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Everything posted by RC1062

  1. CDs. Break them into shurikens and mount one on stick for a make shift spear.
  2. Very much so... *Points to several members of the RP forum... *
  3. Welcome! Have a great time here! Now on to your post. You seem like the kind of person that would welcome a few small corrections. (\'I have\' can be replaced by \'I\'ve\'.)
  5. TV remote... Hmm... Are we allowed to reconstruct these objects?
  6. Here ya go; http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=5896.0
  7. If you choose to buy 0.14 you can use plugins. One of the plugins is a cart. The one shown in that video is a wonderfully crazy mish-mash of mod parts. I\'ll see if I can find the link...
  8. When you release your boosters where is the shuttle in relation to the tank? If you have a NASA style shuttle I think you want to pitch so that the tank is above the shuttle. If it is a Buran style launch I think you want the shuttle on top. I think there is something to do with the centre of mass and the offset thrust provided by the engine... Otherwise personal experience has just resulted in this...
  9. To be fair to much of any electro magnetic radiation could give you cancer... And does... It is all about the quantities.
  10. Ah... It isn\'t a space suit is it? In your first video.
  11. Liking the space suit... Hard to believe that someone would dress like that... May be a new conspiracy is forming... :
  12. Well the universe collapses only to be replaced by something even more mysterious and complex. I wish my KSP hadn\'t crashed during the test of my strato-launcher... :\'(
  13. Ooh! This is fun! Changing it to school discussions... My first teacher at primary school said I didn\'t have the work ethic... It was a bit unfair... Though in retrospect she may have been incredibly far-sighted. Another teacher said I was a pleasure to teach but asked far too many questions...
  14. But not the radiation being talked about... ???
  15. I disagree. Many jokes are jokes because others without the background knowledge don\'t understand it.
  16. The comment below the comic helps clear that issue... At least your critique is constructive I suppose...
  17. That sig... It hurts! Why did you keep directing me to it?! S:| (Keep up the good work! )
  18. No... The community has corrected your theory that was based on incomplete facts... No sledgehammer was involved.
  19. To the guy who made out that our NHS is great; In some ways it is brilliant. It means everyone can get seen to by a professional doctor. Everyone can get treatment. We don\'t have to pay (much) for treatment. However, it is paid for by the state through our taxes. This means that the NHS will get its money whatever happens. Obviously this can lead to issues. Let me put it this way; Every week your parents give you £5 to tidy your room. They check it for the first two weeks, then they don\'t bother. Will you still tidy your room? No, probably not. But you still get the £5. If your parents changed it and said to you and your sibling (you now have one ) whoever has the tidiest room each week gets £10 you would rush to tidy it. The only problem here is that you might resort to underhand tactics... To reiterate my feelings about this stereotyping; Everyone stereotypes each other! And in many ways the stereotypes are ways of making ourselves feel better. Besides in Britain I see many fat people, and I have met people unable to spell or perform \'complex\' maths.
  20. It would be cool to be able to combine them aswell though.
  21. Woo! (I\'m adding this so it is no longer a one word post expressing my joy.)
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