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  1. OP should try a pod on top of a fuel piece or engine, see what happens.
  2. You did great! I would suggest trying not to take it personally? I had the same thing happen on eve, and I had to try over three times. Each time I just reminded myself that this is the VERY FIRST version, and that they are going to iron out all the bugs in good time.
  3. OMG FAM, IT'S FINALLY HERE!!! I had always wanted to build a custom PC, and had made an agreement with my wife that we would probably wait until KSP2 came out. Well, I'm typing this out on my new PC, that I finished just a few days before the release. i5-12400 rx 6650 xt 32GB DDR5 2TB M.2 Drive for games 500MB M.2 Drive for OS and programs 4TB 2.5" SSD Drive for media And as much RGB as I could find for 20% more FPS Well, you can guess what I spent my day doing, but I figured you might also want to see. I'm playing the game on 1080 Medium settings. I started off with a good ol' mission to the Mun, and was able to make a return trip as well. From there, I decided to try a trip to Eve. I also figured out how to make GIFs of my mission, but can't figure out how to embed them here. Here they are if you want to see some cool GIFs. https://imgur.com/4nap7oy https://imgur.com/jfYrq9E https://imgur.com/kZKd5vk https://imgur.com/jvNJpGF I guess I'm going to have to send a rescue mission, but that will have to wait until tomorrow.
  4. Unistall all other life support mods besides Kerbalism. I forgot that Kerbalism has it's own life support system.
  5. I realized this pretty quick, and felt stupid for thinking it might work. For some reason I just took it for granted, and thought that maybe they transported it in liquid form. Duh! Yeah, I was being a dumb dumb, and forgot that Kerbalism includes it's own life support system. I was thinking it needed one for some reason, but this fixed me right up. Thank you so much! Now for a fresh start, bleh.
  6. Has anybody successfully used the greenhouse in kerbalism with TAC life support? I have a space station set up, but my greenhouse says it doesn't have any ammonia. I sent up some tanks of liquid ammonia, but I guess that's not what they meant. I see that the mini chemical plant can convert hydrogen and nitrogen into ammonia, but when I sent up a craft with the chemical plant and some hydrogen, nothing happened. Has anybody gone through this already that can help me out, I'm about ready to give up on the game for a while if I can't figure this out.
  7. Has anybody successfully used the greenhouse in kerbalism with TAC life support? I have a space station set up, but my greenhouse says it doesn't have any ammonia. I sent up some tanks of liquid ammonia, but I guess that's not what they meant. I see that the mini chemical plant can convert hydrogen and nitrogen into ammonia, but when I sent up a craft with the chemical plant and some hydrogen, nothing happened. Has anybody gone through this already that can help me out, I'm about ready to give up on the game for a while if I can't figure this out.
  8. I'm waiting to play [1.2] until this mod is ready. KSP is unplayable without this mod in my opinion, keep up the awesome work!
  9. If it comes out this Tuesday, we are all in trouble. Title Release date Fallout 4 Tuesday, November 10th Starcraft 3: Legacy of the void Tuesday, November 10th Kerbal Space Program 1.0.5 ??? Tuesday, November 10th ??? I might have to take the day off of work.... or the week.
  10. Yes, but per the rules of this challenge we cannot use rapier engines or go above 50 km. So
  11. Did someone say fast?! iGoFasttm That's 1531.9 m/s or mach 4.45!
  12. Make you own work. Find a need and fill it. You think everything is made up already? If so, your wrong. Make something up, just make sure it is good. You may think the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. But in reality, the grass is greenest where you tend to it. Stop looking else where for a solution to your problems, everyone and everywhere has problems. Just drink the water where you come from. Never put something off until tomorrow, when you could put it off until the day after that as well. The point is, don't put stuff off. Try to accomplish one task towards a greater goal every day, and soon you will find yourself accomplishing those goals. If your bored, and can't find anything to do, do something productive. You will probably still be bored, but you will be distracted, and get stuff done. Stay safe, and research the facts. I don't think one specific mode of transportation over another is going to change your life, for the better at least. Get a bike with gears and a helmet, no insurance necessary, and their cheaper than gas powered transportation. Ok, I'm done. Hope I helped.
  13. Hello all, and thank you for your time. First, a brief back story.... I have recently had to leave my job of over 9 years. I didn't want to, but the nature of the business became too stressful and unappreciative for me. Once I left I received several higher paying jobs as a sub-contractor. And the businesses that were employing me are extremely appreciative. This has helped me decide that I want to go into business. The job I left is tanking since I left, and it would be really easy to employ or sub-contract my old co-workers for my new business. Now for where you come in if you can help.... I need to find business insurance. And since I am still in the developmental stage of creating my business, I want to structure it so that the insurance premiums are as low as possible. The problem is that I have absolutely no experience with business insurance. And every time I try to get more information from an agent, I get one sentence responses, or just get ignored. Admittedly, I haven't tried to get a lot of quotes, but it seems like a dead end trying to get information from them. Is there anyone here who has experience with business insurance that would be willing to coach me? I know a little about what is going on, but would like to know if I'm right, and what to expect. I hate going blindly into things. In any case, if you have read this far, thank you again for your time, I don't know where else to ask but the greatest gaming community on earth!
  14. https://imgur.com/a/FbRop#0 it's an old album. but yes it is possible.
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