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Everything posted by Papa_Joe

  1. Ok, I think I have this issue licked. RemoteTech is firing an event, and I think CLS was expecting data that could be null outside of my trycatch block. I've added a null check. I'm not releaseing a point release, as I do not have a proper test rig set up yet. (in process). However, I've pushed my code up to Git, and made the ConnectedLivingSpace.dll available. If you would like to test it. you can get it from Git here: https://github.com/codepoetpbowden/ConnectedLivingSpace/tree/master/plugins/ConnectedLivingSpace/bin/Debug Just replace the existing dll with this one and let me know if it fixes it.
  2. I'm still in the process of changing the way I set up the distribution. When complete, those folders will be in their proper places.on Git.
  3. The dat file should have been included in the distribtion. I will verify. I did relocate it to the plugindata folder. I will see about modifying the enumerator I'm using. I had discussed this issue with JPLReo, so I have another avenue to attack it from. I don't have RT loaded at the moment, as I've been pressed for time and have not rebuilt a comlete test environment with all mods loaded yet Verified. dat file is in the distribution. Be sure you have a GameData\ConnectedLivingSpace\Plugins\PluginData folder.
  4. New Release. release v * Fixed: NullRef exceptions when RemoteTech is installed. * New: Moved configuration file from GameData root folder to GameData\ConnectedLivingSpace\Plugins\PluginData folder to comply with KSP folder standards for mods. Hopefully this will correct the nullref issue. Note: I have moved the configuration file from the GameData root to the GameData\ConnectedLivingSpace\Plugins\PluginData folder. This is to comply with KSP standards for placing configurstions for Mods.
  5. I think that CLS is the culprit in all of this. I'm releasing an update for CLS soon. we will see if this corrects the issue.
  6. Just an update on this mod. We have been busy updating other mods that are "in production". So, this one has been back-burnered for a bit. Rest assured, we are going to revisit it, and add new functionality as we go. there are many ideas still left to implement. Thanks for your patience, and we will return to it.
  7. I think the disappearing windows is related. to the issue you describe above. For the second issue, you can do this. it is done a bit differently than you would suspect, so it is described in the SM Wiki in my OP direct link is here: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/ShipManifest/wiki/1.5---Roster-Window Read the section Adding a kerbal to an active Vessel.
  8. I believe I have a fix for the nullref issue. I will issue a point release soon
  9. Thanks for the reports. I will investigate. I'm not sure what could be causing the window to stop responding though... If you all can provide output logs or enable verbose logging in SM and enable to debug window, it should allow you to save the output from SM directly. On a side note, stock crew transfers are problematic for all mods to handle. Squad has not exposed enough of the process to allow interception before the transfer occurs, so we are left to "clean up the mess" after the stock system has performed the move. There is a request in the bug tracker to request changes to allow better handling of this issue. It will impact BOTH SM and CLS. Thanks!
  10. Thanks for the update. may just be a build error on my end.
  11. Hey all, I just noticed in my dev build that CLS right click menus do not appear when right clicking on a part in the part selector at the left.. Is this occurring in anyone's game when in the editor? I also noted that the CLSDefault.cfg file, that builds the optional part modules for customizable parts was missing. I'm working on getting this working. Strange no one has mentioned it....
  12. Update. Incorporated some recent changes. release v * New: Changed behavior of CLSClient.cs (API wrapper class) to prevent additional assembly scans when called. Ref Git Issue #72. * New: Added new configs for Taurus HCV. Git Issue #71 * New: Added config changes for KOSMOS SSPP Git Issue #69 * New: Refactoring for KSP 1.1.2 (WIP) Enjoy.
  13. The reason I chose SpaceDock was to support SpaceDock within the community. As a modder, I prefer to support the efforts of other modders. I provide the download link to Github, Curse and SpaceDock in my OP to provide the most flexibility and choice among the KSP playing community. If SpaceDock continues to be an issue, I may change the download source in the future.
  14. That is likely related to my moving from KerbalStuff to SpaceDock. I should have placed underscores in the name... I'll look into making a pull request on the netkan file Update. I've looked at the netkan file. There is no way for me to correct the issue. I don't know if I can get the name changed in SpaceDock and I know in KerbalStuff it was not possible, and the code base is the same. I will inquire of the SpaceDock Host to see if it can be altered. Otherwise, I'm in a catch-22.
  15. I have resolved the message issue. I have released a point update.. release v * Fixed: WHen a Stock Crew transfer is overridden, the override message is not properly displayed. * Fixed: WHen a Stock Crew transfer is overridden, the original move message is not properly removed.
  16. In theory it should. SM also allows the transfer of science to science labs. I don't know how the Universal Storage Science Bay is set up. The moduleScienceContainer is a stock thing, and all mod parts that have science (to my lnowledge) will have either have ModuleScienceExperiment and/or ModuleScienceContainer. Note that I will be revisiting Science as part of the changes KSP made to version 1.1+. If you note issues or have features you want to see, now is the time
  17. Science can only be moved from an experiment to a container, or from one container to another container. If the part in question does not have a container module (ModuleScienceContainer), then it cannot be moved. You cannot go from one experiment to another experiment. I don't know the parts you are trying to move science from or to, so I hope this helps clarify.
  18. Ok. Its a bug... let me get on that. That also means you have 2 separate living spaces... you may want to look at that as well...
  19. I see you have Connected living Space (CLS) installed. Try this. In the CLS window. click on settings in the upper right. then turn on "Allow unrestricted Crew Transfers" then try the same action again. Let me know if the problem goes away. If so, then there is a bug in CLS. That also means that you are trying to use the stock transfer system to transfer a crew member between 2 separate living spaces and CLS is trying to prevent it, as it should, but incorrectly.
  20. As Gryphon said, a screenshot and the part names would be helpful. IT is important to note that all parts in the path must be passable. You can look at the part descriptions in the Editor to see if it is passable. If there is no CLS entry in the right click details, it is not passable. If so, you have a choice. You can enable custom passability in the settings menu (and maybe the part is added to the list of optional parts to allow it to become passable), or you can create a custom config for that part, so module manager picks it up. This is explained in the CLS WIki shown in my Signature line. Also note from a realism point of view we do not set all parts passable by default. Only those where it is realistic to believe a kerbal could pass are by default. You can however create any custom part modules you want. It is YOUR game after all.
  21. Just an update. I've been running performance testing and have discovered one cause of the slowdowns people have been discussing. It is caused by my part highlighting system. I'm working on a solution for this. If you are experiencing a problem and frame rate is critical for you, go to Settings -> Highlighting, and disable it. You will recover ~10 frames per second or more (in my testing on a Kerbal X stock vessel on the pad I got 30 FPS improvement when liquid fuel was selected. Your results will vary, depending on the complexity of the scene and the number of parts in your vessel(s)). You will no longer be able to see the parts you have selected or that are of a given resource highlighted, but all transfer processes will work just fine.
  22. New Release. Version - Release 14 May, 2016 - KSP 1.1.2 Compatibility Update - New: Updated mod to support KSP 1.1.2. - New: Updated screen messages to use new object model. I still have work to do to optimize, so you may get slowdowns. If so, please report and provide what details you can. Thanks!
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