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Everything posted by Papa_Joe

  1. based on this, would it be possible to say, freeze a kerbal, (whcih marks them as dead), then unfreeze them and keep them dead for a short period (call it revival after thawing), thereby allowing TAC to "detect" the kerbal as dead after thaw and reentry into the vessel? If so, TAC would "update it's list" and not consume resources... then after a small delay (1 sec or so?), you change their status from Dead to Assigned... TAC would be happy, and we would be happy... I don't know TAC, so I don't know if this would work... Thoughts?
  2. The kind of tank should not matter. I have to consider anything other than ElectricalCharge as a possible candidate. SM will also allow you to choose MonoProp and some other resource and transfer them in proportion. When you say crashed, do you mean it gets stuck in transferring and never stops, or the game crashes, or what? If it is repeatable, is it possible to turn on verbose logging and save an SM Debug window log? From the sound of it, it could be possible that i'm not properly resetting some transfer related variable, but not sure. A savegame will likely not help. I tested transfers using monoprop and 1: 8 tanks, and 4: 8 tanks etc... I have a space station that makes this kind of testing pretty easy. I'll go over it again.. If you can get a screenshot that would also help... We definitely want to put this to bed with this release.
  3. The mod structure is as follows: - GameData folder. This folder contains all mods - ModName Folder. This folder is contained in the mod (After unzipping) and is a self contained unit. All subfolders of this folder should remain as they are and do not require movement.. Unzip the mod to another location besides the game. Then copy the Modname Folder and paste it into the GameData Folder. Then start up your game. should work fine. The end result should look like this: - GameData\Modname\(subfolders) If you attempt to unzip the mod in the Gamedata folder you may end up with: - GameData\GameData\ModName... Or even something like: - GameData\Modnameversion\GameData\Modname. These would be wrong. Take a look at the Squad Folder, and you will see what I mean. GameData\Squad works just like a mod... Hope that helps.
  4. Interesting. Dead would definitely solve the problem. Cryo-frozen kerbals are essentially the same as Dead (from a clinical point of view) and from my mod's point of view, it wont matter. I'll just make the needed adjustments and change the status to frozen in the Roster window.
  5. I've gone ahead and issued a release candidate on github here: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/ShipManifest/releases/tag/ Version - Release 01 June, 2015 - Crew, Interfaces, & Refactoring Edition. NOTE: This is a release candidate and not an official release. the contents of this archive are subject to change as testing continues. - New: Refactored Crew transfers into separate class to improve visibility and state management. - New: Crew transfers (part to part & seat to seat) now show both kerbals involved as moving, when a kerbal swap occurs. - New: Added DeepFreeze mod support for handling/viewing frozen kerbals. No more xferring frozen kerbals, and Roster Window now shows frozen kerbals. - New: Added SMInterface.dll for other mods to detect Crew xfers in progress and act accordingly. - New: Add onCrewTransferred Event trigger to be consistent with Stock Crew Transfers and to support KIS inventory movement when crew transfers occur. - New: Added Kerbal Filter for Roster Window: All, vessel, Available, Dead/Missing. Vessel filter is omitted when in Space Center. - New: Refactoring - moved window vars from Settings into window level code. - New: Refactoring - Added InstalledMods static class to centralize mod assembly detection and soft dependencies. - New: Refactoring - Altered Settings Save to segregate Hidden settings for ease of identification by users. - Fixed: Bug in multi-part transfers that lock transfer in run state, with no progress. - Fixed: Bug in Crew Transfer with CLS installed. First transfer works fine, subsequent xfers fail, and Transfer is stuck in moving... As the release notes indicate, this release is subject to change as JPLRepo is still testing the integration with DeepFreeze. I've also added the event trigger for KIS, but this is still untested in terms of it's affect with KIS at the moment. I would be interested in hearing if it is now working with KIS. The RC is stable, so I don't expect any issues, but as with all pre-release software, backup your game save (standard precaution) and use at your own risk. When I get the good word from JPLRepo or make any needed changes I'll be releasing this version. Finally, the Wiki has been updated to reflect the changes contained in this release. Enjoy.
  6. In order to compile, you will need to change the references that it points to. in the projects In particular, the following dlls are typically in different places, depending on your game application installation 1. Assembly-CSharp 2. Assembly-CSharp-firstpass 3. UnityEngine These file resides in the "KSP_win\KSP_Data\Managed" folder of your game installation. Additionally, I'm referencing CLSInterfaces, which is in the "GameData\ShipManifest\Plugins" folder Finally, as part of the post build, I have copy functions that overwrite the dll files in the "GameData\ShipManifest\Plugins" folder These entries should be either deleted, or changed to point to your game installation location. Hope that helps. If you are still having issues, I can release a pre-release xip of the current code. This file will be subject to change as integration with KIS and DeepFreeze continue.
