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Everything posted by PB666

  1. You mean roid, right?
  2. Because like VASIMR, they need a GW of electric power and currently no feasible source in space. Solve the electric power problem, and the radiation problem cheaply then you have a choice.
  3. Where the cow gets really cold. What is the inverse of i?
  4. No parly vous frances, solo espanol
  5. http://www.sciencenewsline.com/news/2016071915070033.html
  6. Concorde 1.9 was expensive to develope and was not safe tontake off,mit would have been more expensive to make it safe, there were only four flights. It was a very space age idea, but it was not fully developed.
  7. Did your allcaps key get stuck or something?
  8. To produce a breathable “shirtsleeve“ atmosphere, about 1018 kilograms of O2 must be pumped into the lunar environment. This should require a total energy expenditure of about 1024 joules. Again, both mass and energy figures lie within the budget of an ambitious mature Type I civilization." http://www.xenology.info/Xeno/19.2.1.htm This comes from the guy who thinks sentient life are a dime a dozen in our galaxy.. Nature, unfortunately has no credentials with me. Some of the worst examples of bad science were published in nature. If you want life to exist around every corner you will tend to see it, the facts however speak for themselves. I don't like bad guesses.
  9. AND Mars has already lost most of its atmosphere. 3 strikes and he's out.
  10. Seriously, that's your justification? You attempt a new strategy when there is a significant change in base technologies. LfOx systems still have an ISPnax of 445 sec, there is still turbulence problems at Mach 5, and there is been no major improvement in multicompressor ramjet technology in decades, the speed required to orbit is still 17000 MPH at the equator, the height required to get past mach 5 is still well about 100,000 feet, wings still create side drag and lift drag, Gravity still pulls at >9.7 m/s^2 up to well past 200,000 feet. Until you have a rigid flight bed that can lift something well into the 30 to 60 km range gently push it off, allow it blast itself into the orbit without destroying itself or its lift vehicle, then that vehicle decelerate and safely land on its own landing gear or whatever, its not any better than what space X can currently do. Frankly I don't think the advantage gained is any better than the current First stage takeoff and land systems. If you think they could reuse the vehicle 10 times in a month, thats nothing but hype.
  11. PB666


    maybe, but its forbidden for illuminati to reveal their secret identity, its also forbidden for them to reveal that it is forbidden to reveal their identity, and so how would we know.
  12. The moon has been struck many times by comets, it has no atmosphere. Thermonuclear detonations will neither create an atmosphere.
  13. PB666


    Hah, i'm the illuminati.
  14. Not to worry its messed up from 2 days back.
  15. Dr. Who is fiction, you made it worse, and the show was never produced. I make time flow backwards for the next 20 years.
  16. You need a sign Spooky voice coming from the heavens.......... check your game manager..... spooky voice ended.
  17. You don't build domes. You drill into the moon and you make underground caverns possibly a kilometer under ground. Having about 10 airlocks between the ground and surface. Your underground habitat is going to be completely lit by LEDs for the horticulture and lighting of choice for everything else. Glass domes are not the answer, there is no way to convect the heat away and radiation is very slow, the moon is lit for 15 days on one side and then 15 days of darkness. Therefore sunlight is as about as useful for horticulture as a screen door on a submarine. So you allow the solar panels to take the brunt of the insolation. In addition glass does not kick out enough of the cosmic radiation to protect the astronauts, note that leaded glass is only useful for gamma type radiation, its ineffective against cosmic radiation, in that respect you need thickness as well as nuclear densities. So we can just forget about all of these 1920's to 1960's, buck rodgers in the 21st century plans. Next you need a airconditioning and heating system. Start by have a suntracker, several reflectors that face the sun and the radiators that track the perpendicular. Next you need a really good batteries or a bank of NTGs or someday fusion. Alternatively you could have your outpost on the poles. However having looked at the inclination of moons rotation relative to the earth moon orbital plane about the sun, there will also have periods were there is no sunlight. We haven't yet talked about sustainability, this is a whole nother issue. This is not lost in space stuff, you don't get in your all glass family station wagon and go wandering about the moon, not unless you want your kids children to look like thalidomide babies. Think about the problems first 15 days of sunlight 15 days off At peak surface temperatures are 100s of degrees above earths average, at the minimum they are hundreds of degrees below. Surface pressure is zero. Convection is zero. Radiation along the perpendicular is going to be about 10% at nomimal temperature that of insolance radiation. Cosmic radiation comes during solar storms and from all directions in space, for a colony a supernova within 100 light years would be catastrophic. There is no surface defense. The wavelengths of the sun, unfiltered except through glass are relatively harmful to plants, plants only use about 20 to 30 percent of the energy from the sun, the rest inhibits growth, so all light needs to be filtered or reproduce for maximal efficiency. The moon does not rotate along the orbital plane of the sun. These are the problems that have to be solved, they cannot be short-cutted or hand waved away. You have to deal with the survival problems first, then you can think about things like sustainability and growth.
  18. Its grappled by the iss and attached. All it has to do is position the grapple point a certaian distance from the ISS and off the grapple and ISS crew do the rest. 1. F9 1st stage 2. F9 2nd stage 3. Dragon stage 4. Payload Note if the payload is an earth return it need to stay attached until,released so that it can de orbit the reentry vehicle. If the payload is to remain attached the dragon releases and deorbits itself.
  19. We are arguing about this because? Moon, terraform, no.
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