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Everything posted by PB666

  1. In blender its not easy Add a 12 sided polygon(s) below your work piece and extrude regions upward and rescale inward over your 8 sided pieces matching radius as you move along. Then carefully delete your 8 sided pieces. My experience with KSP is there is a preference for multiples of 6 except in guidance stuff (manuevering thrusters and winglets). Its always best to start with 12 or 24 sided objects.
  2. Seems that he was asking about an efficient design. The SSMEs are the most efficient with the highest ISP in the range (although it is somewhat larger). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Specific_impulse So if you are not going after an efficient design, why create a thruster with r=0.625 size? LV909 - ISP = 85 to 345 LV-T30 ISP = 280 to 300 LV-T45 ISp = 270 to 330 T-1 ISP = 290 to 340 Skipper = 280 to 320 Whats the point of having another Size1 Size2 rocket engine that performs in the same range. Its better to design one that operates between These ranges and nuclear rocket range. IMHO.
  3. The most efficient engines are SSME which does not show alot of detail at the base, basically a flat ring cylinder with the nozzle base feeding through . They do however show alot of ribbing on the thruster body. The feul lines run back over the horizontal ribs. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Shuttle_main_engine#/media/File:Pratt_Whitney_Rocketdyne_space_shuttle_main_engines.jpg The top of this unit is shrouded on the vehicle. The shroud probably protects the turbocharger from the heat coming off the nozzle.
  4. Your normals are off. You have to repair this in Blender In the Edit/Object mode, edit window (right panel), under shanding, with multitexture set, there is a box called [ ] backface culling Click this and you and see the facings. Once this is set the faces that are suppose to be facing out on the surface will disappear. Once you identify these on the right side panel select Shanding/UV under Normals, you can flip the direction. It is a good idea to identify the mis-faced faces early in the construction process, because expanding mis-faces by -Extruding -Subdividing -Duplicating -Loop cut and slide Will also duplicate the misdirections.
  5. If you are like me and trying to root out all the bugs created during 1.0 I will give you some pointers. . . . . . If your cfg points to Squad textures or models, not only have the directories changed, in some cases markedly, but also some of the file names have changed e.g. mk1structural becomes mk1Structural. Here is another oddity I found. Prolly squad should know about it. PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/shuttleWings/elevon/elevonMk3' (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) PartCompiler: Cannot clone model 'Squad/Parts/Aero/shuttleWings/elevon' as model does not exist (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) PartCompiler: Model was not compiled correctly (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) PartCompiler: Cannot compile model (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) PartCompiler: Cannot compile part (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) There is an ShuttleElevonA and ShuttleElevonB but no elevon Does anyone know which Elevon it is supposed to be? ---------------------------------------------------------- Also found this PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Misc/PotatoRoid/part/PotatoRoid' (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) PartLoader Warning: Variable density not found in Part Density is stated as "density = 0.03" I get this same message when I misspell variable names so it likely the variable is Density or goes undefined in the game. [Crossing fingers] I hope that I am done. time to launch kerbal and see. One last one, the rest are warnings. PartLoader: Compiling Internal Space 'Squad/Spaces/Mk2CrewCabinInternal/internal_MK2_CrewCab/MK2_CrewCab_Int' (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) InternalSeat: Cannot find seatTransform of name 'Seat_UpLeft' (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) InternalSeat: Cannot find portraitCamera of name 'Camera_UpLeft' (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) InternalSeat: Cannot find seatTransform of name 'Seat_UpRight' (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) InternalSeat: Cannot find portraitCamera of name 'Camera_UpRight' (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) PartLoader: Compiling Internal Space 'Squad/Spaces/MK3CockpitInternal/internal_MK3/MK3_Cockpit_Int' (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) InternalSeat: Cannot find seatTransform of name 'Seat_UpLeft' (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) InternalSeat: Cannot find seatTransform of name 'Seat_UpRight' (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) PartLoader: Compiling Internal Space 'Squad/Spaces/MK3_CrewCab_Int/internal_MK3_CrewCab/MK3_CrewCab_Int' (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) InternalSeat: Cannot find portraitCamera of name 'Camera_Left003' (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) Is this a bug?
