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Everything posted by Papa_Joe

  1. New Release. release v * Fixed: Null reference errors. * Fixed: Window would not open Hope this helps. Still more to do to optimize after KSP 1.1 release, but hopefully it does not dog your system too much....
  2. Thanks for the reports. I found the issue and was able to duplicate it... Point release coming soon.
  3. Interesting. Anyone else seeing this? Mine works just fine, so I'll need a bit more info. You have an output file or something I can sink my teeth into... simply not works does not provide me much to go on... Also note that Ship Manifest has been reported to cause slowdowns when other vessels are near. It is not yet updated to be 1.1.2 compliant...
  4. New release. release v * New: Updated mod for KSP 1.1.2 compatability. Let me know how bad it is. I will be looking forward to properly refactoring for the new Unity features.
  5. Ok, I have a version working in 1.1.2. I havent done a lot of testing, so My apologies for making you all beta testers. But I wanted to get something out there that was stable. Release soon.
  6. If you have debris set to on this may be causing an issue. I had addressed this in an earlier version of SM, but I'm going through the revisions now.
  7. Thanks. I'm now taking look at both CLS and Sm. to bring them up to 1.1.2 compliance. There were a lot of changes from 1.0.5 to 1.1 and then a lot of changes from 1.1 to 1.1.2. I wanted to wait for the dust to settle, and found a new woman during the break from coding. The dark days of the past year are definitely behind me now. WIn WIn!
  8. Thanks for this. I will take a look. Sorry I've been missing for the past several days... I've been having the time of my life and haven't been thinking abotu KSP at all. Finding a good woman will do that to you :).
  9. Thanks for creating such a great mod. I couldn't conceive of Ship Manifest being without it!
  10. I will not be changing the prerelease to a full release. I will be updating the plugin more thoroughly and adding new features. So, for now is what we have . Squad went through several iterations during prerelease, and I did not want to get caught up in a constant chase as their code was updated. Look forward to This will be the release that I take advantge of the new features in 1.1 and improve the efficiency of the code. I hope to reduce the frame rate drops, and make the interface more responsive.
  11. It depends on the changes you have made. the last distribution omitted one config as posted above. Changes/additions to MM configs have to be weighed against realism and other factors, so you can submit a PR (in fact that is the preferred method), but please explain in your comments what you are doing and why. Thanks! Also, now that 1.1 is official, I'll be revisiting both CLS and SM for updates.
  12. I've been around the forums since November of 2011. I've been playing the game since before it was "officially" placed into alpha. I've been modding since late 2013. There are many folks still here that date back to that time. I noted the changes in the community back in 2012 and the game started getting popular. I noted the changes when the game hit steam I noted the changes when the game hit Beta. etc, etc. etc. What I'm saying is the the community has and will continue to evolve over time as modders come and go, developers come and go, and players come and go. What I find refreshing about this community is the generally higher level of civility and respect. Yes we get "babies" if you will, and we get "egos" if you will, but I've been in many community and this one is the best. So, lesson learned here is to always treat other with respect, and to at least attempt to get permission from a mod author before touching code, and at the very least, fork and rename so it is definitely unique in case the original author decides to return. Keep Kerbalin'
  13. I imagine so. I have a wonky distribution process leftover from when Codepoet was handling it. I need to rebuild the whole process like I did SM. I'l be sure to get that corrected before proper release.
  14. Version, KSP compatability update is now live on Git. I'll be adding to spaceDock momentarily changelog: ---------- prerelease v * New: Updated mod for KSP 1.1 compatability. * New: Corrected Stock Screen Messages so that they are properly removed when CLS overrides a Stock Crew Transfer. * Fixed: CLS would not display a window when the stock Icon was clicked. * Fixed: CLS should now only display 1 icon in Editor or flight. Removed redundant icon call in Start, now that stock buttons now behave as intended.
  15. Its doable. Its also going to take a bit of coding to work out the logic. But not too painful. maybe make it an option? If on, it does it, if not it reverts to original behavior. On or Off by default? Thanks. I'll look into that Ya, been getting a few request for that lately. Codepoet did some work there awhile back. I'll look into that code and see what is doable. Are you are thinking active balancing even while transfers are active? That would be *interesting*.
  16. Update. have a working build on 1.1 Stock toolbar button changes icons, but the CLS window does not appear. working that. ScreenMessages are a wip with the changes to 1.1. When I solve the toolbar activation issue, I'll release a prerelease version. Should be within a few hours.
  17. Here you go. Version - Release 05 Apr, 2016 - KSP 1.1 Compatability Update ** PreRelease ** - New: Updated code to run on KSP 1.1 - New: Modified screen message displays to account for channges to the object model. SM screen messages are wip. I've posted to Git here :https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/ShipManifest/releases/tag/ Pre-Release code, so use at your own risk. Off to get CLS working. I'll be coming back to this.
  18. Update: I have a working build with KSP 1.1. 64 bit is very nice. I'm still working out screen messages when overriding a stock crew transfer. Could still be errors elsewhere, so use at your own risk :). However I will have a compatable release on Git Very soon.
  19. Thanks. I do have the work around AND the original event handler in place, so it's possible this is causing the double icons. this is also in SM so probably there too. In other news, I've just gotten a past a particularly difficult time. I'm now back and focusing on KSP again. Tough times are past now. I've converted my account to steam (I resisted as long as I could) and I'm working on getting a working build. I'm trying to work thru the changes to screen messages so we can properly report our actions when cls is involved with stock transfers... More to come.
  20. Hey all, I'm not gone. Just went thru a very tough patch. I'm back at it and fully focused again on KSP. Tough times are over. Just converted my account to steam. I resisted as long as i could I've got a beta version building, but there are still issues with screen messages for supporting stock/SM/other crewtransfers. However, JPLRepo (an awesome guy btw) is assisting me with navigating the new object model, and getting a compatible version up and running. More soon.
  21. Thanks so much for this. This will save soooo much time in discovery.
  22. Ok, initial testing looks promising. Still need to test the additional functions besides browsing, but here: If you wish to help test, there will be a beta release on github soon. I'll post when I have it pushed.
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