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Everything posted by BadLeo

  1. False. But for Dwarf Fortress, maybe. The user below me is extremely frightened by ASCII graphics.
  2. Banned for not sharing your location with anyone but the NSA.
  3. Me head is inside me headphones right now. Me wants to know if have me head inside headphones will magnetize me brains.
  4. Granted. Now she's NOT EVEN your friend, she just despises you for being a coward when it comes to deal with girls. I wish all fast-food chains were closed for feeding humans crap things.
  5. (This post is blank, which means that the above statement is false. Ignore this characters, they mean nothing.) (This totally isn't a statement that says the user below me is as much as fan of Stanley Kubrick as I am.)
  6. Granted. Human babies now are born in full suits, ready to be enslaved by boring jobs. I wish space race never ended.
  7. Banned because I do. I don't support QuadPosting square root, though.
  8. Non-ductile column failure. Because if it's non-ductile, it's duct tape-proof.
  9. ... I wish ppl wouldn't forget to make a wish.
  10. Banned because he banned. And then double-posted.
  11. Granted. Now it's the most awesome and powerfull computer of the world that got lava grade hot coffee spilled on. I wish a fish dish.
  12. Me thinks riding nukes booms is the right wayz to deliver itz. So, me thinks itz getz delivered. Should me point the point of da pointy boom wooosh omglemmedown thingy up or down?
  13. Banned for being trapped in the forum games for too long.
  14. Granted. You download a ship file but when you try to open it in the VAB you discover not only it's not compatible with your game version, but it corrupts your entire game, your computer and you, that is now a corrupted minion of the corrupted evil bad and ultimately not good forces of Kerbin. Why it keeps happening to meeee, whyyyyy???? Granted. you are less bothered about it. It doesn't mean that it actually is harmless, in fact you lost one entire fleet of pointless kerbal ships doe to a long timewarp. Twice. I wish for the corrupted evil bad and ultimately not good forces of Kerbin to actually exist.
  15. Banned because it's called Annoying Orange for a reason.
  16. Many ppl wish that. Granted. His avatar is stand still, but everything else on your screen makes sudden movements, making it completely unreadable and making your eyes bleed when you look at it. I wish I could have a nice cup of coffee now.
  17. Oh, I remember when that annoying music came out (yes, I'm that old). And unfortunately yes, I was forced to by people that like to beat the shame out of you (sometimes referred by some other ppl as friends). The user below me likes to move it move it.
  18. If it's not overkill and doesn't crash, it's not kerbal-made.
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