  7. I'm following up on this, as part of my KIS integration. Can you tell me if a stock crew transfer moves the inventory? Looking at the KIS code, it appears that it will. If so, then I believe I have a working fix for the issue. It will also now expose the actual crew transfer to other mods when I've completed my transfer, as I'm going to fire the OnCrewTransferred event. KIS looks for that...
  8. Update. I've created the Github Repository and committed my initial code. Getting real now... As a general rule I commit buildable code, so feel free to clone and play with it if you choose. I'm thinking I'll release an alpha build soon, as at the very least it replaces the existing functionality in Ship Manifest and is much easier to read and understand. My guess is just a few days. I'll be building the Wiki as I go, so it can be a good source for requirements, features, ideas etc. I'll treat it as a living doc that we can use to improve Roster manager as it gets more guts to it... I've incorporated support for the revivied DeepFreeze mod, so we will have a means to see and deal with frozen kerbals. As JPLRepo evolves this mod, I'll be adding more features. I'll update the OP with General release, license, source and wiki info in the next few days. As it gets closer to beta, I'll create a new thread in Addon Releases. More to come...
  9. As part of your next release, I suggest you include a module manager config for CLS support. I've provided an example based on the existing cryofreezer part below: @PART[cryofreezer]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleConnectedLivingSpace]] { MODULE { name = ModuleConnectedLivingSpace passable = true } } I'm currently using this in my installation.
  10. Update. I've been working with JPLRepo on DeepFreeze compatibility. We are getting close, and it's looking good. I wanted to share a screen shot of the changes to the Roster window to support DeepFreeze and that I've incorporated theses changes into Roster Manager as well. Enjoy! With that, the revised change notes for the upcoming release are: Version - Release xx May, 2015 - CrewTransfer Interface & Refactoring Edition. - New: Refactored Crew transfers into separate class to improve visibility and state management. - New: Added DeepFreeze mod support for handling/viewing frozen kerbals. - New: Added SMInterface.dll for other mods to detect Crew xfers in progress and act accordingly. - New: Added Kerbal Filter for Roster Window: All, vessel, Available, Dead/Missing. Vessel filter is omitted when in Space Center. - New: Refactoring - moved window vars from Settings into window level code. - New: Added InstalledMods static class to support centralized assembly detection and soft dependencies. - New: Altered Settings Save to segregate Hidden settings for ease of identification by users. - Fixed: Bug in multi-part transfers that lock transfer in run state, with no progress. - Fixed: Bug in Crew Transfer with CLS installed. First transfer works fine, subsequent xfers fail, and Transfer is stuck in moving...
  11. Me too. I'm excited about this project This one will expand my knowledge of KSP some... New teaser. some evolution of the Roster Window... The list now is more informational. The buttons on the name are to access the various features for that kerbal and essentially will replace the edit button on the right. The buttons to the right will be centered around vessel operations such as add, remove, and anything else that makes sense there. And with the name clicked... All this is still very preliminary. the other 5 tabs are essentially empty and still need to be defined, fleshed out, and integrated into the various mods that support the same or similar features. In other words, still a LOT of work to do...
  12. Yes. That feature is discussed in my WIki here: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/ShipManifest/wiki/2.1---Crew-Transfers Look at Seat to Seat transfers. However due to the way that IVA works in KSP, SM will disable itself in IVA mode, so xferring kerbals cannot be accomplished while in IVA mode. Also, if you have tooltips on, when you mouse over the buttons in the crew transfer window, it should tell you what a certain buttons does.
  13. Just a note: With the release of, I'm discontinuing further Roster Window development. I'm now actively coding its replacement, Roster Manager, which will provide a much more robust experience. Once I've released the early alpha of Roster Manager, I will begin stripping out most of the non vessel related functionality in the Roster Window, leaving ONLY those things directly related to the vessel in Preflight or flight. SO, this means you will have a limited ability to assign crew to a vessel or remove crew from a vessel. as a result, only the active vessel's crew and any available crew will be listed in the pared down window. I will be announcing more on this as I get closer to an initial release of Roster Manager, and ensure that no functionality is lost in the process of transition. Here is a teaser screenshot of some of the early work. I intend to provide a tabbed edit section, that will provide much more functionality than currently exists. Check out the Roster Manager development thread for more.
  14. At the moment, no, but I've been informed that it should work in 1.0.2. However, with my 32 bit installation on windows, I've had constant crashing on load. If you take a look at the discussion thread, there has been some conversation on "nursing" it thru the image loading process, as it caches the images after it converts them... But that may be Active Texture Management I'm thinking of... Take a look there and maybe you will have better luck than I've had.
