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Everything posted by PB666

  1. Clarifying. The photo is its own antiparticle. So basically either form of matter is visible in light, and likewise at high energy photons can generate both forms of matter at the same time.
  2. The reason you have the other modes it to prepare you to play on hard mode and for a plan. If moderate mode is easy for you, then you should be playing hard, if its too hard you should be playing easy mode. Play against the bugs, demonstrate an engineering and execution skill, achieve all ones desired science. If moderate mode was easy to lose, then hard mode would be unplayable. Yes, Unity has alot of problems, they are apparently working toward unity 5 which allows more processing capacity, potentially 64 bit operation.
  3. The stranding Kraken. hes the Kerbal Version of Santa Claus, except that instead of gifts he strands the misbehavors at random points in their lives. The parts they are found in come from the Kraken parts lair, the place where ships that suddenly blew up and disappearred after passing 6500 m alt (the ascent Kraken) and other unexpected explosions near Kerbin would end up.
  4. Actually the majority of non-stellar hydrogen is in intergalactic space, because of the dynamics of the surrounding galaxies the gas is very hot (remember that space is not like atmosphere, the gas travels for days before colliding into another gas particle), and this means it has moved millions of miles and the collisions are much higher energy, in the UV to Xray range. Added to this galaxies with massive black holes are basically belching highly energized plasma and hydrogen into the poles over galaxies which are basically in a very steep elliptical orbit around the galaxy, its very hot stuff, not to us, because space is a vacuum and we would simply dehydrate and freeze solid, but when two hydrogens smack each other there is alot of hv.
  5. He is right, the booster is way to powerful and there is no control, its designed to lift a huge tank of fuel and a shuttle. If you look at the launch dynamics, at the beginning the thrusters are carrying up a fuel tank that is way to heavy for the SSME to carry itself, once the boosters are released the tank is lighter and the shuttle is traveling something like 2200 km/h. If you took all the load off of the booster and replaced them with a 500kg payload, it would need to be very aerodynamic because it would be smashing the sound barrier much lower in the atmosphere (before the SSMEs throttle down at maximum dynamic pressure), and you would essentially need to go up and make a right turn in order to avoid overheating during the eastward role. It would be like a surface to air missile that just didn't stop, it would be out of visible view when it finally shutdown. The segment shape issue, is that you can create attenuators in the fuel shape.
  6. Well, that is in upper arm strength due to their need to forage constantly in trees. Lets be clear hear that Chimpanzees Are reasonably intelligent, that lack a few language facilities but they do have the a ability to commuicate in a complex lexico. If you want an unintelligent starting point for an experiment might I recommend something like a tadpole, or a c. elegans a free swimming soil nematode or an earth worm. There Are lots of species on earth that fall below these levels of intelligence. - - - Updated - - - Well, its actually more severe than what you describe. There have been population size estimates and studies done on entry populations, and a fairly small number of humans (100s to 1000s) have wiped out the megafauna in certain parts of the world within a few 100 generations. Whenever anatomically modern humans arrive anywhere on the earth, the previous versions of hominids Often 10000s of generations surviving have dissappeared. most of these populations lived in relative harmony with Apex predators like short-faced bear or cave-lion. And you might argue that humans interbred with these, but at least two populations are missing evidence in the human genome (h. floresiensis and h. erectus asian). Agriculture and animal husbandry in any form have been really destructive as most predators and many herbivores become competiotrs where previously they were just threats, food, or the occassional nuiscance. In gathering communities that are established in coastal areas there has benn a trend to conserve fisheries, particular when access is governed by tradition, as soon as long distance sailing and Engined boats cone along fisheries everywher begin to collapse.
  7. PBS did the same thing on thier program on Hubble. Journalist don't understand that it takes 3 or more studies by competing groups to create confidence and even then they sometimes get it wrong. They may even intentionally do this so that they can create an even bigger hype storm when someone comes along to prove them wrong. When I watch the news I get a strong sense that the media get great pleasure out of jerking their audiance back and forth. Anyway I stop watching american news most is from reddit which is really should be hipster science and the Beeb. For all the faukts of the British they do US news better than Americans. - - - Updated - - - I wish I had done a study on Usenet posts back in the late eighties and then after Deja-Vu (google groups). Its clear that after the windows IE capable masses had access to online discussion groups that thing went south fast. I can tell you that the oldest participants in these forums gave up and created forums that are heavily moderated now. Many news sites that had comment sections are getting rid of them. Waste to much time moderating fools that learn they can post and dupe others into flame wars. Reddit, just look at, its randomized chaos filtered into subreddits, the most deginerate of the groups are perhaps the best moderated. One could get a decent pH D thesis analyzing the governance and trends of posting behaviors on this forum alone.
