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Everything posted by Glyph

  1. Hm is "Landed at Kerbin's Water" a valid place? I can get "splashed down" but not landed. Similarly, I can't get the splashed down at Kerbin's grassland/whatever. Should those be removed from the checklist?
  2. Trying to use the latest DLL hosted here and having problems w/ Kerbal Construction Time. The icon is blank white in the toolbar and the "simulate" option is not available on launch. This is with default settings on a new save file. I have many other mods that could be interfering. Unfortunately this was last night and I have since deleted the log file (also it was very long because of a different error). I'll post my output log file if I try KCT again.
  3. I've had problems with dynamic skybox dimming option not setting as well. I'm not a fan of the dimming and it's annoying that it keeps coming back.
  4. Too bad about the issues, this functionality should be stock.
  5. First thing I do when I install KSP is set QE to yw and AD to roll . The default control axes seem unusual to me.
  6. KSP is not ready for release, and as others have said the reviewers will (rightfully) tear it apart as-is. KSP should go through a few months of stability without any major added features and then any last bugs or UI improvements could be added before the final release. Adding major features and then releasing right away is a recipe for terrible bugs on release and thus terrible reviews. Many of us veteran players don't see the horrific UI flaws and bugs that KSP has because we've had workarounds for them for so long. It's all very obvious to a new user, though, and it will be obvious to the reviewers, too.
  7. Will this work in KSP's opengl mode? edit: given that it uses d3d9's dll, I imagine that the answer is a clear "no". Too bad, I hope 64-bit KSP becomes stable because right now opengl is the only way I can play with mods and I'd love to use ENB with Kerbal.
  8. As a simple part mod, these still work in 0.25 yes?
  9. Please add QuickExit to KSP CKAN
  10. Still no right-click dragging for me. I also suspect it is a Unity thing but I am sure KSP could work around it. Unfortunately a small minority of users play with In Home Streaming so it is unlikely this is on KSP's radar. For now, I use arrow keys to move the camera. A little annoying but being able to play KSP on the couch without my laptop even getting warm is pure bliss.
  11. Hello! For the "launch a new unmanned probe" objective, it is a little frustrating that it doesn't count to do a manned mission to the destination and then release the probe. The unmanned probe will still be at its required orbit, but the launching vessel will be manned. I personally do not use probes in hard mode career because it feels like cheating. People who use Remote Tech with signal-delay enabled will also avoid launching probe-only craft.
  12. It's strange that right-click dragging can control the camera just fine when looking at the whole Kerbal Space Center, but it doesn't work in VAB or in flight.
  13. zxcvb55 was kind enough to re-upload their "Zexy Skybox", a higher-res (2K) stock skybox. Here is a link to it (with permission) in TextureReplacer format and directory structure: Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bxkg-bd8QmDNV1lVQWh2QUJVb1k/edit?usp=sharing Screenshot: Youtube Vid: Original post for UniverseReplacer: link
  14. I bit the bullet and went through the last 2000 posts in the Eve thread. I think I only found one texture that I was missing, too :!. The list is now officially up to date with EVE, TextureReplacer, and TAC Fuel Balancer. I'm open to any suggestions for the list. Glyph
  15. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/homestream/discussions/1/540731691375497790/ Using the arrow keys makes this less of a problem, but it is still pretty frustrating. I stream my games from a different room in the house, when I can.
  16. Suggestion: Putting the version number in the name of the zip file would help users keep track of what version they have, and if they need to update.
  17. Title says version 1.1, but the download link says 1.0.
  18. Hm I have another suggestion. When merging mods that supply textures, these mods often have the same texture files with different extensions (png, jpg, tga, etc). However, having multiple textures that have the same name but different extensions can lead to problems, e.g. it will sometimes load an undesired texture. It'd be nice if these files were considered conflicting when merging. If it leads to any problems for some mods, it could be an advanced checkbox option.
  19. Thanks for the info! I updated the document. I think I have Green Skull's spacesuits, assuming that he included all his old ones in the his new TextureReplacer release. I'm missing many, many UR textures from the list. So far I've only included the ones that were referenced in other threads. I don't think I will go through the UR thread as it is insanely long and most people will not be using the UR textures anyhow. I'm about 50% done with the EVE thread though, and up to date with the TextureReplacer thread (this thread, haha).
  20. I searched through Curse and the first 1400 posts of the EVE thread for textures. When I finish the EVE thread, the list will be essentially up-to-date.
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