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Everything posted by PB666

  1. As far as i know there only one humanized space craft, the ISS. Its panels are deployed and the untility bus that it is not pressurrized or has pressurrizable equipment. The soyuz that operate the station could operate on fixed panels and litium ion batteries. Population impact = 0/10 Terror impact = 0/10 It would be difficiult for analyst to determine that it was a plot or simply a reentry-like depressurization the soyuz had previously seen, and russian politicacracy might just deny any connection beyween panel and depress. 3/10 0/10-1/10 Its difficult to think of new evil things. Hmm, lets try for pure evil - nothing violent, no monetary gain, do direct cause of death. I program a viral application that appears to be completely benign. Howver it analyzes the persons device use patterns and determines what creates the most paralyzing kind of fear and/or paranoia and then feeds them th information subliminally before critical points in thier lives, such as before exams, marriages, tests, meetings.. This paralyzes them and society bogs down but since everyone uses these devices they cannot figure out why. Pilots become too afraid to take off, budgets dont made, banks are too afraid to exchange money. Complete political, financial, industrial, agricultural and militarybparalysis occurs. Primative tribes on all continents move in and take over the governance of everything.
  2. Banned for having a location on a competitive game forum. Particularly after the last 2 WoW patches (blech).
  3. -25 (-) all in-/decrements that follow faux-pas are as equally faulty. You can think of this like this, the more you post following a fault without noting the fault and posting a reverrt point are like heavier links added to a chain that can be used to yank you with. The more you struggle away from your fate, the more painful that fate is when it finally comes.
  4. -25 (-) . Who us this them you need the tin-foil hats to protect yourself from. During the last week the only thing the positives really needed to protect themselves from is their own errors.
  5. Or Ceres did not become gravitationally rounded until after Earth's late bombardment phase. At which point the gravitational forces heated the surface up smoothing it and the later activities spotted. In answer to the ice plot, the rotation away from the poles over 100,000 year period might be expected because the planet is relatively small compared to nearby objects it could interact with, its rotation is very slow, and so it does not have much angular momentum, and it could rather easily shift poles with small perturbations.
  6. for trying to initiate tongue twister chain ban, banished to the hinterlands
  7. PB666


    uh TL:DR -> Illuminati
  8. -25 (-) Neutralization theory does not work, the neutralizers often neuter themselves.
  9. 163. Asking how to create the most destructive space weapon in a science forum. Otherwise talk about getting rid of the space treaty in a science forum. Or trying to create schemes that would greatly populate LEO/MEO space junk. 164. Reviving necrotic shuttle threads to beat a very putrid dead horse. Also shutlle sputnik thallus measuring contests. 165. Starting any futuristic deep space thread with Nerva, Pulse nuclear rockets, black hole drives or warp drives. 'if we had these technologies today . . . . . . .' 166. Start any mars colonization thread with Mars One or the designs of its founder. 167. To discuss landing or flag planting missions on Jupiter or Saturn. 168. 'New horizons' could have landed Pluto. Edit: Forgot to add 169: The referral of Earth-sized exoplanets as being habitable when carefully referred to as potentially habitable. The furtherance of those claims despite said planets surrounding dim/unstable red dwarfs and indifference to the general finding that most of the characterized versions have no atmosphere, are very hot or very cold. In addition bringing into the discussion potentials of bioneogenic planets surrounding brown dwarfs.
  10. Maybe (ask a stupid question) Banned for using an emoji?
  11. I mentioned that glancing collisions with solar wind can cause them to reflect back into the ship. Half-lives work like this Lets say I pour a billion neutrons into a room. in 14 minutes half-billion remain, in 28 minutes a 250 million remain, in 42 minutes 125 million remain, in about an hour 50 million remain. In 2 hours 2.5 million remain, etc. Half-life is the least of the problems. if the neutrons are scattered back into the ship there is more than enough time traveling at a few hundred meters per second for them to reach targets in the ship all but fully conserved. Again if you are either in a situation where the solar wind blows in the nozzels direction, but the problem is that many ships will be pointed away from the star when the drives are fired, so the ambient particles can be directed back to the craft. Lets take an example, a ship traveling to Mars is on a <150 day route, it leave earth traveling about 30' relative to the horizon of the sun. The neutron ejecta out the nozzle falls into a plane about 180 degrees, thus some of the neutrons are traveling forward with respect to the movement along the horizon, some are struck by the solar wind and travel in the direction of the capsule. If the capsule is accelerating forward this is not likely to happen because by the time it reaches the capsule is very well scattered and diffused. But of the capsule stops, the engine is still producing neutrons and the solar wind is still scattering them. In the event of a solar storm, this could make the problem even worse. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neutron_scattering Neutrons can be scattered by anything, the hydrogen in water is particularly good, but they can be scattered by the shielding, scattering creates thermal neutrons, which travel at about 500 m/s. If you are moving away from the sources of the scattering you can avoid these but you have to be moving relatively fast that they are always at your backside not coming in from the side. Magnetic scattering The neutron has a net electric charge of zero, but has a significant magnetic moment, although only about 0.1% of that of the electron. Nevertheless, it is large enough to scatter from local magnetic fields inside condensed matter, providing a weakly interacting and hence penetrating probe of ordered magnetic structures and electron spin fluctuations.[2] Neutrons can also be scattered by magnetic fields such as those found in solar flares, and can be scattered back to the ship. My point is that as a ship propels itself forward it propels its ejecta backwards (this does not preclude neutrons, but it influences their motion and the interactions of the ship with phenomena outside the ship) and itself forward, in the time that neutrons are traveling behind the shield relative to a neutron and a point on the side of the capsule, the capsule is protected. If the neutron is far enough away from the capsule at the time it is scattered, then the probability of it hitting the capsule is low. But if the ship is drifting in space, neutrons come of with a variety of speeds from fast neutrons that can be scattered by rapidly moving particles to slow thermal neutrons that can be scattered by magnetic phenomena, and the neutrons can end up on the other side of the shield.
  12. http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2016/07/our-last-common-ancestor-inhaled-hydrogen-underwater-volcanoes?utm_campaign=news_daily_2016-07-26&et_rid=16756882&et_cid=665580 This explains why Nadph and NADH are so important for life. Thus basically you can rule out worlds where the dynamics quickly eliminates hydrogen from the surface.
  13. Not neccesarily, the would be blind to the common cosmic comoving reference frame, but there are also particles in space moving close to the speed of light which can be observed. You are never blind to matter, if you are moving toward it it is simply blue shifted and away red shifted.
  14. Theoretically you could have a door that covers the nozzle when the rocket is not in use. I should just point out that gamma emmisions are not the major problem, slowing down two types of neutrons are.. The other problem is that when you crank up a fission reactor to full capacity and run it, it does not _simply_ cool down, So i would imagine that for long distance usage the bell itself would have an application radiator the mass itself would/could be designed to absorb neutron. So a shield disk might not be required. So now the next problem, you are now drifting in space eventually slow energy neutrons are also drifting in space around your craft. The only way to avoid spurious interactions with solar winds is to push the the craft using something like an ion drive. Isn't this thread now really off-topic?
  15. He must be browsing real slowly. The next person @B787_300 just because I like the Avatar.
  16. PB666


    Yes, otherwise you are the illuminati!
  17. Banned for needing a hyphen in your username
  18. Ah well, i missed that one then -24 (-)
  19. Banned for banning a double banner.
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