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Everything posted by PB666

  1. Tell that to people living in the Greenland 742 years ago. Without anthropogenic climate change we really do not know how advanced the Ice Pack might be now. Don't forget that CO2 can also drive circulation and mixing, while the oceans are really basic, if the CO2 levels go to high on the benthic layers the expansion of H3CO2 into CO2 + H20 ---> CO2 gas (In upwellings approaching the surface) can drive the increase of the surface currents. Since CO2 is heavier than O2 and N2 when it displaces these from Ice, the hyper-saline density is higher and thus it falls more quickly from the arctic and antarctic. We are already seeing the consequences in the Pacific Northwest were the water is undergoing acidification. The greatest carbon sink was the perennial ice stores in the arctic (CO2 likes cold icy water) and this drove carbon to the benthic shelf which then dropped into the midatlantic (as the oceans warm in the tropics this will be faster). Since then it gets distrubuted around the world and reappears in the Major upwellings at periods of up to 10,000 years. The carbon 'pump' is likely to increase the rate markedly particularly as the CO2 potential of the deep oceans saturate. All signs are now that the Oceans carbon sink has begun to saturate.
  2. Yeah, that's good too, it confuses the hell out of people who are just anticipating that 3 x 9 = 27 or 28 or 32 or 102. Cause, like, you know, you wouldn't turn on a second stage engine or a car engine when your intent is to fire the first stage engines only.
  3. They didn't build the chunnel because waiting for boats made people relaxed and happy . . Be patient anyway, the Electron will blow up take off, I meant, in its own sweet time.
  4. 29 if you consider the engine in the Tesla, (Ka-ching!!!!!)
  5. no, the holes are a variance in the lattice.
  6. Wishes horses beggars. Talk is cheap, and I am very dubious. The chinese may opt to go to the moon, but they wont be sharing their operations with others.
  7. high-efficiency thin-layer photovoltaic p degradation. If we consider two states of A, (a and α) and B (b and ß) a + b <<<<-----> α + ß is considered to be a reversible always favoring a and b in the low energy state. If we consider A (an element in the p conductor) and B(an electron) that when ß is knocked from the ground state b (taken out of the system) as stable in the system only when ß is in the n-conductor (the reaction is forced by removal of ß). That a does remain in the α such that when the ß is returned by its neighbor that a and b are the preferred state. So that when the p lattice is relaxed it should retain no memory that an electron is removed. If the lattice element A retains characteristics of α then b will retain characteristics of ß and in this state pair α + ß may be free to form a' and b', a kinetically unfavored but thermodynamically stable reaction. Thus the longer that α and ß remained coupled in the unstable state the more likely they can be converted to a' and b' In chemistry these are know as side reactions, the basic assumption is that if we look at a reaction profile in 3 dimensions and all possible reactions being a wedge in a pie from top down view, we can consider that energy input as a driver of the least favorable reactions, but there are to be considered catalyst which lower the reaction profile, catalyst hold intermediates in a state that lowers the thermodynamic energy required to reach a reaction product. In the same way if orbital energy can remember that a B has been plucked then the arrangements of the electrons that reflect this can be considered to be in a higher energy state, this can allow reactions more favorable to desired or undesired reactions to occur. Basically in a reaction this 'thing' is an unexpected thing. The human analogy would be two passionate lovers meeting after a long hiatus, the male spotting his lover run to her in excitement, she stops him shakes his hand coldly and says 'long time no see' and the lover has to start all over again courting his lover.
  8. Don't pick on the boaters now. Now reset to 45:00 to give Boaty McBoatFace a chance to get out of the way.
  9. COunt down reset from 58 sec to 20 minutes.
  10. Who expects a rocket to launch from New Zealand.
  11. The donkey came back to tell him, 'not this video again'.
  12. That's a good question, I supposed a semi-condutor is a forced state where as this in more of a coerced state. More on the order that you rattle a lions cage to get the lion to swipe wildly, and while he is swiping noone dares venture close to the cage, the system remembers for sometime the swipey lion and acts as if the space is still perturbed. That would be different from opening the cage and having a lion on a tether. The question they raise is interesting, how long is enough time (they are only at 26K) for a system to relax once it is perturbed and coerced back to that original state. Remember that at the quantum scale its no longer about energy (but it should be conserved), its about information, so it in the conversion some tangential information is generated (dimensionality on the quantum scale is really tricky) in the first process, when the process is reversed, what happens to the tangential information that was generated. That would be a compliment in this case.
  13. The video is kind of, well, not good.
  14. You'll be happy to know that 2017 is not the hottest year on record, only the second hottest . . . . global cooling!!!!! [snicker, snicker] At the lowstand the temperature in the North Atlantic shoreline was something like 5'C cooler than 1900 average, so as long as temperature rise stays below that there is a risk of getting colder. I suspect that some of that has been gobbled up by anthropogenic effects during the industrial age before 1900 and also we have to look at positive feed back as a contributor to climate change during the ice age, if anthropogenic effects negate that then I suspect the potential for entering an ice-age, even now is close to zero.
