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Everything posted by SparkyFox

  1. [quote name='ZooNamedGames']Great little thing... Guess we can use it at the end of each day to simulate their general health. Still doesn't warrant a full additional role, so keep working if you guys want surgeon.[/QUOTE] it doesn't work too good?, I mean lets say kerbal 2 is getting to the moon and it says he's in the ER, how can he be in the ER if he's piloting the ship
  2. [quote name='CliftonM']We couldn't do it without you.[/QUOTE] of course not :P im the best zoo picked out
  3. [quote name='CliftonM']No, just listen and follow orders. You are still a commander, so you still have some rank. We are all working as a team, but in different fields. For example, I am not very high up in mission control, as I basically narrate what's going on.[/QUOTE] I was kidding when I said that about breathing, I know ive to listen and follow orders aswell as give my own that im probably gonna get told but still able to make decisions BUUUUT I STILL GET THE IMPORTANT JOB :D
  4. [quote name='CliftonM']Though you are the commander, you are one of the most subordinate of all in the mission (not including the other crew) as you have to do whatever MC says.[/QUOTE] so pretty much I'm not allowed to breath unless Im told so?
  5. [quote name='Gaarst']Listen to the people in the mic, and everything will be fine. :)[/QUOTE] yaaaaay :) I will to tell the tale
  6. [quote name='zoonamedgames']within the limits of the mission, and moreover your still subject to the flight plan written by myself and fao* (pao was a typo), as it could affect things with eecom, booster etc. So your more slave to the flight plan than anything.[/quote] i rebel againt this slavery! Freeedoom [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] [quote name='Gaarst']No, you will closely follow the schedule that I made for the mission (and that has to be approved by Flight). Otherwise you won't have anyone to look after you, and the mission will probably end tragically, even if the lander makes it to the Moon. :wink:[/QUOTE] but but but I need looked afterededededed
  7. [quote name='CliftonM']Yes. .[/QUOTE] "therefore"(whatever that means) I GET TO CRA-AAAHHYYEEE MEAN land the lander which puts my in charge of the whole entire mission and I out rank zoo and zoo will kindly admit that(im wrong) Im the big cheese Translation: that's what I thought
  8. [quote name='MK3424']PAO oversees your actions and schedules ones you have to do.[/QUOTE] but I get to fly the rocket and land the lander
  9. my great grandad was buzz aldrin so I should know [COLOR=silver][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] [quote name='ZooNamedGames']Fine, but PAO has to manage anything carried onboard the rocket.[/QUOTE] HEEEEEYYYYyyyyy that's my job :(
  10. [quote name='Dman979']You do know that this is using Real Solar System, right? More like a few days- at least 7.[/QUOTE] its at least 3 days
  11. [quote name='CliftonM']But [I]we [/I]do. I could write a plugin...[/QUOTE] DUDE! YOU MUST! like some sort of health bar and oxygen levels and radiation? or able to take your helmet off in space, but you have like 5 seconds to put it on? or make the helmet breakable(I know the helmet I a model though and it doesn't exactly come off)
  12. [quote name='ZooNamedGames']There's no point to the role since the kerbals have no health and nothing to track.[/QUOTE] tac life support? Id sooo say something funny but im kinda calming down now
  13. [quote name='ZooNamedGames']Surgeon was an intentional role drop. I mentioned this in my OP update. Look under roles.[/QUOTE] here zoo, sorry I thought it was Saturday today ANYWAY can we still have a flight surgeon because why not?
  14. [quote name='adsii1970']Nope, the Flight Surgeon. Can declare anyone, including ground staff, medically unfit for duty.[/QUOTE] awwwww so close XD so wait...the flight surgeon can randomly just say UNFIT GO HOME MWAHAHAHA(of course not in those words :P) or is there more rules to it?
  15. [quote name='adsii1970']Yes, those are pretty nice if I do say so myself. I just cannot wait to add the flight crew names to the first mission patch. The position patches are finally finished for the ground crew. I added one for a position not mentioned, but in reality, with NASA, this person has the power to END somene's spaceflight career before it even begins... (that was a major hint).[/QUOTE] is iiit chuck Norris?
  16. [quote name='ZooNamedGames']Send him one now- and you can't get an infraction over a PM... As long as you don't cuss him out or something. Just be nice and polite and you'll be fine! As Shia Lebouf would say, Just do it![/QUOTE] or nike :P Just do it!
  17. [quote name='ZooNamedGames']Suddenly it's red!![/QUOTE] it was always red, here look [img]http://i.imgur.com/YYqPE4g.png[/img]
  18. [quote name='ZooNamedGames']Inbox cleared. [COLOR=silver][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] Ok, I just sent a PM to [URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/private.php?do=newpm&u=40772"]KasperVld[/URL], so you should all send him a PM asking him to as well. More the better!!! Ask politely! Click on his name above as I've set it up to be a link directly to making a PM to him.[/QUOTE] "yo kapser JOIN US JOIN US JOUN USFVNVUI OR I'LL CRY" like that? :P kidding, I couldn't resist that one
  19. [quote name='adsii1970']Thanks, I've added "Sparky" to the patch. Once I get the names of the other two crewmembers, I will add them. [B]ZOONAMEDGAMES:[/B] Empty your mailbox. It's too full according to the forum software settings... :blush:[/QUOTE] YAAAY :) thank you, also If you want I can pass the message onto Zoo if you want?
  20. [quote name='adsii1970']We have a signature image for that. Once you give me your Kerbal name, it will be added to the mission patch! [URL]http://i.imgur.com/E3DtuDf.png?1[/URL] Nope, I don't just forget it... I aim to please. I've updated the previous page's version of this image so future Public Affairs people can use it: [URL]http://i.imgur.com/FsCKFjj.png?1[/URL][/QUOTE] YAAAY ME PATCH WO-m-my name....u-uhh uhhh.....24! im kidding, its Sparky [quote name='Dman979']Uh Oh... It means that you're the commander.[/QUOTE] don't worry i'll protect you *reads how to not blow up for dummies book* [quote name='ZooNamedGames']He's good, a bit derpy at times, but he has the [I]ability[/I] to lead this mission. I've tested his brains for over a year now and he id definitely smart, and smart enough for the role. I wouldn't allow him to be in such a high role if it weren't for A) the low applicants for this role and B) my absolute trust in his ability.[/QUOTE] hahahahaha awww :)
  21. [quote name='FCISuperGuy']Nice! I now have a confirmation that I will be available from at LEAST 9:00pm EST (8:00am GMT+8 - my time) to a maximum of 11pm EST (10:00am my time) on weekends; I may be able to stretch it to 8:30pm EST (7:30am my time) to 12pm EST (11:00am my time), but I can't confirm if I'll be able to commit for that long. Therefore, if the launch is during that time period, you can confirm me as RSO for the mission. One question though - can people not on duty (ex. Booster, RSO, etc.) join the MC radio channel and just listen in? -FCI[/QUOTE] welcome aboard the rocket that hasn't been built yet, I'll be your captain today and our flight should take 3 days and the weather on the moon is dusty with chance of meteor impacts please fasten your seat belts an have a wonderf-*blows up* also what does cdr mean again?
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