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Everything posted by PB666

  1. Google will do the conversion for you on your handheld, while you are texting your girlfriend updating your facebook page, swiping your tinder, and playing your spotify. You got to get with it man, multitask allows you to do everything, just not anything very well. - - - Updated - - - It was built at the skunkworks, their ....... different. - - - Updated - - - This is what is confusing, almost all lab products are in metric, all equipment is measured in metric system. How was it possible to build a satellite in the US an not be metric? Non-americans might think that americans routinely use imperial, but in hospitals and research departments the standard measurements are pretty much all metric. Even lab coats are measured in metric not english units. Someone should look at the contract of the company that used the imperial units, they may have been making tractor parts.
  2. If you're going to experiment with this salt-water is not the way to go. Lets face it beta-fish can live in a mud puddle left by a water-buffulo eating mosquito larvae and breathing air. They don't have near the problem saltwater do with ammonia (ammonia is not poisonous at acid pH like it is at basic pH). Take a trash can, put it outside and fill it with 30 gallons of water and place one gravid mosquito fish in it. At the end of the summer you will come back and you will have half dozen fish along or one nasty fish parasite.
  3. That answers does not address the anti-helium issue, just the composite impact energy issue.
  4. Three words: Three dimensional printer. Two words: Not Science One word: Muevele
  5. You forgot to add 264000000m/86400s = 3055 m/s those and most of the debris would be crossing at oblique angles at nearly the same speed, so they might toss a satellite off its orbit but there is no certainty that it would be destructive. Satellite is more likely to be taken out by meteorites or intentional acts of sabotage.
  6. The problem is only the largest bodies in the asteroid belt are gravitationally rounded objects, the concretization forces may not be adequate on most bodies, and there is no atmosphere on any bodies (as opposed to earth, venus and mars) so that small projectiles with marginal escape velocities are not slowed down by drag and escape, but not with such velocity that they enter the central solar system and are more likely to impact other bodies or be thrown out of the system by flying past other asteroids and being tossed out by jupiter. Impacts on the smallest bodies probably results in alot of smaller meteorites. The ice laden meteors will undergo sublimation and you would have soft porous impactors that break up or fail to produce consistent impact crators. My impression looking at the high res photos is that there are areas where older craters were covered with ejecta from recent impacts or have a long history of impacts with micrometeorites, some disrupting bolders on the margins of impact craters basically lots of small events cluttering the surface. If you are a lander mission you are probably going to focus on the donut region of a fresh impact crater, but this also presents a warning for manned missions, there is prolly a high risk for dangerous bullet size projectiles than on the moon or on the martian satellites.
  7. Alien(s) look sort of like the people who once occupied this land (In a time before guns, small pox, measles, iron and cruxes), hmm come to think of it maybe we are the aliens. In that case I see aliens all the time! What are we looking for, again? (If you haven't guess yet I'm satirizing your proposition) Hmm, UFO's - If I were a UFO do you think I would specifically fly around with big flashy lights but then disappear whenever someone wants to photograph me. I think if I was one of these shy aliens I would do my surface surveys up close using thermal-cameras to detect the pesky sentients before I landed, doing spot surveys and of course finding a safe place (such as mid pacific) to flash back into space. Since we have drones that can detect thermal signatures from 2 miles away, and I hear that there are satellites that can detect the thermal signatures of land mines buried underground, seems to be that an interstellar species would be clever enough to avoid multicolor lights hovering around AFB, unless they wanted to be detected, in this case why be so shy, unless this is part of their mating ritual.
