pretty much the same as it was before: code. However, this throws an exception that I don't understand: in the log file, I find this [DangIt]: Instantiating runtime... (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) [DangIt]: Awaking runtime... (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at ScenarioModule.Load (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ScenarioRunner.AddModule (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ProtoScenarioModule.Load (.ScenarioRunner host) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ScenarioRunner+.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 --- EDIT 2: solved (well... kinda), two posts down.
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