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Everything posted by BadLeo

  1. I need more testing to be sure of it, but it seems Persistent Momentum is causing some 'minor disintegration problems', especially with fuel tanks and the MechJeb part that succumbs to high G-forces when on or coming out of time warp. Will investigate further, though, just posting to see if anyone have had the same problem. Sweet mod, though. Nice work, cybutek! Edit: How well it interacts with MechJeb2? And with N-Body?
  2. Well, the way you put the things, it makes sense. And dehydrated food not even needs that much logistis to be maintained/processed. I think, then, that the main problem to be faced could not be actually directly related with TAC. I mean, there's no cost to load a rocket with a year worth of food, and it takes literally no time to assembly it, unless you're using MCE and KCT. This means logistics are not a problem for KSP as it is to real life space programs. That doesn't mean nothing should be done to try and improve the mod even further, but that solutions might have to take a gamaplay approach, instead of a simulation one.
  3. I'm experiencing a weird behaviour: a procedural tank is exploding 'due to exceeding G-force' when under 1000x warp. Does anyone else have seen that happening? Nevertheless, it's a great, great mod. Many thanks to swamp_ig for making and sharing it. xD
  4. Some images from your awesome TAL pod, mostly from it's interior. There are some weird green objects appearing ouside, dunno why...
  5. Uuuuh! I saw the 'store' option when I right-clicked the propulsion, but I don't know why the heck I didn't try it. I guess I found it a bit odd. But it makes sense, since it's not possible to directly attach the pod. Thanks! xD
  6. Never mind, the issue was caused by an old cfg file from 0.8 that was not deleted by KSPModAdmin when I de-installed it to install 0.9. Edit: Also, I checked out the issue on github, but I do not have an account there to comment. I just want to state that I agree with the position of qberticus, but there's something that came to my mind right when I read it: the parts supposed to be loaded with several hundred kilograms of supplies are far too small and balanced, when it should be bulky. After all, It's not only about caring food, but about processing it, minimally, at least, and storing it conveniently. Food should get rotten, and water, to an extent, too, thus creating even more waste and waste water. Storing food for a hole year should not be simple.
  7. It's a really nice set of parts, it really lives up to such a great mod as TAC. I was using it before I got the 0.9 and I'm looking forward to use it again after it1s updated.
  8. Is anyone experiencing weird drops off energy charge after coming back from EVA with TAC 0.9? This is happening to me: edit: damn, dunno how to put giantic SS inside spoiler boxes to spare your mouse scroll... sry edit2: It doesn't happens with crew of more than one when at least one kerbal stays inside the pod
  9. I tried to add a DERP to a station already on orbit by loading the parts on a KAS container and then attaching them to the station, but it's not working... I mean, I can attach the propulsion to the hull of the station, but then I cant attach the escape pod over the propulsion module. Is it at all possible?
  10. I'm experimenting some weird behaviour: RPM can only access one of the two cameras from the BoosterCam. Why is that? Does anyone have the same issue?
  11. Don't say that aloud here, you may upset some religious dudes and you know where it goes... hahaha
  12. I can't help but laugh hard when I see that gif. hahahaha The overall quality of the referees on this WC was pretty damn low. That was only one of the games that the result could have been different if the referee did his job right. But, except for German, the other three teams that made into the semifinals had their bit of 'referee helping'. I think that's why I like the german victory even more.
  13. I'm sorry, but Modular Kolonization System thread says something about TAC Life Support pre-release version number 0.9, but the main post lists 0.8 as current. Is there something I missed? Edit: Here's the MKS release thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/79588 Never mind, I just looked around better and found it. I'm sorry.
  14. Yap I ended up doing this, but there's a lot of mods I like to use always. But it was just a matter of copying/pasting, anyways. xD
  15. I'm brazilian, I refuse to acknowledge that tournament and I demand a fair rematch against german team: tying it's players' legs. Lol, just kidding, congrats on the fourth cup, Germany!
  16. A giant kerbal. If they don't do one, I'll not see the movie.
  17. That's... astonishing! Marvellous! Simply fantastic! You know you put me on a tight spot, don't you? I mean, I'm a mod addict, I already run KSP almost at the RAM limit... but... something got to get out! Your mod is a MUST HAVE.
  18. Signing that request. People say they forget RCS. Thats fine if you have SAS on-board. I always forget the DAMN PARACHUTES!
  19. Hahaha, of course you don't want a new Apollo 13, but the drama is not exactly created by the people on the mission, but by the media. Manned missions have an appeal for drama that generally unmanned missions don't. Look how much fuzz the first manned american missions to space, then to Mun Moon created. When things cooled down, Apollo 13 lighted that drama fire again, because what was getting routine was shown as something far from routine. Media knows that the potential for human disaster sells, even if no disaster comes. I hate that, but it's how media works.
  20. What manned missions do that rover missions will never is to add human drama. A real life novel of a struggle of humans that put their lives under extreme risk to the benefit of mankind. That kind of thing sells like water on the Sahara and attracts media attention to everyone that might sponsor it. Great deal.
  21. Granted. He leaves... with your wallet. I wish for a better way to launch kerbals into semi-orbital trajectories with a cannon than having to simulate the cannon with a booster and a badly-made barrel.
  22. Banned because what else he could use it for?
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