  8. If we consider that Earth is 1.5 E11 meters from the sun and radiation drops at a rate of 1/d2 and set k = E/m2 (at 1 a theoretical meter)* 1/2.25E22 (IOW k E/m2 = 1 when d = 1 AU. Then the amount for radiation hitting Ceres relative to Earth is 1/(2.77Au)^2 which means the level of solar radiation is 1/8th, that means in order to see the average grey object on Ceres would require an exposure of 8 fold more time than on Earth or a aperture size 2.77 times larger. In terms of F-stop, the F-stop value would be 2.77 fold smaller than on Earth (Larger F-stop allow smaller levels of light, but increase the focal distance). IOW of the Ceres surface material were on the moon we would shorten the exposure time and increase the F-stop. The second image was taken at a radius perpindicular to the direction of the sun, the sun being in the left image direction, and the right portion of the image is at sunset, because most of the image is at a low incident angle relative to the sun, the exposure for the image is probably on the order of 16 to 32 times longer exposure or 4 to 6.5 times smaller aperture than the setting required for the same camera capturing the same surface on the moon. In addition the surface of Ceres appears to be very dark, and this would indicate that even more exposure time than the average reflective surface on earth. There are 6 factors in the exposure then 1. Distance from the sun 2. Incidence angle of sunlight hitting the surface 3. Albedo of the average surface covering on Ceres. 4. The area of the lens capturing the image 5. The capture efficiency of the photocells capturing the photons and spectral sensitivity (for black and white) 6. Aperture size. [7.] Image correction software use to correct to the final product. (since the intensity is digitized the signals with voltages very close to 0 or very close to maximum-saturation) will begin to lose correctablity. If a voltage comes in at 1 and this is statistically as 50.0% +/- 0.05% then a voltage coming in at 0.01 has a value of 0.5 +/- 0.05% and a voltage of 0.001 has a value of 0 or 0.1% +/- 0.05%. At the high end the problem is more contorted because the reading is the saturation voltage - read voltage. In some instruments the voltage may even drop a few percentages with more intense light. IOW for very low and very high detected intensities the error in correction grows increasingly more severe as one approaches either limit of detection. Thus the cameras are going to record intensities that fit most pixels in the middle of the range. This is a problem with almost all development based techniques and it overlaps with digital detection devices, the only exception are PMT based gamma counters that can read linearly across a 108 fold scales (the major problem is background at the low end). Your typical detectors on digital cameras are in the 102-104 fold range scale. Thus is you want to desaturate the intensity of light of the spots you would have to set the average detected hv by the camera to a lower threshold cease value. This would result in a very dark surface with barely resolvable features.
  9. I like the idea but I think it should be a package kit that you have to reach a certain level of launch capability (say 4kt) to get into space, then it has to be built to a final form before it becomes a building platform. BTW in space the VAB and the lauchpad are the same, and you don't really need a building, though I have already constructed a factory. As soon as you release the ship from a mooring you are launched, you either have to propel the dock construct-retro or the ship dock-retro.
  10. A part that cause all the banks in the world to send me 0.001% cash reserves. Then a part that would send a 200 foot schooner with a gang plank wide enough to pull my truck up and park with all my favorite gear. And then enough fuel and supplies to sail the Caribbean. And finally a part that would cause every program to deinstall clean the SSD and HDDS on the computer, box itself up and sell itself on Ebay. I suspect you really did not mean anything.
  11. I was raised in the 60's in the country right close to 4 AFB so I've seen lots of UFO's. The news cast always called them weather balloons, like yeah, right. Seen lots of Aliens also, when you stop on certain streets they run up to your car, through their chests on the the glass window panes and say "me,me,me,me-hire me" in a broken english. Theres also the Marfa lights, and we've seen are fair share of gas air explosions from space what-nots. Though I don't think this is the kind of UFO and Aliens you are looking for? I live in a big city, the sky glows orange at night, and the only time we see stars is when there are black-outs on very cold nights with low humidity. If any UFOs want to be seen in my area they will have to stand in line behind all the other aliens and wait for a local news truck to drive by and do a report on all the aliens hanging around on street corners and at Home-Depot's.
  12. Planck's units are not arbitrary. Planck's length is a bit uncertain because of uncertainty in the gravitational constant. LP = 1.61620 × 10−35 m MP = 2.1765 × 10−8 kg TP = 5.3911 × 10−44 sec QP = 1.875 545 96 × 10−18 coulomb TP = 1.416 834 × 1032 Kelvin (that's a little bit hotter than a Large LF booster after having run through 100000L of fuel) G = 1 L3/MT2 = 6.6738E-11 m3/s2kg c = 1 L/T = 2.99792458×108 m/s reduced plank's constant = 1 L2M/T = P/2pi kB = 1 For example a celestials Gravitational constant would be is mass. equation: [mu] = M Its gravitational acceleration at any point in above its surface would be ag = MR (r = radius in L) The amount of energy in a mass E = m The system is flawless except the gravitational constant is still not known to the 7th decimal place.