  15. Update: Still VERY early in the coding, but I did want to share a photo to tease you with. The Roster from SM is moved, and I've cleaned it up with a new look and better organization. I will be expanding this significantly, but I did want you all to see some progress.. More to come as I get further along.
  16. My goal is to be compatible with every mod out there. No sense in playing if you don't play well with others... (I learned that in kindergarten)
  17. The first thing I noted was the fact it appears you have some outdated mods I would first make sure ALL your mods are current. This typically eliminates many issues. Secondly I noted a repeating error, the source of which is unclear. To determine the source I recommend installing Exception detector. This mod will determine the offending assembly and aid in determining the cause of the repeating error. Third, I noted that your clouds enhancement for EVE is causing errors as well... So the effect you are getting on Moho may be related to this. Steps for remediation: 1. Install current versions of all mods. (I quickly noted Module Manager and MechJeb as being out of date, could be more) 2. Install Exception detector to aid in determining the source of repeating errors. 3. Remove offending mods (or make them current) based on the results of Exception Detector's results. 4. Begin removing mods one by one, until your Moho error goes away. Note the mod and reinstall the remainder to ensure the error "stays gone". Hope this helps.
  18. EVA is managed by KSP. To my knowledge, there is no way to prevent EVA from a part that contains a crew hatch. If there is anyone out there that has knowledge of the API that can point me in a particular direction, I'm game to explore it.
  19. I've built an interface to SM for JPLRepo (and anyone else that might need/want it) and the code is in his hands for integration/test/revision. We may go back and forth a few times to "get it right", but I expect we will have compatibility soon.
  20. The thing I like about KSP, is the freedom we have to "play the game we choose". As with Ship Manifest, I intend to provide a choice between "god mode" tools and a "realistic" experience. I have always felt there was room for both in my mods. Besides, sometimes you just need to "clean house" so to speak... Purely concept atm, but Not forgotten. I've been a little busy lately, with taking over maintenance of CLS and creating Wikis for both Ship Manifest ans CLS. Also, Ship Manifest has been taking priority the last several days, with a few bugs to squash and a recent request for an interface to gain access to the Crew Transfer process by a part developer. I have some working code, but nothing to publish yet. I just finished the basic requirements, and am now starting to code the bones...
  21. With Squad's announcement of their plans to integrate Unity 5, I can imagine ClimberFX is chomping at the bit with the new features he now will have at his disposal... wear, tear, scorching, heating effects... I too, am looking forward to seeing this car in it's final form. @ClimberFx: I have NOT forgotten about external crew transfers. They are next on my list after Ship Manifest is released
  22. Update: I have published the code changes for Release to Github. It is ready for integration testing by JPLRepo. From what I understand he will need a bit of time to absorb and integrate (several days). I'd like to give him what ever time he needs to ensure we don't have to rework the interface after I release. The preliminary change log is as follows: Version - Pre-Release xx May, 2015 - CrewTransfer Mod Interface & Refactoring Edition. New: Refactored Crew transfers into separate class and added events to improve visibility and state management. New: Added SMInterface.dll for other mods to detect Crew xfers in progress and act accordingly. New: Added Kerbal Filter for Roster Window: All, vessel, Available, Dead/Missing. Vessel is omitted in Space Center. New: Refactoring - moved window vars from Settings into window level code. New: Altered Settings Save to segregate Hidden settings for ease of identification by users. Fixed: Bug in multi-part transfers that lock transfer in run state, with no progress. Fixed: Bug in Crew Transfer with CLS installed. First transfer works fine, subsequent xfers fail, and Transfer is stuck in moving. For those that may have missed it earlier in the thread, the new Roster window looks like this: Also, the wiki currently shows the planned changes to the SMSettings.dat file. It also contains the details of the new SMInterface.dll. Thanks for everyone's patience. This release will open the door to other mods to see into my crew transfer process. Hopefully this will eliminate/mitigate potential compatibility issues with multiple crew based actions during the transfer process.
  23. Update: I discovered the cause of the Transfer Issue. Under certain conditions, if you go into the Settings window and cancel without saving, you can lose your sound file path information. If you look in Settings, Sounds, you will note that your sound file entries have no data. If you delete the SMSettings.dat file, SM will rebuild it for you. However, if you wish to keep your existing settings, then replace the sound entries with the values shown in the Wiki under the Settings window, Sounds tab (image shown here) and click save. This is likely the cause of the resource transfer issues as well, since both use sounds... This has been corrected and will be included in the next update.
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