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Everything posted by PB666
Given the distribution of planet masses, the goldilocks zone is much thinner and highly dependent on planet mass. Therefore planets with sentient life on it are so far from us that we cannot listen to them the with our currently available technology. They might be able to hear us, but not for a few hundred years, which is good because it means we have at least 1000 years before they reach earth and try to destroy us. :^)
I was just watching Tyson on Charlie Rose, it is interesting that he did not want state WIMP were responsible for Dark Matter. His statement is that particle physicist want it to be a particle simply because they are particle physicist. It appears that he wants to relabel it as Dark Gravity, reduction of it to its most basic property. Since the moderator pulled the plug on the other important topic hopefully we can have a non-fringe discussion on the topic, so logically I'm restarting the discussion with a fringe name. In all seriousness though, however, i don't agree with Tyson on many things, but I agree with him on this, because bad science is when it is led with a foregone conclusion. Its better to start with an open mind and the best experiments should pull the hypothesis. Tyson is talking right now about how Journalist like to present fringe science.
Geography lesson, Eastern Pacific is coast off of Alaska, British Columbia, Washington St.., Oregon, California, Baja Cal. Guererra, Xohaca, ...., Guatamala, Costa Rica, El Salvado, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Chile.
39 days to Mars possible now with nuclear-powered VASIMR.
PB666 replied to Exoscientist's topic in Science & Spaceflight
I have been resisting commenting on this until now. The problem with this analysis is two fold. First the SSME in its most efficient varient is around 460 sec, which is only 10 ISP units lower than the most efficient B-X. Both are very close to the theoretical maximum ISP for LFOx engines. The difference between the B-X and the SSME is that the shuttle engine is designed to run both at lift-off and in space, the second is a second/third stage engine designed to carry payload to its final destination. THe SSME does not have the advantage of moderate burns, at lift off it might be pushed to 109%, and at the thrust, temperatures, and heat transfers it has to keep vapor locks from developing in either of the too pumps. So its not going to be as perfect if you have two perfectly pressurized tanks feeding an engine that ca operating at its optimum thrust. The second issue is this. The SSME bleeds a little H and O to run the burner that the turns the Turbopump, its not very efficient, but the energy is largely not lost, because the outlet gas is fed into the reaction chamber and the further expands and is ejected with the other gases. The calculation does not consider the alternative, how efficient would an electric turbine be in the same position. Another issue I want to pick on, 39 days is not a magic number. If you had infinite acceleration you could reach Mars in a day. The VASIMR does not need to achieve Mars in 39 days, the engine itself could be used at a much lower power setting than its maximum, while using battery and solar to kick obeth effects around the earth for several days prior to pushing itself into space. For most of the trip niether drive will be used, the oroblem is stopping before reaching Mars, howver there is alot of time to decelerate. If you create an artificial goal of 39 days then many strategies will fail The fact of the matter is, you don't need to use nukes or ion to leave earth, you can stage LFOx until the craft is on an escape trajectory and use a little ion drive to reach Mars Orbit. The trip back is going to be a wait, and here again an Ion drive parked at Mars L1 will have sufficient enough power to return to earth. Lets not create artficial targets. The real problem here is landing on mars and keeping folks alive for 2 years. -
ENSO is the el-nino southern osscillation. Its actually the equitorial pacific indo pacific oscillation, but... http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/enso/ Well, the black might not get you, but if you live on an aggragate base cliff on the Eastern Pacific the little boy may just take you down a few notches.
There is some truth. Think about this, supposed a black hole is rpping Jupiters moons off meaning lets say its tne times the distance and has 100 times the graviational field. Those moons would simply enter more eccetric orbits, if it got much closer they would enter hyperbolic orbits and be thrown from our system. That hole is traveling maybe at 100 km/sec relative to Earth, and it might be passing in a normal or anti-normal trajectory which means more than likely it would shift the inclination of the moons orbit. In terms of earth, the same problem, if it is traveling at Earth at 100 km per second and Mach speed is 300 metrer per second it would not suck the atmosphere off of Earth, Instead the Earth would start to deform into a teardrop as it was serially compressed into the singularity. The gas in Earths atmosphere and the heat created by the deformation would cause gas to spin around the polar ends of the hole causing it to belch x-rays and gamma rays sufficient to expel all the gas above and below the hole from the galaxy.
