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Everything posted by 8bitgammers

  1. I've got the pm, and i'll wait a bit to post a review on them to give some others a chance. I've finished your review here:
  2. wow, thats a lot of craft! this series won't end soon i guess i'll get to as many as possible.
  3. thanks for the crafts. i'll get the vids out over the weekend
  4. Hello, everyone. I'm still here. I just wanted to explain my absence from the forum because it was very abrupt. Firstly, i'm sorry. During that last battle i was doing, I had some IRL stuff happening and it cut it off a bit, and by the time I was back I assumed it was too late. I gradually lost interest in KSP over this time, but i want to get back involved with it. I don't think battles are my thing so Instead I will be doing my old craft review type deal for now. I'll link a thread where you can post craft files to be reviewed in a video on my youtube channel "Lord Pasta". Yeah, It's been a while but what can i do? I've been playing for more than 2 years now, and all of that has gone into combat craft so I think I'm a bit qualified even if my craft aren't always the most functional...XD. anyways link down below.
  5. STOCK CRAFT SUBMISSIONS Hey it's me, welcome to my craft review submissions thread. There are really no rules for this. If i can get it to work, i'll review it, simple as that. all reviews will be posted in the form of a video on my youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/8bitgammers/videos?shelf_id=1&view=0&sort=dd the video will be posted as a response to your submission so you don't have to constantly check. How to get reviewed: 1. post a photo of your craft. 2. add the link to the craft file. 3. wait and hope that the craft will work for me . very simple.
  6. I decided to use my smallest and lightest craft for this engagement. I decided to attack the nearest target, the Prospero. i then used the bomber's large srb rocket. the results were not to my liking, but i did notice some internal jostling. something may have been dislodged. aside from that there was not much damage other than the top of the craft. link: https://www.dropbox.com/home?preview=OKN+1.sfs
  7. thanks for the help! here is the new link https://www.dropbox.com/s/n6mr7c7h8iaib3m/OKN%201.sfs?dl=0
  8. sorry if the wait was annoying. i had other things to do that distracted me from the forums. anyways, i posted back my three ships here is the link: https://www.dropbox.com/home?preview=OKN+1.sfs
  9. i have removed it and replaced it with that one. I do not know what the problem is. The link that i posted works for me.
  10. link: https://www.dropbox.com/home?preview=persistent.sfs i hope this one works
  11. I will try and fix it again. I think the problem is that when it is downloaded it is converted into some other format. A ".txt" file i believe as opposed to a ".craft". I used to just use modifier but now thats not supported by the forums, and i am not very used to dropbox. Anyways, i'll post the link soon. In the mean time does anyone have any ideas on what the problem is?
  12. oh, no... i was getting the same error when i tried to download it. and to make matters worse i somehow lost my save file that in my dropbox. if worse comes to worse, i could always reset up all my ships in the same positions as before. so, does that mean that you also want to join the battle?
  13. O.K then, I've already set up my fleet, and servo is setting up his. you can set up yours when he is done.
  14. sure, i'm fine with anything as long as it does not total over 2000 parts.
  15. the combined mass of my ships is 215t.
  16. allright, i'm ready: My OKN fleet is patrolling Moho: the fleet consists of an small bomber: An large fighter: and an small battleship: here is the persistent: https://www.dropbox.com/home?preview=persistent.sfs
  17. I'm ready to battle. If anyone wants to battle with me.
  18. I decided that the best way to test my new Battleship was to have it battle itself. This led to the collision of the two 1067 part crafts: Also, in unrelated news, I have updated the names of all my craft: "OKN" is the name of my organization, the "S" stands for spacecraft, "M" stands for military, next is the size "S, M, L, or XL", then I put the first two letters of the craft type I.E: Fighter; Fi, or Carrier; Ca, and finally I put and identification number that helps me find the craft if there are others with the rest of it's name the same.
  19. New battleships! I fixed all the problems with it, so here is the craft file: http://www./download/9t4q7zdrcv8iido/Battle+Hub+2.craft
  20. Mostly KSP stuff. I like to build combat crafts like battleships and stuff. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnKdW-BR4EPSvTCSNLH-hiw
  21. Oh MAN! it's been a while for me. Thankfully 1.1 has given me the motivation i needed to get back into the action. I have been working on some new huge carriers: ^ The Hub 1 ^ ^ The Hub 2 ^ ^ The Hub 3 ^ Also, in unrelated news, my youtube channel has undergone a few changes, but don't worry it is still me. "PastaRastaGaming" is the new name .
  22. OH YEAH! i finally got a new updated thread for my company, it's got all my latest ships on it if anyone wants to check it out. p.s. still waiting for unity 5 to battle...
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