  6. You could make a collision mesh in Unity but it would not be attached to a textured part KSP could utilize, which sort of defeats the point. The part tools do other things also, such a directory assignments, etc. I suppose if you created an invisible part it could have a collision mesh without the part tools. Something like a sci-fi phase shift weapon, or a force field. You need Part Tools 0.20 added to the [unity]"\Editor\Standard Packages" directory Once you create a new project you will select the part tools from the opening check box, but after you go to your project you will need to show the project directory in windows explorer (popup menu selection) and then got to the assets\part tools folder. You need to remove the three added tools (02.0 versions) and replace with the 0.23 equivilents. Its a pain. There is a video on how to do this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71CIu-Pkn3k Its awful corny (and slow) but it's better than anything else out there IMHO. Making the collision mesh, well, and getting the triangle count below 255 without compromising the part, you are on your own.
  7. It is for everyone, I'm shifting gears though because of the dozen other issues the patch created. If you or anyone can find a way to add profiles, then I think it is worth worrying about.
  8. When the image is flipped the lettering disappears in GIMP, completely. I wish people would strive better in this forum to give concise and complete instructions.
  9. It produces a dotted "?" This is not going to be a feature I worry about, since most of my parts either narrow to standard diameters or broaden from a standard diameter. I think size4 is a good designator for all parts that scale larger than 3 at either stackable surface. The Icon area would not tolerate a larger graphic. My sort of hap-hazardness on these post is largely a function of the fact I have alot of orange in the database reloads, and I have have to decide which mods from 0.2 to 0.24 have to be thrown out and which can be rescued. There have been many that could not be saved. The funny thing is that most of the parts I made from blender have minor problems, almost all of the parts I dl-ed from the pre-curse download site are 'cursed'. lol. My current task are (hoping others can sympathize), I have literally 100s of parts. -Re tech tree orphaned parts -Apply a manufacturer for parts I created, including standards and icons (and make sure the names are spelled consistently) -Figure out how to enable DRAG CUBES to parts that were made sleek, or otherwise lower the drag coefficients is a reasonable manner. One has to be somewhat careful about lowering drag, because on "separated" parts, drag is largely what drives separation, and if you down engine and the lower part has insufficient drag it will push back into the higher stage. This is particularly problematic with jet powered launch stages.
  10. Oohhhh, well thanks for the explanation (at least I think, need to try that), that makes sense now. Without the sorting feature it had no effect in either assembly facility, so I figured it had an effect elsewhere.
  11. If this were the case you would only need three values ("V", "S", and "srf"). Anyway I am fishing for the meaning of these values.
  12. For collider meshes, it is one of two recommended mechanisms to import a down-triangle version separately. I can give an example of the problem. Let us say you want to make a large concave part in which parts can move in and out and parts can attach on the inside, in this case you do not want a collision mesh that flattens over the concave area. The solution is to start the entire piece in blender, then break that entire work up into pieces that have minimal concavity. Only the center piece will have coordinates of 0,0,0. All the side pieces will have centers where zero is off the piece. The intent of doing this is to break up pieces. Since the intent is to break them up having concave outcomes in Unity is pointless, since the intent is to circumvent the concave-less restrictions. Next the zero coordinates of the side pieces need to be moved, easy enough in blender. And its best to move that point to its primary node stack point on the piece. So working from the first piece to the second piece one knows exactly were the secondary nodes are in blender for the center piece and the primary node for the side piece, then the exact origin is reset. This can be done by creating two parallel planes at the margin between the two intended objects with two overlapping points. One set of point has planes and the other lacks them, then use to plane select point to discriminate the two sets and in two file saves the parts can be separated. So what happens when you send the side pieces to Unity. If you allow Unity to make the collision mesh (wasteful and potentially impossible) there is no problem. However if you decide to make a second collision mesh, then the tricky part is from the start you need to set up the Unity game object in the correct hierarchy, then second you need to make sure you drop both in the correct child-object that they not either be moved. Noting at this point the coordinates and the orientation are correct and as specified in blender with 90' rotation on the X axis. But if you should move either object to another point in the heirarchy, mysteriously Unity is able to cipher the original object coordinates and uses these instead. Critical in this process also is that the 0.23 part tools need to be loaded into the highest tier, and set properly before the other child object are introduced.
