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Everything posted by Mirage

  1. erm, how do we 'leave' something up there for this to work?
  2. ok, sorry, but how do I download it! I get offerd every file but the one I need!
  3. The goal is a circular orbit, the location was not stated.
  4. thanks for the tip, the RCS system works a treat on my Moonraker 8. BTW, fins work very well for lander legs.
  5. thats what the mice did to get money from a chat show...
  6. give it 10000 years, they will get back (thats how I made a moon landing!)
  7. my appologies. But does the rocket itself go well for you?
  8. Here is a good moon rocket I made. used well it can go for a return trip. However I need some form of lander part, for I ahve some lander legs but they dont want to go on. :\'( Still, it can go for escape velocity and do heavy lifting. Hope it works for others!
  9. this is an idea, and I like your tri-coupler usage. In fact I think I hve a similar rocket, just larger that I shall now release.
  10. now look jeb, you dont just HIT the moon!
  11. Look, the Magratheans built it and waited 7.5 million years for the answer. I think 42 is right. Unless they were also invaded and colnised by telephone sanitizers, hairdressers and sales executives.
  12. Ah! but whats the question!
  13. EDITORIAL: The Rocket must lift the load, not be it.
  14. simple,lift the heaviest group of parts into orbit as possible. + Bonus the higher it is, double bonus if it does an appollo 8.
  15. I managed to fire a rocket of my one sucessfully. I used radial decouplers.
  16. ok thanks. Now I have been able to get my moonraker there just my linux-operating-exe issue lags the kerbals to death. But I think it is clear that a masive rocket is not needed as such.
  17. I use RCS to actually land me on the moon. And I believe it can get you back again.
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