You laugh, this is the link that BBC gave (remembering that BBC is one of the better world news organizations) But I think is summarizes many physics related stuff that we have seen lately on Reddit and other news sources. I think the quantum wormhole article is worse, not because they are wrong, but because they don't lay out that string theory is largely rejected in the world of physics, and most of what they are saying they have accomplished is in-silico analysis (which in most other fields of science, can't even get referees to review the manuscript). Before you can believe it you first have to fix a whole bunch of inconsistencies of string theory with observations, and then have to go about replicating the in-silico stuff in real measurement style experiments. Seriously do black holes halve? where it the energy to halve a black hole going to come frome . . . . . The wormhole explanation for entanglement may be right, but for the wrong reasons, for reasons not which they give, which means a fight will be instore if others confirm the observation, you will have mainstream physics trying to fight the up hill battle that non-string explanation is better than a string explanation.
This one is for ZetaX, who apparently doesn't get it. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-cornwall-34115350
i understand it just fine, this thread which you seem to have singled out my response is complete BS, so a BS response is completely fitting, as I have pointed out twice, its not serious. The concept of trying to create a dispersive magnetic fiels from satelittes or isolated magnetic fields on the surface will not work, the magnetic field lines from two poles even separted at one end by entanglement will be distorted through the planet, or travel point to point on a surface array. To top that off the entangled pairs may force the lines throuh the fictitious wormhole. The dynamo at the center of the earth is made of almost solid iron and thosand miles wide and is driven by the earth-moon tidal forces. One cannot expect to duplicate this even with a million careful crafted electro magnetis on the planets surface. If you look at earths field it has a structure the dip lines run horizontal at the equator and verticle at the poles, this has relevance on how charges move around in space. There is no practical way to duplicate this, even with perfect knowledge of entanglement, cloaked magnetic fields (a recent science post here that I disclaimed the wormhole ascertation), or entangled pairs (recent science post where i claimed disbelief at the conclusion). So if you have read these you know that my post was joking, and if you haven't then .................
39 days to Mars possible now with nuclear-powered VASIMR.
PB666 replied to Exoscientist's topic in Science & Spaceflight
Not hard at all if you are 10 at 6 figure engineer working for a space agency. The only thing you are going to get here are, at best, someone who blenders the parts, carefully configs thier stats, assembles a 3-d model with none of the fine details like wiring, power plant design, solar panel strucure, radiator structure and deploy, etc. Here is the base problem - solar panels, not size but storable size and watt/mass ratio - radiator panels, storable size and watt/mass ratio - Nuclear plant, profile and mass + infrastructur required including radiators, shielding. In terms of the 6 to 9 month transfer window I think either technology would work, but for the 39day transfer you are going to need one heck of a good reliable engine to bring which ever into mars orbit, this must also include a command vehicle and a lander much larger than the lunar lander, otherwise its a suicide mission. -
Not only complicated but backed by the latest speculative theory about Quantum Entanglement.
Don't get too excited, they're diameter is Planck's magnitude. (c/Planck's time). You couldn't exactly fit a non-singularity through them, those theoretical black holes they are talking about are singularities. Gravity must be a bizarre instance of superhuge quantum gravity, which if true means that classic gravity has a whack connection with quantum gravity. Whoa is physics going to tumble on this one. Instead of calling them wormholes we should call them Residual Quantum Threads . At the quantum scale time and space act more statistically than linearly. Since light and electrons travel at light speed they don't age, electrons a little. So when they need to finally talk only our space dimension has significantly aged. In this way we don't neccesarily need to jump over to string theory. If this is true then think about the difference of space-time on the quantum scale and our scale. On the quantum scale it means that a fragment of space time way over there can be also here for a brief moment and then back over there. And stranger thing is that it can get from here to there and back and momentum did not shift. The big thing that you guys probably don't realize, there is entangled physics all around us, many events in the natural world create pairs. If every time a photon strikes its destination a worhole is created, the universe is then filled with these wormholes.
