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Everything posted by Papa_Joe

  1. Update: I believe the Wiki is pretty much done. Let me know if there is anything that needs further clarification, or if I missed anything. I'm looking at creating a Resource Vent part for Realism Resource Dumps in Flight for SM now. Final Item I'm going to try to tackle is External Crew seat transfers... Not sure if I can pull that one off tho... Then on to Roster manager full time to get that out. Once that is done and released. I'll be removing the roster feature from SM, as it really doesn't belong. SM is really for Vessel in flight management. Roster manager will allow you to manage all your vessel crews, and modify all kerbals in your roster.
  2. Interesting. Where did you get your copy of the plugin? Github, Curse, or Kerbalstuff? Alternatively did you download it using CKAN? If so, then that is the Kerbalstuff version. Do you have any other mods installed? I did note USI, btu not sure that would cause issues... Also, what OS are your running? I tested the download from github (which should be the same as the other 2 locations, with no issues... Install the mod, and without running the game, immediately check to see if the PluginData folder is there... if it is, then something is causing the folder to be deleted.... not sure how that would be possible. The archive I downloaded from GitHub contains the folder... the SMSettings.dat file is automatically generated on load of the Space center scene. Edit: (yay! 100 pages.)
  3. Turned off by default. Go to settings, Config to turn on. Wiki entry here: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/ShipManifest/wiki/1.4.5-Config-Tab To edit a Kerbal, go to the Roster Window : https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/ShipManifest/wiki/1.5---Roster-Window
  4. Hmm. You may be using an outdated version of my mod. I do have the profession listed. Link to my Wiki: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/ShipManifest/wiki/2.1---Crew-Transfers. I believe I added that feature in version 4.0 or 4.1 SM version works from KSP version 0.25 to 1.0.2, so it should have that feature.
  5. Just an update. I've released Ship manifest which included almost all the major features I expect to add to it. SM will of course require maintenance and there will be smaller features I'm sure, however, I'm now finishing up the wiki for SM, so RM is next. I've noted a few mods have recently come out or have been updated for KSP 1.0 that address portions of what I had planned, so I will be going over them to ensure that I do not break compatibility with those mods as I develop mine. The Gender feature I added to SM will be ported over to Roster Manager, so you will not lose that functionality once RM is released and i remove Roster features from SM.
  6. I know this has been answered, sort of, but I thought I'd add a bit of clarification. Part mods in general are less affected by many of the changes made from 0.25 through 0.90. As a result, no real work was needed to "bring it up to date". I'd been using this mod since it came out, and from 0.25 on it had been working fine. Further, mod developers do this with their "free time" (like myself), and cannot always devote the time that many players might "expect" of a developer. Finally, the mod community here is awesome. So, many of us will "step in" to keep mods current while the original author may be "MIA". In most cases the licensing on most of the mods is in place precisely for that reason, so the the mod can survive beyond the original author. I know that you meant no offense, and I'm guessing that you simply did not consider these points. I too, look forward to the official release, but I'm thankful for the efforts made by the commuity so far to keep KW relevant in a post 1.0 world.
  7. Thanks so much for the update. I'm definitely aware that it is no small feat. As you are "well aware", this is a "must have" mod.
  8. Thanks! A lot of people "resisted" using my mod, as it was based on Crew Manifest, and that is truly a lightweight mod for crew only, so they still use Crew Manifest. Ship manifest does a lot more now, and really is not even close to the same mod at all. I think that mindset is changing now, as SM has matured, Realism Mode seems to be making the Realistic game play folks happy, and my download numbers are reflecting a larger user base. Hence I've been more focused on timely support. I also started on the Wiki recently. SM does so much and is so flexible now that even I had to have something to "keep it straight", and keep the questions down (that's NOT a bug, its a feature!) Thanks! if it had been a "typo" or some such annoyance, I likely would have let it go till the next normal update, but that was a pretty glaring bug in my part . it simply HAD to get fixed fast.
  9. Sigh Yes I broke it... Yes I fixed it. update imminent. Update: New version. Version - Release 05 May, 2015 - Transfers Expansion Edtion bug fixes. - Fixed: Science Transfer broken. Bug introduced with version Wiki now added to all download locations, and link added to OP. Still in work, but fleshing out quickly.
  10. I did make changes to that part of the code. Let me see what I "screwed up"...
  11. Update: I'm building a proper wiki for SM. it is a work in progress, but you can look at it here: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/ShipManifest/wiki
  12. The short answer is "When he gets to it". Seriously, codepoet has of late been very busy with real life activities. He posted several days ago and stated he would support it, and that he welcomed pull requests. I submitted a pull request with the needed changes (as I have done in the past), and we are simply waiting for him to carve out some time in his busy life to support the KSP community. If experience is any indicator, he will merge the changes I have made and the official will look like my experimental. He has merged the previous 3 pull requests I have submitted.
  13. Agreed, but it does keep the youtubers from splashing kerbal guts all over kerbin as they are prone to do in almost every other game i've ever seen streamed on line
  14. Update: New version. Version - Release 04 May, 2015 - Transfers Expansion Edition bug fixes. - Fixed: When realism is off and override Stock crew Xfers is on, transfers cause a flickering portrait and do not complete. - Fixed: In Roster, Gender is correctly displayed, but changing a Kerbal's Gender results in the opposite gender being saved.