  15. Its doesn't, consider that the ground state of an atom, in which the ground state is not a zero energy state, if you remove an electron from the zero energy state and place it in a higher state, the electron density disappears from the orbital, and in fact the orbital warps (particularly if is a molecular orbital) there is a tensor. Charge has moved further away and the process in which it returns is not immediately perfect. When you return the electron the other orbitals return to their original manifold but not immediately. If you think about a large atoms with molecular orbitals there has to be some negotiation going on, because as the electron was kicked, bonds shifted. If you want to consider a completely relaxed state consider this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bose–Einstein_condensate. I'm point this page because superfluidity implies that the electrons of liquid helium lack 'sharp elbows' meaning they do not applied torque to other helium atoms as they pass. Consider the two electrons in the B-E cond. as a completely happy couple, they are not perfectly happy (uncertainty does not allow this) but their properties have achieve maximum parsimony. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angular_momentum_coupling#Angular_momentum_conservation So that anything that alters the electrons properties in the excited state or the unpaired state _can_ (but not necessarily does) when the electron is returned to the lower energy state. This can be trivial or significant, as might be the case where other electrons in the 'shell' are also in molecular orbitals and the reaction to excitation energy spreads in the system.
  16. That's true for just about every FPS unit, no matter which unit you choose I can find an implimentation in which that unit is different. For example what is a gallon. So unless the person specifies the convention the unit they name is ambiguous. EDIT: BTW the pound(mass) has the same name as the pound(force) which means if you use that unit, then every time you use pounds of force you have to specific that it is a force, and every time you use a pound of mass you have to specific that it is a mass. So lets say you go to the moon and tell earth you found a special rock of 100 lbs on the moon (which unbeknownst to them you snuck along a fisherman's scale). Well if you are talking about mass, that's fine you have 45.4 kg of rock, but if you are talking about force you have 270 kg of rock, and of course if they don't know that then good luck getting your rock and yourself back to Earth. The fps systems loses all utility past any stable orbit, which means it basically looses utility above the edge of the atmosphere.
  17. The question is how many engines would the shuttle have needed to avoid the scenario altogether. Maybe 5.
  18. It is a shared unit, but in true metric use, you would avoid using hours, days, years (a year changes almost instanteously). Here are two seconds: SI = " The SI definition of second is "the duration of 9 192 631 770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium 133 atom " WikipediaBBC World A system is defined by its last definition, and so a second is defined by its last definition. The Imperial system lacks certain definitions for instance (there is no defined mass in the Imperial system but there is a defined mass in the Customery US system of weights and measurement. The Yard and Pound where last verified in 1958 but that did not include the second. Prior to that the second was defined by the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mendenhall_Order referring to a set of agreed units in 1983. So that in FPS officially its the unit of a second in 1893, but since the agreement makes all units undefined by later acts equal to a metric unit times a scalar, you can unofficially take the time to be an SI second. Since we know how so in essence it is the if C = δd/δt of light, then δt = δd/C then its in essence the speed of light in 1927 in inches x 2.54 / 1000 divided by the speed of light (δ) as it was known in 1927 divide by the current definition of the speed of light. This is the nitpicky answer. The exact value of C is299,792,458 SI meters/SI second ( the meter is defined officially as the length that light travels in 1/299,792,458 second), In 1927 the speed of light was 299,710,000 so that sec = 0.999725 second if one takes the 1927 measure. So here is how you should think of the FPS in reality, these are all based secondarily and tertiary on the SI system. Second = 9 192 631 770 periods of radiation . . . . . . . of cesium 133 atom Meter = C * Sec/299,792,458 Inch = .0254 Meters. Liter = The volume of a cubic meter divided by 1000. Kilogram = (mass of 1 liter of water @ 3.984'C)/ 0.999975 wear the atomic composition of the water reflects the isotopic of H and O averaged between all the worlds oceans. Or the mass of a Kg stored in France. From the Kg we get pount Pound = 0.45359237 kg x 9.80665 g = 4.4482216152605 N. Foot = 0.3048 meters the American slug (there is no imperial slug, thus the slug is really not a coherant measure of mass) = 14.5939 kg = 0.45359237 * 32.17405 ft/sec2 IOW all units, weather Metric or FPS are current if they are derived from SI system. So the answer is yes, but that also to realize that a second in the FPS second that goes undefined may not be exactly as second. If you are looking at the table above you are probably wondering why anyone would use the FPS system, since all FPS units are secondary to the Metric system, some units (i.e. the Slug) are not defined internationally and would not be coherent if they were, and the system does not have clear definitions. . . . .and you would be correct to wonder that.
  19. What are you expecting the problem to be, heat trapping? I think with 27 engines it would me like a wall of thrust versus point thrust so I would think that some of the density-waveform issues would cancel each other out. The way to avoid this is to make sure that turbopumps are not all matching Θ as they turn. You just put a sensor on the axle that then makes sure that theta of all the pumps are spread over 2pi/symmetry by using a dampener (for example momentarily attenuating fuel flow to the turbine preburning by a few percent. The only problem I could foresee is that if the engines are not tuned properly you could get resonance between the engines (this could actually be carried through the gimbaling system which is why its probabiy good to limit gimble functionality to the core during ascent and activate gimble on the boosters during RTLS).
  20. Really we can request books and we expect people to give them to us? Wow!
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