  13. The bulkheadProfiles parameter (generally found after the physics parameters in config file) is generally given 1 to 3 values of the following user undefined variables. Size Prefixes Size0 Size1 Size2 Size3 MK prefixes MK1, MK2, MK3 and srf The problem is that I have tanks that are of intermediate and larger sizes. The tanks are highly streamlined and so I would like to define their values. This thread is simply a seed for the discussion.
  14. I don't mind going to the cheat menu, oddly however I have not had to do this because of drag. IMO, the drag is not bad going up, the problem for me is that since I use a combination of gear and chutes to land, the chutes do not catch quicky enough, I am resetting the chute open height at 1500 meters. And of course if you happen to accidentally engage your chute before re-enter cool down, you are toost. Of course I did undertaking the building of Aero transition tanks prior to the release, there are ways of building to minimize upward drag. My big problem with the game is the CUBE tags have yet to be explained and the bulkhead profiles tag jumps from 1 to 2 to 3 and I'de like to see something more flexible. can we define bulkhead profiles?
  15. And you can still have a problem in Unity. Let me give an example where this can pop up, I should add that it might also shift back to the old axis. Suppose that you want to add a collider mesh to a another design. In this case you create a game object that contains two parallel created game objects. Unity will want to place the first mesh into the level 1 object, in this case you move the object to the second layer, and you might find the mesh reverts to the old rotation or old reference coordinates. Therefore if you are making complex parts in Unity you have to continually check to make sure the coordinates and orientation remain set properly.
  16. Im going to piggy back some other observations on this thread: Here is what I have found so far after fixing about 50 Mods. 1. Directory moves. Modded parts in stock directory or that point to stock directories may not work. MK1 parts have moved here "Parts\Structural\mk1Parts" NASA into the Parts directory. Mods that point to Models in these directories will fail to work, and will paint orange in your debug reloads. 2. Obviously the cfg files are reformatted, other modules may be added. On certain parts (adapters, decouplers) this module has been added. DRAG_CUBE { cube = Default, 3.272327,0.7808633,1.97612, 3.272327,0.7810537,1.97612, 11.00077,0.8435503,0.4720254, 11.00077,0.8433413,0.4720254, 3.272327,0.7660723,1.97612, 3.272327,0.7661255,1.97612, -2.384186E-07,0,0, 3.7678,0.8747007,3.7678 } (I think they probably could have rounded off at the 4th digit) 3. The bottom .. "nod_stack_bottom" should've flipped its attach vector. node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.4365587, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3 will become node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.4365587, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3 4. The tech-tree id string may have changed. So you will have to manually change the string to one in the list. 5. This line has been added bulkheadProfiles = Common entries are "size1, srf", "size0, srf", "size2, srf", "size1,size2"
  17. Yep, the only problem is that if you try to shift your zero position in blender from its starting zero position, depending on how you set up your game object unity may try to use the original position, you have to still keep an eye on the coordinates in Unity to get the orientation and zero-ing that you want.