Finds Mars poles, At the equator create one large magnet but dont magnetize it but i tiny thin wafer entangle pairs of atoms in the wfaer then spilt the entangled parts, and attached the entagled parts to the large unpolarized magnets at the poles with the thin wafer on the bottom and the split suface pointng toward the other pole. Then bury the whole thing. Using an array of 6 solar panels mounted vertically and facing each of six directions horizontally feed about a terrawatt of power into the magnets, 2/3 rds to polarize them and 1/3 to cool them. Now you have a planetary field, because the magnetic field is wormholed through the planet the magnetic field lines get stretched over the surface of the planet, but not through the planet. This all works of course only if you believe string theory. Disclaimer. You might have to have millions of magnets with similarly entangled poles spread across the surface of the planet to have a consistent magnetic field with some local abnormalites, ther would be no dip lines and the magnetic field lines might only extend a kilometer above the surface. Of course since thes are solar powered you would need cells and batteries that would have to be replaced every 6 years.
http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/architecture-and-technology/hyper-threading/hyper-threading-technology.html Allows the running of two threads on a single core for applications designed to take advantage of it.
For Questions That Don't Merit Their Own Thread
PB666 replied to Skyler4856's topic in Science & Spaceflight
http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2015-08/sjcu-sl082715.php So the question what proprerty of the light did the make more variable if noise was reduced? -
All of them, but in particular the ESL-1&2 and MSL-1,2
If you thought quantum entanglement is spooky, the explanation of its mechanics from MIT is evenn weirder. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/12/131205142218.htm You have to read this article yourself, Im in disbelief. Warning, these authors subscribe to string theory and alot of their work is based on pure in-silico analysis.
http://www.pri.org/stories/2015-08-31/take-air-suck-out-co2-make-fuel-lab-advance-hints-future-artificial These engineered bacteria settle in nano electrodes that are fed electrons form an EMF, they then absorb CO2 and can be programmed to covert the result compound into more complex organic such as oil. They might also be useful in space because you can take out on intermediate, LEDs and you can use them to convert CO2 in an asteroid or subterrania shelter without needing to expose the inhabiants to dangers at the surface.
Well the brachpoint diagran did not have units, is km/sec.
Well the door should not have been shut so quickly as some would have liked. There is alot more work to be done to show its not an artefact, but its nice to see that some have backed a few microns off their original position.
Yeah land and get off Mars to non-orbital diemos is 9.4 dV, versus 1.4 for diemos. Not that bad. Time is the big factor diemos, What is missing from this are L1 and L2 transfer points. Assuming the total would be the same, but it allows better staging of docked craft if L2->L1 ....L1 to L2 transfers are done. BTW, just a comment about 1 of the post, ISP for nuclear engine is not an accurate measure of efficiency. The problem with Nuclear is if you can get the operational temperature higher, you can get a higher theoretical maximum ISP, the problem is maintaining integrity at those temperatures. The engine was basically designed in the 70s and improvements in all kinds of things have been made, including RF plasma containment (and thats what you would have once you heated your gas beyond 700'C. If you can contain your fuel cells and keep them stable you can raise the ISP and the thrust. There are suggestions that nuclear engine ISP could be raised to 2500 sec if the operation temperature could be raised to 4000'K.
Rocket Engine Landed in a Guy's Living Room?
PB666 replied to Argylas's topic in Science & Spaceflight
Uh well there is the gobi desert I don't think the sand flies would mind. Isn'T the smartest place to launch in china on Hainan island. Seriously just wait till the us AWACs passes by then launch from a bunker. Whose going to notice, its not like US doesn t already have detailed pictures once it gets into space anyway. They prolly have intercpetd those supersecret pictures of hilltop Hollywood swimming pools that Chinese high officials desparately need land surveys of, particularly for those friday night communist party socializers. -
Why Moon-El-Too is so great - Mars, the easy way!
PB666 replied to Kibble's topic in Science & Spaceflight
Hmm, At that orbital radius it shouldn't make that much difference, earth mars cycle is something like 2 years and the monn is 1 month so there are 24 1 month periods in 2 years, 360/24 = 15' Thus the EML2 would never be more than 7.5 degrees from optimal. That means only a tiny amount of delta-radial velocity would need to be added. One way to counter the problem would to be to shuttle to ESL2 at the previous EML2 crossing of ESL1-ESL2 transect then wait for optimal transfer, this would speed up the trip anyway. -
Rocket Engine Landed in a Guy's Living Room?
PB666 replied to Argylas's topic in Science & Spaceflight
On the bright side at least they didn't blow it into 3000 tennis ball or larger pieces in space. I was going to say he going to get a free roof, but then realize he's prolly going to get beat to a pulp for pointing it out. Oh well, sucks to be him.