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Everything posted by PB666

  1. 2 made edits after they posted and one did not.
  2. From my POV the edit changed the value in the series, it looks corrupted so you have to state specifically which value is the correct one. POSes need to get a check, if not I could challenge this when you are at a much higher score and bring you all the way back to zero :^).
  3. Fault Marker. Oddly right after he said no errors someone committed and error and edited. lol.
  4. Psuedoscientific jargon - one of the 12 basic forms of propaganda. It works like this basically You -------Life-----------Choices Choice one - you ignore science and treat science and technology with suspicion or respect depending on the how the package is wrapped, not what is inside. (For you science and sci-fantasy have few distinguishing features) Choice two - you engage technology and science and you are skeptical of packages, period. Now I would say in the typical human with moderate amount of wealth in their 40s and 50s are of catagory A, which means some nepharious individual can repackage poof into glittering mounds of valuable fertilizer and can get people to invest. Lets take an example I have a battery and a DC motor, I can use it to turn an aquarium pump impellar to generate DC to run a plasma capaciter, magrav system which oddly has both properties of a 120VAC 60hz and 12/6 VDC circuit at the same time, depending on which peice of equipment is on it. The equipment magically interpret what it needs to use and runs that device, it feeds enough power back to charge the system, run a refridgerator compressor and fan and provide additonal power at 120VAC, amazingly to any device that plugs into it. Now a certified electrician would probably give you a snicker, but if you were ignorant to all these things you might invest in this all but obvious perpetual motion machine only to be given the Ponzi treatment.
  5. I have read a few of these articles now, it does seem so be more hand-waving than actually based in experiments. A force that once (why not now) governed the interaction of electrons and neutrons. How does this particularly help the dark energy and gravity problem. The way I see dark energy is this a force of energy that only acts at great distances (in fact measurements conclude conclusively that it does not affect interactions as a close range at all-meaning whatever its contribution we cannot distinguish it from the standard variation already seen in the universal gravitational constant). Therefore dark energy will not directly have anything to do with electron neutron interactions. Neutrons in general move to slowly (and also scatter) and electrons are scattered to easily to interact at long distances. Dark matter from what I understand is either a cryptic source of gravitation (the warping of space time) whose interactions are also observed over great distances. If the force is a boson, that acts over great distances like light, it cannot be confined to any unit of space, there is nothing over 100,000s of years to confine it to regions of space or any thing, it would simply diffuse out. So dark gravity cannot behave like a infinite-range field interaction, it would have to simple force that looped or spiraled over sub-galactic distances or a more complex particle. Either this fifth force is something they are not talking about or its theoretical physics run amock.
  6. Who else thinks that this is going to be hard to do, at least create a data stream?
  7. Talk is cheap. Its just the demeanor of the individual is, well lets just say like people I have run into to the past that have social problems (tend not to hold jobs well, etc).
  8. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-37091833
  9. -2 (-), positives are their own worst enemy.
  10. http://phys.org/news/2016-08-physicists-discovery-nature.html
  11. 1 (-),. Join the dark side. Without the dark side what would the star wars franchise be?
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