  8. http://newsroom.ucla.edu/releases/new-spectroscopy-technique-provides-unprecedented-insights-about-the-reactions-powering-fuel-cells The bigger problem is converting electricity into power. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/new-technology-halves-cost-lithium-ion-batteries/ This sounds like an exaggeration, what they need is a new lithium Ion battery that is almost efficient but uses less lithium and uses more cheaper materials. Otherwise what we need is a cheaper way to extract lithium from Sea Water.
  9. Their economy is not doing so well, and the sanctions aren't helping.
  10. 1. 2-body problem works better if the central gravitational object approaches a point source. 2. Objects that orbit very close to massive objects undergo some time dilation, this alters n-body problems. 3. Objects that orbit very very close can be torn apart by differential gravity. In a sphere in orbit the arc-disk that is in the orbital plane has GM/r^2 = w^2 r. Those that are below the centripedal force is below gravity and those abovel th centripedal force is above gravity. 4. Survival depends on composition. A planet composed largely of volatlie matter ( given that everythig is volatile at some point) but some molecules will vaporize lower the density of the atmospere by thermal expansion which can be blown away. I suspect when they say blown away they mean a combination of thermal degassing reducing the planet to a rocky fraction of itself, alterations of it orbit due to the loss of mass in the central mass, and destabilzation of the orbit by a gravitational wave as well as kinetic effects of the blast. The fact the see neutron stars in orbit of each other suggest something can survive. I forgot to add that as neutron stars collapse thier surface angular momentum can be partially brought tobthe new surafce, this can cause them to spin rapidly creating a pulsar, this can have a very disruptive effect on nearby matter, as it is essentially a high potential thermal osscilator.
  11. Evolution can not (or very rarely and under limited circumstances) anticipate itself, the change is fed into the system via a process of uncorrected errors which can be modified by recombination, evolution selects those that are capable to survive and reproduce. It is competition that does the pushing, both inter-specifically and intra-specifically, and social benefits of intelligence and communication have largely revolutionized the game, and we are just better than most species at it.
  12. Do you think a lion could survive if it wasn't an apex predator. Could a whale survive if it could not hold its breath. Could a bird survive if it could not flap its wings. Could a fish survive if its fins had the consistency of lead bricks. Could a microbe survive if it weighed 60 tons. Could a elephant survive it if weighed an once. Could a snake survive if it could only eat microbiotes. Could a chameleon survive if looked like a biohazard sticker. Is any ape relatively unintelligent?
  13. As far as I know most stars undergo to much turbulation to have a solid core and old dying star, or one with a very high iron content, but then it would be on its way to nova anyway.
  14. Momentum is stated as GA = E/C2 x H where E is the electric field and H is the magnetic field. So if relativity disallows perpetuation of the force beyond the local, and a force is being carried beyond the local we can look at three things 1. There is a artifactual magnetic field being created outside the local that is pushing off (just like a rail gun). 2. QM is transferring the momentum over and beyond. 3. There is another layer of physics on top of QM that goes unrealized. Here is the facts. 1. One set of classic physics posits there is the potential for thrust creation of EM in a dielectric 2. Relativity claims that the thrust does not net beyond the local environment, the apparatus one-end is only pushing off the other end. 3. And quantum mechanics as of yet does not provide an explanation 4. And a force is observed. I don't think we can get away from two possibilities. Either quantum mechanics/standard model is incomplete or there is another layer of physics on top of QM that we have no idea that exists. The third possibility is that the device is directionly degassing copper. So it looks to me like they have a 1/8th inch piece of copper plate, dubious that anything within the cavity is going to get through the copper barrier, of course electrons can travel to the other side, but they also lack momentum and they would build charge. Here's the thing, a theory predicts an outcome, you observe the outcome but it is inconsistent with one more fundamentally operating theory and based on precedent is inconsistent with another.
  15. Its not a space-time wormhole, its simulating the effect of a wormhole using superconductive cloaking. IOW they did not make a wormhole, they made a directional cloak.