  13. The mun disappearing on hard landing or impact. That would be my worse so far.
  14. Good idea, but I think my asteroid based probe is much more convenient. Then why are they speculating that cosmic rays are interacting with Dark Matter? I'm not supporting their assertions, I'm just curious. There is more dark matter than we can directly detect, there is more cosmic radiation coming at Earth than arrives and so it would appear that somewhere in between both are happening I never said that gravity did push, but dark matter is obviously not abundant in our solar system otherwise we would have much more difficulty calculating the orbits, it appears to be repelled by normal matter, but the nature of the repulsion is unknown. Gravity itself could the the cause, since the darks cannot interact with say the Sun as it comes into our gravity well it speeds up and is always thrown clear, therefore the time spent in our gravity well is less than the time it would have if there was no gravity. So for example picture an elliptical orbit and then picture the time spent above the center of the elliptical orbit and below, the amount of time matter spends below the orbit traveling. This is probably the source of propulsion, because normals can interact to form gravity wells, and darks cannot the normal assumes on average a position in gravity wells and the darks assume an average position outside. Another object being thrown from our solar system (actually already thrown) is the Voyager 1 spacecraft. Next year Voayger 2 is thought to exit the heliopause. Thus we have two craft that are heading into the well of mysterious particles. How would I know an annihilation deep in space came from anti-helium versus anti-hydrogen? And why exactly would the darks care whether it came from either? Officially Voyager 1 is out! It passed the bow shock of our sun well over a year ago. So if there is if darks are lurking about it should be changing its velocity. Its not exactly deaf and dumb, and being the first human made object to reach interstellar we should send a message to all that dark matter in its advance to reveal itself, lol.
  15. Hmmmm. If you have a proton or a helium atom with 200 GeV energy and it collides with a hydrogen, the particles that are generated are still moving quite fast, for example a carbon nucleus weighs 12 times that of a proton, its products should still be moving close to the speed of light. The neutrons that are generated would have a half-life of 883 seconds in the neutrons enertial reference frame but that close to the speed of light they would survive at 1000s of years in our reference frame, if not longer. Has a serious cosmic ray survey been done outside the magnetic field of Earth?
  16. Humans repeatedly fail to understand their own frailties and weaknesses. The worlds populations are heavily driven by ethnocentrism and lack of empathy for peoples of other culture. People who otherwise consider themselves sophisticated are often engaged in warfare for the most ridiculous reasons (Example A. 2nd Gulf War). I mean seriously no-one bothered to think that the proponents of the war had not vetted their data carefully, or maybe that their beliefs were leading the data. The chinese just blew up a satellite in space, do they not consider the space junk they generated may end up colliding with their own future space craft? Before we can have any chance of colonizing space we need to be able to deal with these tendencies on a global level. A troublesome nation could launch so much shrapnel into orbit that it would be impossible for any other nation to pass through this zone without great risk, and we become confined on earth until we annihilate our species.
  17. Not likely, the blue stars that formed the early galaxy would have been short lived and rocky planet less, longer lived stars of the second generation probably followed cycles of birth and destruction. - - - Updated - - - blue-green algae of some species will survive just about anywhere and under any condition. All you have to do is get O2 high enough that conifers would survive through the night. Then start tossing out seedlings, and O2 levels will shoot up so fast. Trees will grow so densely you wont be able to see the trees for the trees. On earth the O2 levels overshot the current levels and then cooled down, all this occurring with terribly inefficient high-lignite trees. What you have to do then before O2 levels reach this, is dig a giant pits, chop down the majority of trees remove the smaller branches and the bark. Cut them into rectangle strips and bury them. Cover them with 100 feet of soil, keep growing. If you don't time the cuts right, lightning strikes will send carbon back into the atmosphere slowing down the oxygenation.
  18. You can't play in my sandbox. . . . . . game. lol. - - - Updated - - - I think there should be a penalty for firing weapons, like your space becomes congested with dangerous shrapnel that blows up your stations and lands on KSP destroying building in the space center. Reality there is no warfare in space, its like a doomsday behavior, you attack others and the collateral damage takes your stuff out.
  19. Wait..... wasn't Seti alpha V confused with Seti alpha VI. Doesn't seem like a very robust systematics if you get things confused lets check the wiki.... "Wrath of Khan" check Ricardo Montalban wearing hideaous breast plate- check. William shattners horrifically bad acting - double check. Oops seems like the planets did not have a unique intrinsically defined identifyer.
  20. The "ü" on kerbin is pronounced ayeeuuuiii so its actually mayeeuuuiiin or bust, we learned this today since Mün is not German and thus it cannot be a german pronunciation.
