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Everything posted by ilikemoneygreen

  1. Where he be? Profile page : Here . Now if you notice his avatar is gone, his custom community manager tag is gone and is replaced with Junior Rocket Scientist. I miss something? Does this mean Capt'n is no longer the Community Manager? I checked the announcements section and there appears to be nothing stating any change. Here is me hoping he is not going to be like Damion.... This dude has been in the community for some time, would be kinda sad if he left. Anyway, would be good to know whats going on.
  2. Guilty the user below me just had a snack.
  3. Post a screenshot of the ship please.
  4. It appears we both have played this game early on and both dont know how to do this. I did it a while back like i said i know it can be done. Unless im all kinds of crazy which is completely possible. It coulda been a dream! lol.
  5. I use to know how to do this but i havent made a long craft in a while... but how does one move horizontally in VAB. The scroll wheel moves up and down, right clicking will move in a circle around the object, but how do you move the center of camera to in a horizontal way? If this were blender it would be similar to the shift +middle mouse wheel click. I cannot remember the way to do this in KSP, which is a shame because i use to use it a while back.... Just have been on probe and rover streak for a couple months.
  6. Looking pretty great. Im really happy that this project is still being worked on. I thought it would be a victim of the crash.
  7. Wheres the mods? These couple of people are ruining this thread...
  8. Its official, Damion is gone. I wonder whats happening with his normal chores... such as the streams.
  9. arg.... really? This thread is only to apologize not to discuss and continue the old thread. It seems like this fact is going over some heads. If your feeling like you have something to say then i urge you to create your own thread separate of this one and discuss whatever your heart desires. No beef needed here. The walls are fluffy in this current thread...full of niceness. Fluffy!
  10. Ill just throw this in here "If you don't have anything nice to say, or aren't going to apologize, don't post at all" Cough cough...
  11. hmm. It would be cool if we could get a serious thread here guys. No jokes, no playing.... Lets be serious. I think Mods/CMs/Devs seem to be getting the brunt of some bad frustration. Some people say stuff when they get caught in the moment. Everyone is human, even the mods. im sure they would appreciate some good in the pool of a lot of bad if you know what i mean. The CMs especially.
  12. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/26967-No-KSP-Weekly
  13. He has also removed the post that said wed hear about it soon. And his space plane picture....
  14. Marcia marcia marcia! all the drama, should just lock now... to much of it.
  15. Honestly. I second this. Its like they say a word and you punish them for it. Lets relax and not hound to much. We have signs of life by damion. We are getting information soon. Lets relax and enjoy it a little. Im really happy we got a response today, thats something to celebrate.
  16. No why would he do that? we arnt doing anything wrong. Having a discussion thats within forum rules shouldnt have a lock...
  17. In any company in the world that wouldnt make sense to do especially if an official announcement is in the works.
  18. Clearly their is an announcement coming. No need to push before you get the facts. Especially since we are getting the facts soon, which is better then what we were hearing before.
  19. Relax, he said we will hear soon...
  20. Wow Damion, im not sure if i sure be happy or just be depressed. Cool picture. ;.;
  21. This is good. information is coming.
  22. The plot thickens. However as a question, what in your link shows that his reddit was deleted? im not a reddit user so idk. *edit oh the main post. i see.
  23. L0ckAndL0adMace 8 hours ago What's with all "last flight", "I go" and "See you around" thing? Did you quit your job at Squad? Reply · 2 navyrayne 7 hours ago Let's just say, it's time for new things. -DR Reply · 2 in reply to L0ckAndL0adMace ____________________________________________________ Its an educated guess based on forum reply. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6c14CvC-8A
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