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  1. @adsii1970found this from rbray89 a few pages back And no you dont have to install Scatterer but it does look better It's known. Squad never added the proper render tags to ignore it. Eventually I plan to overhaul the lighting system and I'll get to this.
  2. @adsii1970 the clouds I may be able to help you with. Make sure you are running the latest Dev build linked a couple of pages back. And have the latest version of Scatterer. For KSP 1.1.2 x64 dx9 with E.V.E. Dev Build and Scatterer v0.0244 first put any craft on the runway/launchpad. while you are still parked Press Alt+0 (zero) to bring up the GUI pic of first install Using top arrows scroll to CloudsManager. once there scroll down to find the LayerVolume and adjust Size and Area to the following. Size from 2000.2.2 up to 2600.2.2 Area from 18000.4 down to 12000.4 then hit apply and save. Alt+0 to exit Gui. Will make the clouds look alot better.
  3. @Ixonal if you have a look a couple of pages back rbray89 posted a link to a Dev Build that works well. I think the 1.1.1 version may work, have not tested though. You may have to manually install for now.
  4. @blackrack thank you so much for this amazing mod and all the work you put into it. It makes playing KSP that much more immersive.
  5. Once again I have to congratulate you on a fantastic mod @rbray89 having borrowed one of @Poodmund's cloud textures (gaslayer) from his amazing OPM - Visual Overhaul and with @blackrack's amazing Scatterer I have finally managed to almost set up the clouds over the Minmus flats to my liking. Will definately make landing more interesting Many thanks to you all for making such great Mods
  6. Would really like to see some of visuals of those tests. After having been to Tekto in previous version of KSP and OPM with your wonderful OPM Visual Overhaul and now waiting for the current version of KSP to become more stable I am playing with Cloud banks over the flats of Minmus to make things more difficult there, but I am definitely no artist or programmer like you or rbray89 or any of the other modders for this game.
  7. Thanks. Nice to know about the config as well. You know your setup better than anyone, I will PM the Minmus settings I got to see what you can do.
  8. The GUI combo is ALT+0 (zero) Still playing with the configs at the moment. want to check with @rbray89 first if it is alright to share his modded config.
  9. @rbray89 keep up the great work. I can PM you the cloud config for Minmus if you would like. The photos do look good but I did take specific shots. Thought I would do a low pass at Physwarp to see what it looked like and not to bad for a start, still got some tweaking to do. Always found Minmus too easy to land on and want more difficulty. Near end of the low level run nearly found out how much more difficult. see if vid works edit. Changed to youtube.
  10. Thanks @rbray89 Only thing I have to try to workout is when zoomed out or in map mode it does not show as a cloud cover.
  11. @rbray89 Great job on the new clouds, they look fantastic! Had a bit of a play around in the config to see what cloud covering I could come up with for Minmus. Didn't turn out too bad with the new Dev Update and Scatterer. hope the pics work
  12. @DaZeInBok make sure you have 2.6.3 Module Manager dll installed in your Game Data folder. This dependency has now been added to OP.
  13. I would like to nominate 'Thor LP' for the Best Comedy Channel His series Insane Rockets Division
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