  18. Given the changes I had a number of mods that were creating warnings because of out-of-date tech tree id strings. Here is the current list (don't forget capitalization is important): d = start title = Start id = basicRocketry title = Basic Rocketry parentID = start id = engineering101 title = Engineering 101 parentID = start id = generalRocketry title = General Rocketry parentID = basicRocketry id = stability title = Stability parentID = engineering101 parentID = basicRocketry id = survivability title = Survivability parentID = engineering101 id = advRocketry title = Advanced Rocketry parentID = generalRocketry id = generalConstruction title = General Construction parentID = stability parentID = generalRocketry id = aviation title = Aviation parentID = stability id = flightControl title = Flight Control parentID = survivability parentID = stability id = basicScience title = Basic Science parentID = survivability id = heavyRocketry title = Heavy Rocketry parentID = advRocketry id = propulsionSystems title = Propulsion Systems parentID = advRocketry id = fuelSystems title = Fuel Systems parentID = advRocketry parentID = generalConstruction id = advConstruction title = Advanced Construction parentID = generalConstruction id = aerodynamicSystems title = Aerodynamics parentID = aviation parentID = generalConstruction id = landing title = Landing parentID = flightControl parentID = aviation id = advFlightControl title = Advanced Flight Control parentID = flightControl id = spaceExploration title = Space Exploration parentID = basicScience id = electrics title = Electrics parentID = basicScience id = miniaturization title = Miniaturization parentID = basicScience id = heavierRocketry title = Heavier Rocketry parentID = heavyRocketry id = precisionPropulsion title = Precision Propulsion parentID = propulsionSystems id = advFuelSystems title = Adv. Fuel Systems parentID = propulsionSystems parentID = fuelSystems id = specializedConstruction title = Specialized ConstructionparentID = advConstruction id = actuators title = Actuators parentID = advConstruction id = supersonicFlight title = Supersonic Flight parentID = aerodynamicSystems id = advAerodynamics title = Advanced Aerodynamics parentID = aerodynamicSystems id = advLanding title = Advanced Landing parentID = landing id = specializedControl title = Specialized Control parentID = advFlightControl id = commandModules title = Command Modules parentID = spaceExploration parentID = advFlightControl id = advExploration title = Advanced Exploration parentID = spaceExploration id = precisionEngineering title = Precision Engineering parentID = miniaturization parentID = electrics id = advElectrics title = Advanced Electrics parentID = electrics id = nuclearPropulsion title = Nuclear Propulsion parentID = heavierRocketry id = largeVolumeContainment title = Large Volume ContainmentparentID = advFuelSystems parentID = specializedConstruction id = composites title = Composites parentID = specializedConstruction id = advMetalworks title = Advanced MetalWorks parentID = specializedConstruction id = heavyLanding title = Heavy Landing parentID = advLanding id = fieldScience title = Field Science parentID = advLanding parentID = advExploration id = scienceTech title = Science Tech parentID = advExploration parentID = precisionEngineering id = unmannedTech title = Unmanned Tech parentID = precisionEngineering id = highAltitudeFlight title = High Altitude Flight parentID = supersonicFlight id = electronics title = Electronics parentID = precisionEngineering parentID = advElectrics id = largeElectrics title = High-Power Electrics parentID = advElectricsid = heavyAerodynamics id = ionPropulsion title = Ion Propulsion parentID = scienceTech id = heavyAerodynamics title = Heavy Aerodynamics parentID = advAerodynamics parentID = unmannedTech id = hypersonicFlight title = Hypersonic Flight parentID = highAltitudeFlight id = nanolathing title = Nanolathing parentID = advMetalworks id = advUnmanned title = Advanced Unmanned Tech parentID = unmannedTech id = metaMaterials title = Meta-Materials parentID = composites id = veryHeavyRocketry title = Very Heavy Rocketry parentID = largeVolumeContainment parentID = heavierRocketry id = advScienceTech title = Advanced Science Tech