  16. See other thread on dark matter. the XEXON100 experiment failed to pick up any interaction with dark matter. This device would have to be doing something really bizarrely different to interact with Dark Matter or WIMPs (though I am more reluctant to merge the two concepts). I don't think that there is enough energy in the MW part of the spectrum, even under extreme resonance to cause Dark Matter to interact where it would not with a huge container of Xenon after several months. There is also space-time, the issue of dark energy results show that the energy does not interact directly with matter as chameleon type particles, which means if it is pushing galaxies out, it is either interacting with exotic matter such as in a black hole, or inflating space-time itself.
  17. All a neutron star is a star who mass has collapsed. They are in a category of stars that would have exploded as a supernova, so that any close planets would likely be taken. I suppose that any remaining planets would have to have a fairly dense mass, relatively far away, and one can assume an eccentric orbit. Adjacent binary stars can also become neutron stars and they are satellites in a sense. Planets further away may survive, they might assume more eccentric orbits, the loss of mass from their star and the explosion causing many distal planets to be ejected into space.
  18. I have both (the steam game was given to me). I don't use the steam account. I don't like the ad stuff, and when I am offline, the game takes an hour to load. When I finish my new build there will be no steam on my machine, so sorry steam, they screw up. The most annoying thing was when the game would crash, a steam advertising pop-up would suddenly appear. The other game crashes far less frequently.
  19. 1. They are green so the are photosynthetic 2. Since the are photosynthetic that cannot live inside of buildings 3. And since the cannot live inside of buildings they don't build cities 4. Because they are photosynthetic this is why the can live in space for months without being fed.
  20. Go stand next to a teslacoil and don't touch it and watch what happens. An number of people have gotten in trouble by basically placing a metal plate close to a power transmission line, a wire connected to a transformer and then to ground. No 'sparks' but they stole power none the less. I think we are getting away from the basic point because this is either electrostatic degassing and the drive is an artifact, or the so called virtual particles are interacting through a field undetected. I can give a cogent counter example. Take an atom smasher. We take a proton and accelerate the proton in a magnetic field (using electromagnetism). Once the proton is going really fast it collides with other proton and this gives rise to virtual particles that transition to many different things, but ultimately what we see is electromagnetism indirectly. So the Cannae drive may be generating a resonance starting with a microwave, but then that could be converted to something else which then gives off a VP that transitions to something else and reverses itself once it finds a suitably similar target. Fields can act at great distance and VP interact with fields, it not a proof of anything. The base question is if mass is behind the drive, and you apply the unit, there is a chance that some known or unknown force is interacting with that mass, which means its useless as a drive. Alternatively its not interacting with that mass but the whole universe, which means its useful as a drive. But you cannot really distinguish the two in the lab because in a lab and particularly a vacuum chamber there is mass in every direction that can be pushed off of. There is no earthly place to perform this experiment. To confirm that this really is a drive, not a degassing equipment, throw it into space. I should point out that science is coming up with a hypothesis and finding a way to test it, not of creating a forgone conclusion.
  21. They don't call it the Opaque Epoch without reason. Think of it like this, if you are doing statistics and you have 1 thing, and that one thing can switch its feel to anything else, you are going to have horrible sample statistics. In fact with one thing you can't do variance because the equation has n-1 in the denominator. That is the pre-inflation phase, statistics of a small number of things, really chaotic at the scale it operates. Then the inflation phase comes along and all kinds of energy is pouring into space time, much better statistics the events become the laws of mass action, the result is a smooth CMBR. I should point out however, the CMBR is a sphere surface of space time that exited inflation relatively close to our ancestral space-time, and most (the overwhelming majority) of the universe is not represented in our view of CNBR. Its better than that, because astrophysicists can make assumptions about the galaxies that are between us and that CMBR space-time acts like it should if CMBR is uniform (unfortunately they observe 2-state acceleration). But the universe that we see gives the outward appearance that the inflation was perfectly so. Its kind of a shame in a sense, because if there was something non-uniform about CMBR we might know something. Our guestimate of the size of the universe could be way off, and if it is so we would not be able to distinguish local appearance of uniformity in CMBR from a uniform Opaque Epoch. BY the way the equations on how they estimated the size of the universe in ly is not to different from your myth, we have to take it on reason that Compton's limit and the universal constants also work when space-time inflation is accelerating at some super-relativistic rate, and much of the forces today can't exist because of the energy density.