  15. If you are running Procedural Parts, you may well experience that. The culprit is KSPAPIExtensions, which is used by Procedural parts and a couple of other mods. Make sure you have the latest version of this dll (1.7.4 iirc) Depending on your mod installations, you may have more than one copy of this dll.
  16. I'm assuming you had Override Stock Transfers ON, along with Realism Mode off, correct? researching it now. sounds like I left out a flag state check on completion in that mode... Update: Found it, fixed it. Update coming to correct this and the Gender bending issue soon. (2-4 hours).
  17. I'm using Procedural fairings (it is a must have!) and I'm not experiencing this issue. One of the biggest offenders at the moment is Procedural parts. It is being reworked, but I suggest you NOT use this mod (if you are) until after it is updated. beyond that, many of the parts mods are experiencing issues with attaching in the SPH and VAB. Be sure you are using mods have been updated to 1.0 or later. Finally, MeCrpp's advice is correct. To eliminate any other mod as the issue, run just Procedural fairings and a stock game as a proper test
  18. I found the issue. I have the save logic backwards Save as a Male, and it will be Female... save as a Female and it will be Male. I zigged when I should have zagged. Will correct in the next release very soon. In the mean time. Just select to opposite of what you want and it will work.
  19. Good feedback, and makes sense. So, the trick is to "enforce" symmetry, or create a part that can be scaled (procedurally) to fit the part to which it is being attached. I'd expect it to be a radial attachment in this case, so as to prevent possibility of unbalanced forces. I agree, there is an existing part that could be used for this purpose, but it would "require" that there be 2/4/6/8/12 of them in symmetry... Thanks for the bug report. I'll investigate and get a fix out pronto. Interesting. I admit I did not do a great deal of testing, but I "thought" i created and edited the gender successfully. I will also investigate this. You are most welcome!
  20. Experimental dll version is located here: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/ConnectedLivingSpace/releases/tag/ Do not remove your existing installation of CLS. This is only the dll, so backup the existing dll, and then overwrite the existing dll with this version. Also, copy the icons above (2 posts back) to the assets folder if you intend to use blizzy's toolbar. Enjoy. Edit: I forgot to mention the icon names... that might be important file names are: cls_b_icon_off.png and cls_b_icon_on.png Location: GameData\ConnectedLivingSpace\assets
  21. Just a note to SETI users. Ship Manifest released. Gender bending, Multi Resource and multi part transfers. LF+O anyone?
  22. Wow... Well, glad I could "fix" it Can't think of a reason the older version would cause issues, unless it was related to an issue with portrait updates. Although, I cannot see where that could have an effect... I only added a vessel.spawnCrew several frames after I complete the crew transfer... Edit: after looking at your mod list, I'm aware of an issue with EVE, at certain distances causing Grey or moire patterns...
  23. You can do this now, by turning off Realism mode. With realism off, you can dump resources vessel wide, or just one part. Just turn it off long enough to perform your dump and then turn it back on (it's only cheating a "little" ). However, to answer the question concerning realism, it is because to vent a resource IRL would impart a thrust component on the vessel, even if it was a small one. To do this "properly" we would need a vent part, and then configure the part for the thrust and direction. This would then be behavior somewhat like an RCS component, and cause some rotation, vector, or combination thereof to the vessel. We had discussed this issue around a year ago, and at that time I was not ready to make that leap. If enough folks would like to see vents, I could create an appropriate part, and then create an appropriate config and action. I've been wanting to begin looking into part creation anyway. I really feel it needs to be a part, as we need to see where the vents are in relation to COM, are they radial, or inline, etc... A part would provide us the needed position information in relation to the overall vessel. Edit. Dumping/venting in flight was discussed more than a year ago.... link here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/62270-1-0-2-Ship-Manifest-%28Crew-Science-Resources%29-v-4-2-0-0-03-May-15?p=966534&viewfull=1#post966534
  24. New Release! Version - Release 03 May, 2015 - Transfers Expansion Edtion. Multi-Resource & Multi-Part Xfers. - New: You can now "link" 2 resources together simply by clicking on a Second Resource. - New: You can now link multiple parts in the Transfer window, and move resources from 1:N, N:N and N:1 parts. - New: Added Kerbal Gender Management in Roster Window. - New: Added Revert profession renaming feature to Roster for removing the ascii "1"s from game save. For mod compatibility. - New: Changed config file from xml to JSON style. No more spamming the KSP debug log. - New: Cleaned up science transfers. Target details now only shows container modules. No more transfers to an experiment module. - Fixed: When near debris, SM window sometimes fails to display when icon is clicked from either toolbar. - Fixed: With CLS enabled, selected target part text displayed in Target Crew Color instead of Target Part color. - Fixed: Opening/closing a hatch from the hatch control tab fails to update the CLS spaces. - Fixed: When transferring science, Realism mode prevents moving science to a container in the same part. - Fixed: Disabling Resources in Settings does not remove Resources from the selection list in the Manifest Window. - Fixed: Portraits not properly updating after a crew move. Bug introduced in 4.1.3 after revisions to actual crew move timing. As always, let me know if you run into any issues, or would like to see any changes to features.
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