parentID = scienceTech parentID = fieldScience id = advancedMotors title = Advanced Motors parentID = fieldScience id = specializedElectrics title = Specialized Electrics parentID = largeElectrics id = highPerformanceFuelSystems title = High-Performance Fuel Systems parentID = largeVolumeContainment id = experimentalAerodynamics title = Experimental Aerodynamics parentID = heavyAerodynamics id = automation title = Automation parentID = unmannedTech parentID = electronics id = aerospaceTech title = Aerospace Tech parentID = hypersonicFlight id = largeUnmanned title = Large Probes parentID = advUnmanned parentID = automation id = experimentalScience title = Experimental Science parentID = advScienceTech id = experimentalMotors title = Experimental Motors parentID = advancedMotors id = experimentalElectrics title = Experimental Electrics parentID = specializedElectrics
  19. Trivial complaints are problematic. Complaints are useful for the dev team, we point out common problems people are having. Most of the things that sound like complaints are actually problems people are having. I make parts, and when parts don't snap anymore, it means the devs changed something, so we have to figure out what that is and fix those parts. The problem is that we have an understanding of the way the engine and gameplay works, and when things change we want the correct understanding. As for complaints, I have a few. -What is the point of the BACC rocket now? -Do the steering winglets actually steer, they sometimes appear to be steering the opposite direction -SAS does not actually hold a course (whats going on with the SAS). If they can't tune the SAS properly then I will just UG mechjeb and ignore it, they don't benefit from the criticism. -The 0.5 factor reaction wheels don't appear to do much anymore. From a modders point of view, why all the changes in cfg. Can't we get a heads up about what the tech tree is going to look like so we don't have so much 'orange' in the debug window. There is plenty of room for complaints, but when you pay 13$ for a game, lol. Complaints are part of the system. If you don't want complaints, then game dev is the wrong field of work. I used to play WoW, they really messed up the game badly, IMO, and just quit and a whole bunch of people in my guild quit at the same time, they made the game tedious and boring. Have a whole bunch of Ipad games that just flushed. Most of them are just silly, I never complained about those games, don't really care enough about them to complain. So complaints are kind of an indicator that people care, if they don't care it means they're bored of the product, and that is the most dangerous situation for the developers. IMO, one of the richness (places is levels above WoW) of this game is modding and part design, that keeps the game interesting, so they do have to keep people at the mod-part dev level interested in the game.
  20. I managed to get it to work, it would appear that they flipped the polarity on the attach vector, so now I will have to go flip it on all the scale mods. Scaling is simply a means of reducing the parameters of working with a full mod, I did get it to work, almost all of my old scale mods will have to be shifted. Some bug.
  21. Nice explanation but it did not work, i'm going to take a close look at my stock scale mod and see if it set differently. This is a much deeper problem than the orientation vector.
  22. Can we get someone from squad to explain what they have changed with the node definitions, or at least a refined and detailed descrition of how to set stack nodes in unity. In fact the cfg files have had rather consistent appearance over the last few versions have changed alot, I think the Squad folks should detail the changes and effects. Even scale mods of stock parts do not attach properly, so I made a scale mod of the RT10 SFRB it will attach to the MK1 capsule in all orientations on stack nodes, but a half scale mod of RT10 will only attach to the bottom. So there appears to be a bug in the program on that limits further attachment. My own part constructs will attach on the top node correctly but when I try to attach from the bottom instead they attach at the 0,0,0 position. This is something squad needs to explain precisely.
