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The Yellow Dart

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Everything posted by The Yellow Dart

  1. I'd have to agree with Vanamonde. I would give up on trying to find a flat surface to land on because no matter how flat an area might look from above, odds are it still contains copious amounts of slope that are more than capable of tipping a tall and skinny lander. And any actually flat area is likely quite small and ringed with slopes and pinpoint landing Is a rather advanced skill that you will only learn with time and practice (time and practice can of course be substituted with copious amounts of fuel to make corrections with). For now, go the other route and adjust your landers to make them more capable of landing on slopes. Then, of course, you have to worry about new aerodynamics pulling on you nice wide lander, but that can(most likely) be solved with fins. Good luck, Happy Landings!
  2. If you are out now, don't come back. Live your life. Be free. I'll never be free of this addiction to hitting the space bar.
  3. I'd say solar panels. They let you get a satellite to the Mun or Minmus for tons more science.
  4. I think the other one was correct, around 23km, for the atmosphere. It might be 7km in space, I noticed it was farther there too but didn't see exactly how far it was.
  5. Yeah, I love this change. I already killed the VAB once with a booster, which I think was also a result of the radial decouplers getting fixed with 1.0. So that was a fun surprise when I got back to the Space Center.
  6. Is the Space Pope reptilian? Seriously, tons of people are having fun in 1.0, including me. Your problems are solvable. Look around the forums and you'll see plenty of people who have figured it out which means KSP isn't to blame. You just haven't figured it out yet. It took me a week to get into orbit in 0.23 when I first got KSP, after watching lots of videos, and now it is even harder. KSP is just a hard game. Period. And super fun.
  7. SAS doesn't use electric during time warp. That was just your probe core using juice at a constant rate.
  8. I made a quick KSP version of the Hab from The Martian, just to see how it would look. It turned out pretty good, I think. This is just how I pictured it when I was reading the book, minus the extra hardware and interior stuff of course.
  9. I gotta say, this is almost exactly how I pictured the Hab when I was reading. I'd probably add some internal frame work with cubic octagonals, along with all the "furniture" inside.
  10. Good stuff! Did you consider making the Hab out of a large fairing? - - - Updated - - - P.S. Can't wait for the movie!!!
  11. If this were stock, it could be a tier 3 unlockable for the VAB/SPH.
  12. In early career, you can use a service bay as a rudimentary air brake. Opening it exposes all the parts inside it to atmospheric drag and helps slow you down more for a plane landing.
  13. I think he just meant you can practice on Kerbin easily without having to take the time of launching a whole Mun mission when it might not succeed.
  14. I seem to always get a crash right as a jet gets near some distant contract target, it is the most frustrating thing ever. Seems to be a result of repeatedly and rapidly switching back and forth between map view and ship view, when I am trying to judge how close I am to the target area.. The screen will start flashing between blue and white horizon effects, and a blown up screen-sized flag image, and ground or smoke textures, then it usually freezes when I try to hit escape or the space center button.. And another 15 or 20 minutes of play down the drain. I've had that happen 4 or 5 times recently, I've started land every couple minutes so the game can autosave, just in case.
  15. And if you don't want to have to worry about overheating, just limit thrust back to about 60% or less. I think of long burn times as "go get a snack" time so low thrust doesn't bother me.
  16. I think squad should provide a special tank or two just for LV-Ns, one of those bare frames with spherical liquid fuel tanks mounted inside the frame. It should have very high drag and very low impact tolerance and a slightly better dry weight than all other tanks. This would solve this problem of having to use aircraft fuselage for space craft and add more interesting and varied visuals to the game.
  17. There is also an exploit (or at least there was in 0.90) where it would consider a craft new if it docked and undocked to another ship. I once accidentally completed a simple "put an orbital station around the Mun" contract with my normal Mun mission tug and lander because it had enough crew capacity to meet the requirements.
  18. FYI, the problem you are having is a result of time warp. Physics is disabled when time warp is started, which means ships which are not connected to each other pass right through each other. If you have a few days to pass, you could do it this way in 4x physics warp but it would take a LONG time.
  19. I agree, except I still use Valentina because she is still new to me. I normally fire them immediately and get new ones but in 1.0 I found out hiring is expensive so I guess I'm stuck with them for now. If that is how it's gonna be they should let you choose your first 3 Kerbals so you can actually care about them.
  20. I love this idea! I would love to see this and more things like it in the game. I haven't checked the scenarios section since 1.0 but last time I looked at it, it was pretty lame. This idea reminds me of when I used to play Rollercoaster Tycoon. There were lots of interesting scenarios to try out like guests that couldn't stand scary rides or guests who were really cheap/hated spending money. I would love to see more of those kinds of things in KSP, where, unlike career or sandbox, you have a specific goal and a specific challenge. Another idea would be a "tourism only economy" where the only contracts offered are tourism ones and you have to find the cheapest way to get lots of Kerbals into space and to other destinations to make enough money to stay afloat, as well as do science. I think this type of thing would add a lot to KSP.
  21. To add a little more... 1. SRBs, while cheaper than the alternative, are very heavy compared to how much you get out of them. In early career, when you are limited pretty severely by weight via the tier 1 launchpad (18 tons), you can get more dV out of a rocket using only liquid-fueled rocket engines because they are more efficient. Using multiple SRBs will add a lot of weight without adding as much dV.
  22. If run into landing trouble, I usually just land as close as possible and taxi it to where I need to be.
  23. That's a nice tune. I could hear that play when descending to the surface of Eve. Well done!
  24. Atmospheric trajectories mod, collision effects mod, and chatterer. And of course EVE
  25. I recently used them early on in a career game for a rocket that needed more thrust early on. SRBs would have put it over the weight limit, and decreasing the weight of the rocket to make them work would have decreased total dV. So I put 2 thuds on decouplers and blew them off when I no longer needed them and when the isp of the main engine was significantly better.
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