  21. I looked for a previous thread but could not find one, I am sure this has been discussed before but I want to throw a few twists onto the argument. First I have to deal with the political connotations. http://news.sciencemag.org/brain-behavior/2015/05/space-radiation-may-damage-astronauts-brains So . . . . What is cosmic radiation. Supposedly these are normal matter (including plasma) that are accelerated to very high, relativistic speeds becoming a cosmic ray. This is, in itself, is not radiation as we classically think about radiation (gamma, beta, and alpha particles), the radiation process begins or so we have been told in college physics as a cascade that is triggered by a collision. The cascade is exotic and normal matter along with EM radiation. What are the sources: SuperNovae (Fermi space telescope) Active Galactic Nuclei - This comes from the supposition that black holes at the center of large galaxies are pushing hydrogen into intergalactic space. The concept that black holes do not produce EM is actually false, at least as the process in total. As particles spiral down into the event horizon they increase velocity and collide just as they do everywhere, near the speed of light radiative collisions end up producing high energy x-rays because the direction of circular motion is tangential to the hole. The x-rays are shot out before reaching the event horizon and these that bombard the hydrogen over the rotational poles resulting in electron/proton separation (electrons being hurled progressively outward) and charged particles and plasma following them. My basic question is why is the Cosmic ray problem not worse than it actually is, or are we in a quite period, just seems like that ray showers should be obvious the second you reach orbit, these babies should be pelting the space ship at rates that would set off ambient sound recordings. We have already discussed that in space particles can travel great distances before hitting anything. Light can travel billions of years, for example, and be largely unaffected by the milieu. But should a cosmic ray actually collided with a proton, hydrogen or helium molecule, the exotic matter and other particles are free to travel roughly forever. Obviously space is not filled with exotic matter, there is probably a finite limit on how much can build up before it masters its own destruction. Why are we looking for cosmic rays on the ISS, if we know that Earths magnetic field deflects charged particles, shouldn't the cosmic ray observatory be planted in a deep cavity on some rotationally attenuated asteroid? So cosmic particles in space are interacting with dark matter, and these little babies are gobbling up all the exotic particles produced. This is interesting conclusion because we cannot see or detect dark matter, but apparently exotic matter can, how is that possible? Maybe dark matter is a private club of select exotic particles that have accumulated since the beginning of the universe and form stable complexes that they can, and only can, interact with. Repulsive of all electrostatic interactions they crawl away from regular matter and tuck themselves in the nook and crannies of interstellar and intergalactic space. Maybe this is the a reason that matter condense qucikly after supernova, the dark matter created pushes normal matter away and finally into denser collections. OK so the matter is not antihelium (whew cause that would be way bad, wait why do we specifically care about antihelium?), but how exactly could you detect antihelium in interstellar space, does it have a signature? During an interstellar journey at near light speeds might we accidentally run into a cloud of dark matter and touch off a Cosmic Ray storm around the ship? I wonder if Voyagers have detected any signs of dark matter on its journey between the stars?
  22. Most textures are plotted on a 1024 x 1024 grid or 2048x2048. What you have to do is find a color, if All you are going after is a monotonous color then you need a program that converts PNG to mbm format. Then you can apply the texture in the config file for the part. This is not the best way to do it, because when game updates are made the file is often broken. The best way to do this is blender a cylinder and you can paint it PNG. If you follow the post I made for blender to KSP it gives step by step instructions of how to go from a basic volume in blender to a part in KSP including the very tricky Unity part. The length of the big orange tank is the difference between the Y values It is thus 7.5 meter tall is the scale is equal to 1. The node attach (side sticky) is Defines the distance along X of the collider mesh from the axis of rotational symmetry as 1.25 meters this is a radius that produces a diameter of 2.5 meters, the scale of the tank. As a consequence we can be assured the scale is 1 and the length is 3.75 - -3.75 = 7.5 (approximate, it may be slightly more or less depending on the look the devs wanted for the part when snapped, an example of parts that differ from surface would be the F2 nose cone). If you select an older tank such as the 400 or 200, the bottoms of the tank are often two filled circles on the bottom of a 1024 x 1024 grid, where as the sides are on the top half. You can do a blind coloration and if it works, then use it if it doesn't try flipping the png and repeat. Another way of figuring out where the parts are on the grid is to make a numbered grid of 1024 say 9 verticle lines and 9 horizontal lines, Number the first horizontal row of squares 1a, 1b, . . . . . 1j 2nd row 2a. . . .10th row 10 a, . . . .10j. Then convert and apply the grid and the part will show you were the paints end up.
  23. Yeah, they're kernauts if they go to space, kerbals if they live in a cage and eat birdseed. BTW why is the thread posted? - - - Updated - - - Kearth, Mon, Evenus, Mercuroho, Marduna, Peelooto, Joolupiter Don't that make you feel nostalgic?
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