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Everything posted by tjsnh

  1. I'll have a look - is NovaPunch what the folks who posted "N-III" pics in this thread are using?
  2. Wait - the N1 parts are out? I don't see them in the most recent download, what am I missing?!
  3. I'm running ATM. Each time I swapped textures around it had to re-load them, and it crashed a couple times on startup but after each crash I just re-started and it was fine.
  4. I don't think it should - similar mods all have the same cloudlayers.cfg - I think it's just to over-write the one that comes with the EVE mod so you don't get double-clouds. Update to earlier posts - I added sections in the 8_astronomerspackwhateveritscalled.cfg cloud file with everything to do with eve and jool, copy-pasted out of the "better atmospheres" mod, and used the BA eve & jool textures. It's now working great. Eve is covered in THICK pink/purple clouds, much like Venus IRL, and Jool has a nice bright green look to it with green cloud layers that don't contrast too strongly with the "surface" colors. Combined with the AVP kerbin/duna/laythe the overall results are just incredible.
  5. Update - It's the jool textures. I replaced the jool textures with the ones from "better atmospheres" and everything loads up and works fine. Jool & Eve look like crap with the combination of AVP's cloud def configs and BA's graphics, so I'm going to swap in the eve & jool configs from the BA mod and hope for the best.
  6. Ok - going half-steps at a time, I start having trouble when I try to install the "clouds for eve & jool" part, and I think it's related to the jool textures. I'm going to fiddle a bit and see if I can swap out the jool cloud stuff with the jool clouds from the "better atmospheres" mod (which work great, and look good) to see if I at least get different results.
  7. I've been at it for a few hours and not made a lot of progress. I had a similar issue with another mod ("better atmospheres") having a texture file, in the texturereplacer mod folders, which was causing the problem - but I think that's a dead end for this as those files aren't included in AVP. Also - an up date - this is happening to all planets with atmospheres. Kerbin, Duna, Eve, Jool, and Laythe.
  8. So, I've got this up and running .. but .. there's an odd glitch where Kerbin has large red splatches, and the surface is mostly white. Barely using 2.8gb out of 24gb Through a few hours of trial and error, I've narrowed down the problem to gamedata/texturereplacer/default/KerbinScaledSpace300.png Installing the png causes the problem. Any thoughts? Am I the only one having this issue?
  9. So I just installed this, and all the pre-reqs, and everything is working fine and looks great except one thing ... Kerbin has huge bright red splatches all over it. Anyone have any advice as to what I borked up?
  10. So, I've got this running ... but I can't edit any planets. I hit ctl-P to bring up the window, but no matter what I do all the options are unavailable with an error of "no planet selected" .. the post says to "select a template" but I can't find anywhere in the UI to do that. I've tried focusing my view on a planet, being in orbit of it, targeting it, etc etc .. no go. Any help?
  11. Awesome! Combination of 2 factors really - the zoomed-out system view just gets a bit cluttered and it's harder to find the ones I'm looking for, and I wanted to remove a few of the more .. abstract .. looking planets. This is an excellent mod, and I'm very excited to see where it goes over the coming months :-D
  12. So, removing (or editing) the config files in GameData/Kopernicus/Config is the name of the game? Nothing else needs be done?
  13. So I've loaded this up and poked around a bit in the configs/files. It looks like the config is spread across the files for 3 different mods - is there a checklist of where the definitions are for each planet? (I'm basically looking to remove a bunch)
  14. The super "dumbed down" explanation is that "delta-v" is how much speed you can change. You are traveling in kerbin orbit (totally made up numbers just for the example) at 1000 m/s. To escape kerbin orbit and get to orbit around the sun, you need to speed up to 2000 m/s. You need 1000 delta-v to do this. In terms of plotting a course, the "easy way" to learn is to use Hohmann transfer orbits. Here's a super quick no-math explanation: http://www.polaris.iastate.edu/EveningStar/Unit6/unit6_sub2.htm This guy put up a vid that explains it pretty well in KSP, with a demonstration:
  15. So, I'm just curious what people think of the three main methods of launching a shuttle. Booster/tank underneath, like the US Shuttle and Soviet Buran with angled engines on the orbiter. Booster stacked vertically, like the abandoned klipper design. Boosters mounted to the side, above the wings attached to the fuselage, to maintain COT with COM more easily and with non-angled engines on the orbiter. Currently I've only had very sporadic luck with the under-tank/booster method, and find that every launch is a totally different challenge with loads of rcs/vernierfuel used just to keep the thing from tipping over. I've had pretty good luck with the side-tank/booster method, and have made 3 working shuttle designs that fly pretty much the same every time using this profile. I have yet to try the vertically stacked booster method. Seems like it would be just like launching anything else? Thoughts?
  16. So here's a tip - I know it sounds cliche, but "less is more". You can _easily_ get to eve and back with a mk1 pod, 2 fuel tanks (x200-8 + x200-16 , the two white "medium" size tanks), solar panels, and 1 nuclear engine. I got my feet wet doing flyby missions - save the landers for when you get comfortable guestimating fuel needs. Figure out what you want to bring (career mode? capsule, chutes and such, science lab, goo, solar panels, maybe a few of the small science experiments attached to the capsule depending what you're at for tech level), and assuming it's light enough stick a medium amount of fuel and a nuclear engine. Then just make a booster to get it into orbit, and out of kerbin's SOI. I know it's tempting to make this big huge monstrosity with 4 nuclear engines, 20 tons of fuel, and 10 solar panels - but really, when you're talking super long distance flights (jool flyby, etc) every gram of weight will cost you dearly in fuel - which then costs more fuel to move THAT fuel, etc etc.
  17. My only gripe is that the Su-27 has a "bubble" canpoy. Consider switching out the cockpit. Past that, looks pretty good.
  18. Are there any tutorials or documentation on "getting started" developing a tech tree with this mod? I'm very interested. (Or mostly do people reverse-engineer the example cfgs it comes with?)
  19. I've completed these contracts with real bad-looking monstrosities - a science lab with 4 Mk 1 capsules stacked on top of it, on top of each other, and a probe core at the very top - no crew. You don't have to actually send any kerbals TO the station to complete the contract : it only needs to have enough room for them, and it doesnt seem to matter what that room is. Edit : Don't forget the docking port, solar panels, and communications dish of some kind.
  20. My Koyuz-I on a flyby of Duna. These parts have become a serious workhorse/backbone in my career mode - the tantares stock-sized R-7 is by far my most commonly used low/medium lifter. Thanks so much for the excellent parts!
  21. The Tantares mod that was linked has a great stock-like 2-man soyuz. Even if you dont use the rest of the mod, the 2-man capsule is great.
  22. KSPAPIextensions.dll is busted, which breaks procedural fairings.
  23. Am I the only one having an issue where the Mk3 spaceplane parts in 0.90 have no texture, and are flush white?
  24. Five bucks says they wont launch until we hit 90 pages! HYPE IT UP BOYS!
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