Despite the fact, that mod is the best life support possible, there are a few issues for me.
The first thing is that i don't know, how to make generators from KSP Interstellar being processed by the mod. When im switched to the vessel, Kerbalism says "battery - perpetual". But when i switch to something else, generation stops and a timer starts ticking and the ship runs out of power in about an hour. Not a big deal, a few solar panels could fix it... unless you are in deep space traveling to another star, or 10 AU from Kerbol maintaining a telescope. Intertellar is full of such issues so it would be nice to rely on its power and i'm sure, integrating it with kerbalism should be like a few lines of module manager config.
An issue with balance is clearly seen right after you start career mode: the basic module, wich i can't imagine spending three days in, has about 220 days "stress" timer. I saw the config where it's possible to adjust effects of having contact with ksc or hitchhiker container, but i didn't find the way to decrease the general time in a cramped module. I think, in most command modules time should be much-much smaller (from week to month with full crew) because only hitchhiker is supposed for living instead of piloting. So yea, how do i decrease their stress times?
UPD: Alright, i found the folder with profiles, i can get away with increasing degeneration and increasing bonuses from cupola, hitchhiker and call home. What would be even better if i could edit how much "cramped" status increases degeneration. What im trying to say with my suspicious english is that when your space is less then ideal, your degeneration increases, and i need to increase it even more for cramped enviorments, without touching ideal situation.