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Everything posted by PB666

  1. But on the quantum scale there can never be a perfect observer, because the power limitatations of light are such that we can never resolve quantum length or time rt events. We can potentially address reality on a relativistic scale but it is fairly impossible to resolve with certainty the most fundemental properties 20 magnitudes of 10 below you smallest resolution limits because there is always the potential for lower resolvation of particles, or virtual particles that coexist at these smaller scales.
  2. Lets see getting on a metal can filled with reductant and oxidant within feet of each othe, igniting this and hurling oneself to 8000 m/s, the flying around in a zone of other objects traveling at you at up to 5600 m/s and you little vessel occasionally gets hit............is some how not dangerous, the return vehical is a brick throuwn into a furnace with flames 4000 degrees, and at the end this plastoc thing plops out before you slam into the ground and this is somehow not dangerous, but going to L2 is.......... Difficult to plan, maybe, sonce you are behind the earth it blocks solar sotms to some degree. The other issue is time and survival but the Orion as designed should be able to handle it. If its got a docking handle handles can be attached.
  3. You assume that Boltzmann was aware of the universe, not a universe. We may not be aware of the universe, even we are aware of a visible universe, one of many. We could argue that within every visible uuniverse there is a self aware being the problem is without knowledge of the whole universe we can't argue that our current held view is correct. Boltzmann was not aware that the opposing sides of the universe were moving away from each other faster than the speed of light. The is no way to see both sides of the universe, as far as we know the other other side coukd be the antimatter version of our side.
  4. please, its electromagnetic repulsion using superconductors and supercooling.
  5. Dry, cold, and buried deep, (generally away from the sun and with an ozone free oxide scavengers).
  6. I see modulation in this threads future. 99%, 90% reductions, weve already discussed this, use SpaceXs numbers.
  7. Rather unpopular notion here, however much i agree with you we tend to have alot who don't seem to accept that version as real, they see aliens under every red dwarf. BTW dont assume denser atmospheres, the magnetic field of the earth is another rarity. There is of course the problem of detection we can't see all planets around all stars, Habitable zone does not equal habitable, for any given planets real time characteristics that zone is quite thin. Its a zone in which given all characteristics a few might suuprt life. As of yet we have not discovered a planet we might think is inhabited.
  8. Are you also consider the effects of the drag planes and the increase of COD because the bells are heading into the wind?
  9. Never stopped us from doing it in KSP. How to land on hilly slope , drop an atomic bomb, therefore notching out the slope. Land, let the other guy get out first. lol. Actually I went to a island small town in Japan, where they don't allow cars or trucks, almost everything is brought in on back or via golf cart like vehicles across a pedestrian causeway, when we crossed there were workers carrying items on their backs.
  10. http://phys.org/news/2016-05-chemists-evidence-rna-life.html RNA and lifes origin
  11. Once again we reenvent the wheel, Big giant ray gun is the way to power those panels........
  12. A full window crack, not long enough.
  13. Of course Yellowstone Geo is renewable, the OP was being obsessive, but on Earth one has to take the evidence one gets, not the evidence one wants, the moon, other than bombardment is sterile, the Earth is very vibrant, so the tell-tale signs of anything are not evident after 66 million years. Look at the South America Africa drift argument, rather obvious from space, people traveling in the 16th century were alltogether unaware of the common origin. Like wise the impact was a deep crustal upper mantle event, no doubt about that, it shape the Yucatan in ways we cannot even imagine, that is the problem. Its hard to backtrack 66 million years concerning flood plans, volcanism created, alteration of reefs, liquifation and causes for sedement increases in some areas and decreases in others. All of these things are interpretive realities.
  14. OK, But the center of the crater is not a surface feature, its underwater. Second, as a scientist we are not third or forth-eye blind, our instruments are our eyes, so there is not logic in blinding ourselves for the sake of ad absurdum arguments. https://www.google.com/maps/@20.762659,-89.2792164,59042m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en See the lighter colored vegetation that make the arc. Theres a road that sits right on the rise, thats because parts of the region are subject to severe prolonged flooding every few decades. https://www.google.com/maps/@20.6368447,-89.6037423,29546m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en BTW, the crater itself is under mud, that was 66 million years ago in an area with appreciable rainfall and volcanism. There is a trough behind the rise, this is the red line on the map, but difficult to see because of the dense vegetation. As said in the Northern Yucatan you don't build roads and cities in the low lying areas because they tend to flood for weeks at a time during periods of heavy rain. If you scour the Google maps of the Yucatan you can find the various troughs and rise that the volcano left. These are not the actual rises, the surface topology is forced be the ripples in the fused silicates left in the craters wake, these surface features erode less quickly and thus are secondary evidence. Yellowstone is a massive volcano, its not obvious from ground maps either, its only really obvious from distal perspectives. We easily see craters on the moon from 225,000 miles, so one should expect really big volcanos and impact craters would be most visible from space.
  15. 2/3rds of the crater is under water, the other 1/3 is in fairly dense jungle, and relatively poor isolated region, where megalithic stone structures have gotten lost. Its kind of hard to map something accurately when the State owned company which serendipitously identifies the surface anomalies then makes it impossible to publish. In the 1960s if some official tells you not to do something, its best not to do it, thereafter the rio bravo would be your southern extent of travel. It would be like Jefferson telling Lewis and Clark to detail investigations of the Missouri river, but do not describe any of the native tribes living along the route. "In 1990, Houston Chronicle reporter Carlos Byars told Hildebrand of Penfield's earlier discovery of a possible impact crater" , I should note that the core samples were not sampled originally from Mexico but from a stock stored in a testing lab in New Orleans from 1951, had that not been the case we might have had to wait another 20 years. If they are relying on the Houston chronicle to break 35 year old scientific discovery, pretty good chance that the science has not had a good venue of expression.
  16. http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-36266265
  17. The L1 of earth to mitigate the effects of global warming. you could use freinal lenses to power up the poles of the moon.
  18. E = m c ^ 2 . , N = 300 MJ/sec N * sec / c ^ 2 = 300,000,000 m Yep, if the energy is not gifted to you by some star then for sure you have to convert mass into energy to getthrust. Even so the star converts mass to energy to produce light and the ship converts star light to mass to get power and the power is converted back to photons which are massless.
  19. https://www.yahoo.com/news/piece-space-junk-chipped-one-165222115.html
  20. Attach the thuster have hubble traveling around use the barrel of the telescope to capture space trash, turn it into a big space trashcan.
  21. This thread just keeps making more an more sense. Here's what you do, use the coilgun like a baseball bat and whack the landing object strait up, the have it land in a whole that goes through the planet, as its going through the planet have magnets slow it down to a stop. Problem solved.
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