  23. No its not, these are old questions. Henrietta Lacks - the first immortal http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henrietta_Lacks Ok, so this is how it works. Life = ability to control the fate of energy in the environment by containing and controlling chemical reactions, in essense life provides catalyst to direct reactions capable of rebuilding itself. Of course it needs a source of energy (most - organic molecules and dissolved oxygen, some - hv, CO2 and H20, a few = other sources of oxygen or chemical energy) Reproduction schemes (following the darwinian concept of reproduction - survive and reproduce) -fission (e.g. bacteria, simple fungi, certain procaryotes, we could also include parthenogenic animals or plants). -recombinant reproduction - gametes from two individuals fuse, undergo chromosomal recombination, and then either produce new organism or multiple new organisms. So humans fall into the second category. We are non-parthenogenic, however with cloning this scheme is possible, it is currently banned and the experiment with dolly the sheep shows that the best telomers are derived from germ-line cells, not stem cells. This means that to survive and reproduce, IOW, to fit the criteria my germ cell line has to survive and be cabable of recombining and this can be done without my brain, although its much more likely to occur with my brain. So Lacks is still with us in her cells, but the reality is that the DNA that is in those cells has evolved away from HeLa prototype, and the prototype itself was cancerous, its not really henrietta anymore, its kind of a zombie cell that only trained scientist can keep going (HeLa cells that are alive today have spent the overwhelming majority of their existence frozen in dimethylsulfoxide solution in liquid nitrogen. If those cells were truely Lacks's cells, they would have reached their natural limit to divide decades ago and died. So for instance the oldest person that has ever lived had better than good ability to conserve cell divisions while at the same time had good ability to facilitate cell division without transformation. Thats about 130 years of age, there are some stem cells that can divide longer under the right conditions, but by and large by that age at 37'C our cells are playing out. So this issue handled lets move to the last one. You are treating the human brain like a programmable digital computer. The human brain is a learning machine, it can compute, and there are certain digital qualities to it, but the digital computer and the human brain are very different things. The computer has memory that is near completely erasable and replacable. In the human brain the hardware and software are prettymuch the same thing. And no two human brains are alike. If you took all the memories and higher CNS function of one person and tried to shove it into the brain of someone else, they might see your short-term memories, but by and large the incompatabilities would knock out much of the function and you would have a very confused 2 year old mind that would have to relearn a whole lot (and the older mind cannot adapt as quickly as 2 year old). Your brain has a function, survive and help you reproduce and do optional stuff on the side. You do the optional stuff like create post here because your biology is tolerant of kin- and social selection activities that improve fitness indirectly. It assumes that all the creative stuff will improve the tribe, the nation or the species allowing humans some overall survival benefit. It gets confusing in the short-term whether this works, but in the long-term success is self-evident. So that to answer your question, your brains function stems from its ability to help you survive and reproduce, its function is tied to the rest of your corpse and really has no benefit to you or the rest of society if that corpse is no longer alive. The memories are not like the on and off bits in a computer, and if you somehow could detect all the memories in your brain and transform them into another person you would not have accomplished much because most of your emotional and functional state is hardwired into your brain.
  24. In the US they used not to stop stupid kids playing with explosives, when I was a teen I knew 2 kids that blew their heads off playing with gunpowder from shotgun shells in two separate events, and I knew a third kid who blew off half of his foot. Powdered nitrates are dangerous when finely mixed with organics. The most finely mixed are the covalent compounds. TNT = tri-nitro-toluene NG = nitroglycerin Picric acid And off course there is the Texas City accident where ammonium nitrate killed 500 people. NH4NO3 is banned in the state now. When nitrates are mixed with organics they should not be subjected to heat or impact forces that might generate heat, that means that the fuel should be added to the assembly as a cartridge last. Mixed fuel has to be carefully added to the cartridge, its a good idea to do this in a cool humid environment, and it should be stored cool and slightly moist (to avoid the possibility of electrostatic events). Your ISP is acceptable for a booster up to about 30,000 feet, but beyond this you will need a fuel with a higher ISP. Your aerodynamics are unsuitable for a low mass you will have to lower the coefficient of drag considerably. This occupation has a high risk and a low chance of success.
  25. I was starting at a blow up of Nasa psuedocolor Ceres image http://www.nasa.gov/jpl/pia19063/dawns-first-color-map-of-ceres/ And I see tracks or rifts on the rightish side of the photo. 4 of them seem to coalesce into what appears to be the bright spot (can't say for sure because this is psuedocolored. Nasa claims the spots are cooler than surrounding terrain, which means these are probably of a reflective nature. If this was of a techtonic nature one might expect them to be dark, I don't know of any techtonic activity the produces white colored igneous (unless it was gypsum or quartz). Any thoughts?
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