  22. Tagging this post onto this old thread There is new evidence concerning Dark Matter and Dark Energy. First the XENON100 experiment is a large container of Xenon buried deep in a Western US desert to avoid contamination with Cosmic rays. It is basically a gigantic scintillation counter. The evidence from this site suggests no interactions of Dark Matter with leptonic material. The argument here is that if Dark Matter was a WIMP and WIMP interact with electrons it would be detected. Some evidence from Itally suggested this might be true, apparently it is not. So either DARK matter is not a WIMP, or it almost never interacts with leptons, which means that if it interacts with anything it would be Bosonic material (i.e. black holes and the Higgs). https://theconversation.com/the-search-for-dark-matter-and-dark-energy-just-got-interesting-46422 http://phys.org/news/2015-08-theoryif-dark-approach.html So what we learn from these two article. We can't see DM electron collisions, because DM just flies right through the electromagnetic fields They can annihilate, and we can see this happen, maybe, but we haven't seen it happen. What if dark matter also exhibits asymmetry the antiparticles are elsewhere? The first article also brings up the issue of dark energy, that maybe dark energy is a chameleon, pushing space around when little matter is present but being less pushy around gravitational objects. It apparently is not a chameleon, its simply enigmatic For whatever reason, dark energy, the stuff that is speeding up galaxies does not interact with the matter in galaxies, can't say if it interacts with dark matter, and in may interact with space-time and push space-time around (like cosmic inflation). Whatever it is, it remains as elusive today as the day it was first theorized to exist.
  23. 1. Plank Epoch (of the Universe or of new instances within the multiverse) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planck_epoch -zero to approximately 10−43 seconds -quantum universe composed of energy only quantum gravity physics persist. -unmeasurably hot and dense -space-time have very little meaning - however unstable this state its longevity is not known or subject to measurement, the definable space is also meaningless because -it was a quantum singularity with an apparent infinite density, given the events that followed time passed during an expansion of the energy, although not exactly clear if that has meaning. ! if we knew how quantum gravity defines relativistic gravity then we would know the rusles that operate during the Planck epoch, but to us gravity is still an approximation. 2. Grand Unification Epoch. While gravity had meaning in our modern sense, no other force has meaning. For about 10-36 seconds. -Some aspects of spacetime are present, but quantum mechanics still dominates -Energy density is above 1024 eV with temperatures over 1027 3. Inflationary Epoch. to 10−32 -space-time can be made sense of - scalar fields can be applied to explain the universe. -uncertainty is loosing its stranglehold -universe is symmetrical and the inflation is uniform between scalar fields, -inflation initially opens up the flood gates of energy flow into our universe that was not acting in the grand unification epoch. This causes the accelerative expansion of space, it also dilutes any variances in the structure from that period. -"Cosmological inflation has the important effect of smoothing out inhomogeneities, anisotropies and the curvature of space" 4. Early Baryogenesis, (pre CMBR) . . . . . . to a fraction of a second. To understand the problem of the Quantum age of the universe, I think take off the physics cap and pretend you are the Cheshire cat. Quantum physics does to things that make classic thought difficult. 1. It allows everything to be in a singularity and 2. It allows that singularity to have its will with space-time as we know it. Thus there is nothing to really constrain it, and even if there were, over infinite times, the improbable becomes probable. Or to give this a little humor, If god plays dice with our universe, then the Quantum Universe is all performance enhanced gods at a dice throwing tournament, the die of space-time become blurry apparitions at all scales (which of course resolve into very tiny scales).
  24. CMBR - in our age 13.7 billion years old - in its age , less than plancks time. Neutrino's form the first galaxies, a few seconds in age. There universe is a few million years old Cosmic rays from the first super nova the universe is a 20 million years old. A neutron in a black hole in a super massive galaxy 7 bly away. Universe is a couple of billion years old. So basically we are the lighter elements, a couple of times thrown from supernova and alot of slow sedentary, non-radioactive atoms with electrons filling thier lowest energy state orbitals occasionally getting excited. And we bid our time and look to see how frequencies of light from stars, with absorption and emmision lines in expected patterns are shifted and we denote times passage in a interval that takes an object 100 billion mter from a star that weighs 2x10E30 kg to orbit that star. A rather passive spectators sport, stop that ole CNBR and ask him whats been going on "well" dazed and confused "thats just great, who stole all the anti-matter" looking around "and where did all these solid dense cold things come from" "Jeeze, I take off for a plancks moment and everything changed and got boring". 90+ % of our universe is dark something, so far as yet we don't know how time ages with these.......so yeah I would say time is an artifact of the observer, not really a universal clock we can identify.
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