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Everything posted by Nicholander

  1. But remember, the "Sphinx" is the size of the LEM descent stage, and thus has similar weight. So yes, it is possible for the CubeSat to have harpoons and landing gear if we manage to convince a LV provider to get us there in the first place. But anyway, even if we do get "Sphinx" up an running, why do you need landing gear and harpoons? That weight could be taken up by scientific equipment, cameras, communication equipment, etc. So even if you can put fancy risky landing mechanisms, there's really no point when you got, safer, cheaper, and safer options. And the launch date? Yeah, that seems reasonable, did you use this "Cosmic Train Schedule"? For the name, we haven't decided it yet, but I really believe that we should name it KerbSat, like KerbSat-1, KerbSat-2, etc.
  2. Well, how much do you think a little "Bumper cushion" costs and is risky? And compare it to the sled and harpoon. The "Bumper cushion" seems for more practical, cheaper, and safer.
  3. Could you be more specific by "Part"? And you said previously that you were just trying to make a skin, and now you want to make a part.
  4. Hmmm.... I've done that, but when I put the model with the texture and add a modified cfg, I still get a cube, but now it's black and selectable. Here's how it looks in Unity: It's nice to note that the thing that says "Monolith" with the grid icon has a cube as it's preview, but "MonolithAvatar" doesn't have a preview, so I'm assuming that is the shape you see in the scene.
  5. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/47068-mbm-Texture-File-Converter You need Unity, but it works.
  6. Okay sorry for the large text. (Why do i get so easily stressed? Why?) Anyway, so I kinda figured how to get PartTools to work, but when I put my Monolith into it by adding a component, and i put the .mu in a folder with a texture and a .cfg file i edited, I just get a white cube, which I can't select anymore once I put it down. In Unity, it looks like this: Any help, please?
  7. Yeah, i already know how to do that. And as the edit in my previous post said, when I use PartTools, it just becomes blank a freezes. (I think). Turns out that selecting a KSP save that had like 99999999999999999999999 million mods caused that to take forever.
  8. The first thing i've done with that is run into a problem. YOU JUST CAN'T DRAG PartToolsEditor TO THE EMPTY PartTools THING YOU'VE JUST CREATED, IT SAYS: It can't attach PartToolsEditor to the thing because it's an editor script. It needs to be outside of the editor folder. See? It's outdated and wrong. EDIT: Also, when I go into PartTools and make it select a GameData directory, the window just becomes blank and I think freezes. So both PartTools and that tutorial is broken.
  9. *Sigh* I don't want those. I want things like how to set up PartTools in the first place, and all i freaking want is to convert it to .mu!!! I don't want all this stupid stuff which amuses you have some prior knowledge, like how to set up PartTools!!!
  10. Also, ProjectThoth, I forgot to mention how it lands on Phobos: The Phobos Lander CubeSat will have no landing legs, but instead will slow down until it's "Hovering" (I say that in quotation marks because it doesn't have it's engines on to keep it hovering, it just slows down until it isn't going down/falling, and then turns off it's engine(s))just above the surface (20-30 Cm), turn off it's engines, and then change it's attitude using RCS to point horizontally, and on the side of it that's pointing towards Phobos (While it's being horizontal) will have a "Bumper". The bumper will cushion it's small fall towards Phobos, just to make sure nothing gets damaged. It may bounce a tiny bit, but it's negligible and it will land safely, and with out the need for heavy landing legs and the system required to deploy them.
  11. Download to what? Kopernicus? Bumped, again!
  12. Sorry that the title is stupid, but I'm trying to make a tiny little Monolith part for KSP, I've made the mesh, have a texture, but I can't figure out how to get the damned thing to be a .mu. What I did: I converted it to .sbx and imported it as an asset to Unity. What I can't figure out how to do: How do you make the PartToolsEditor (What I assume you use to convert .sbx to .mu) in the tool bar at the top? What do I do next? Do I just put my Monolith.sbx into the scene and then drag the PartToolsEditor from the tool bar to it? Could someone please CLEARLY explain to me what I'm supposed to do? Thanks in advance for helping me!
  13. I don't know, I don't have it on max settings.
  14. Okay, but on the Lavochkin Wikipedia page, it doesn't list Phobos 1 and 2 on the list of spacecraft they worked on, but it does mention it int there history. But the Soviet political and power system was completely different then what we have, and technology has advanced since then. Anyway, Phobos-Grunt was freaking sample return, so they had to make it so it not only lands on Phobos, but it then has to get ALL THE WAY BACK TO EARTH!!!!
  15. I checked Wikipedia, and the only Phobos mission they ever worked on was Phobos-Grunt, and that was due to a launch vehicle failure, and we won't be doing ANYTHING with LVs, we'll be making the CubeSat.
  16. So you're saying that you think that the Phobos Lander mission would fail? Even though we're planing it to be the 5th or 4th mission?
  17. Motokid600, yeah, I'm actually trying that right now. EDIT: I'm going to finish it up tomorrow (Or maybe later today), but here is an Imgur thing of taking the LEM unmanned to LLO: Sorry that there are some copies of images, I just dumped the images in my screenshot folder and made them into an album. Sorry.
  18. YYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you! Just THANK YOU! Awesome video, could you also list the mods you used and put up the craft file for it?
  19. ProjectThoth, welcome to the KSP forums! (And the KSP Community CubeSat!) Two things: What do you think about having the Lunar Orbiter orbiting over the Lunar poles, which will give us a clear view of the Lunar poles, which as of now the only pictures we have are just stitched together ones from equatorial orbits. And 2, I want to see more on that "Spinx" spacecraft of yours. Also, when you started your post with "Y'all", it made me think of you talking in a southern ascent when reading it, and I can't get it out of my head!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Well, I want something that doesn't take a long time to do because it's uber hard, and It's already frustrating enough when I forget to put communications on my normal KSP probes, let along the stress that I would have when I eventually notice I don't have enough fuel after 20 hours of making that interplanetary ship. (Side note, but I think the Alexandria is a good name for an interplanetary ship) And the Moon colony? I haven't even landed a man on the Moon in KSP RSS and you want me to do like 200 launches for the Moon!?!?!?
  21. I'm bored, and I know that I want to doing something in KSP RSS but I don't know what exactly. Though, I have decided on some ideas, but I don't know which one to do... Idea 1. Make a LEO space station. (Perhaps Mir-2?) Idea 2. Make an unmanned Mars rover or lander. Idea 3. Do a manned Lunar Landing. Idea 4. Make a spaceplane (Like a manned Skylon or something) Idea 5. Go to Jupiter and do something. Idea 6. Make a bunch of Launch Vehicles. Idea 7. Make something from 2001: A Space Odyssey. Idea 8. Make the KSP Community CubeSat Phobos Lander. I can't think of any more ideas.
  22. Hmm... so 1st LEO artificial sub-gravity with spirulina, then Lunar impact/flyby, then a test of the Phobos equipment in LEO, then maybe a Mars flyby, or maybe even testing the aerobraking. And then the Phobos Lander, how is that as a mission plan?
  23. Hmm... I think your LEO with artificial gravity and spirulina first and then Lunar flyby is a good idea, but what do yo think about the idea to then make the Phobos Lander together after those 2 missions?
  24. *Insert infinite facepalm here* Sorry I put it so stupidly... I meant that if it was a merger, then we get 1 CubeSat, and if we cooperate, we get 2 CubeSats. sorry.
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