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Everything posted by EdFred

  1. When I first started out I needed a margin of about 50%. Then it dropped to 20%. Then to 10%. Missions to Mun and Minmus, I can get under 5% above ideal. Generally my first trip to a new body is in the 15% over range, return trips are in the 5-10% over range.
  2. To me, one side looks flat, and the other is recessed. The recessed sides match up. The flat sides mount permanently to the craft.
  3. Nope. Sometimes, I only run the small tanks and engines, sometimes I go with Kerbodyne, sometimes it's mainsails, sometimes no SRBs, sometimes....
  4. I ran into a similar issue with a database a while back. Someone defined the field as Integer Single, instead of Integer Double. Well when I tried to create invoice number 32768, it didn't much like it. Took me a while to figure that one out, because 32767 didn't ring a bell.
  5. Pretty much the same thing that happens if you cross the streams.
  6. That all is possible with vBulletin, if you enable those options. I am on probably 4 or 5 vBulletin forums, and they all have a different feel and options to them.
  7. Moho and back on a test run. 4m/s remaining when I got my Kerbin aerobrake node dialed in.
  8. Imagine this scenario. You riding a horse on a spinning carousel, and I am say, 20 meters from the outside edge of the carousel running at a speed that keeps that horse directly between myself and the center. You hop off the horse and stand at the edge of the carousel and wait for the right moment to run directly away from the carousel so you and I meet at that same spot 20meters away from the edge. What happens when we meet? I basically run you over. Same thing with your above scenario.
  9. I don't live in the city, and the one I do live near (only half a million or so including the suburbs) there is no rail system at all. Unless you count Amtrak to go to Chicago - which takes longer and costs more than driving in your own vehicle anyway. We have a bus system that I know nothing about because, I would have to drive at least 5 miles (8km) to get to the nearest stop. If I am leaving my house it is probably to go get groceries or materials, and it would make zero sense to drive 5 miles to the bus stop when it's only another 3 miles to the places I most frequently go to anyway (not counting work - which is the opposite direction of the bus stop from my house.) Then I have to carry 6 bags of groceries on the bus back to my car, load them into my car, then drive home? Even taking a cab would be more expensive than driving - even counting insurance, maintenance, and acquisition cost. Public transport would never work for me, additionally I'm looking to move even further from the city, so it would become even less useful. Plus, I like driving. I have two cars and am looking at buying another one to drive on weekends if I sell my airplane this month.
  10. I had a country years ago, but IIRC, NS went on hiatus and I never bothered to get back into it - until today. http://www.nationstates.net/nation=oobleck
  11. An intercept at Moho's Pe will take a bigger burn at Kerbin, but with its velocity relative to Kerbol higher, your insertion burn would be less. And that was the problem. The burn from Kerbin was in line with the dV maps, but I was closer to the second one than the first one when using one mod's transfer window vs KAC's. Using KAC's, I'm much closer to optimal.
  12. OK, after some more experimenting and getting my transfer window more precise, I'm within 10% of the dV required according to the dV maps. I was off on when it looked right, but wasn't and I wasn't intercepting smoothly. I was over burning on ejection, and coming in waaaaaay too fast. In another attempt my insertion burn came in at ~2500dV, which is acceptablish.
  13. If that's the case, it makes perfect sense. Moho orbits Kerbol in the neighborhood of 12km/s. I arrive with a Kerbol velocity higher than that using a standard Hohmannn transfer. If the dV maps are not for Hohmann transfers that answers my question.
  14. I get it from the Kerbal Wiki page. One of the maps: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/w/images/7/73/KerbinDeltaVMap.png Shows a 2200m/s injection dV
  15. That's not the issue. Getting to Moho I'm dead on with the dV (even better that the dV maps sometimes) The issue is after I enter Moho's SOI my orbital velocity shows as being well over 4,000m/s, last time it was over 5000m/s Orbit around Moho at 10k, is around 800m/s. Not even taking into account Moho's gravity accelerating you as you get closer to LMO, that's 4200dV needed to slow down. SO my question is, how does 5000-800=2200?
  16. The pyramids were built by winged merfolk riding fire breathing unicorns. Prove me wrong. My theory is now just as valid as every scientist/archaeologist/anthropologist out there. See, I can do it too.
  17. The correct answer is Ditka. (99% of the board will not get it.)
  18. I'm obviously doing something wrong. Kerbin 80km orbit ~4500dv: Check Kerbin escape+Moho transfer intercept:~1700dV: Check Moho burn to stay in low orbit: ~2200dv: Hahahaha, not even close. It doesn't seem to matter whether Moho is near its apoapis, periapsis, whether I'm coplanar, intercept at my periapsis, or have an "abrupt" encounter, my burns always seem to be in the 4000dV range. I've tried having a periapsis at Moho of around 10km, up to over 1000km. Doesn't seem to matter. I'm no where close to that 2200dv that all the maps have. So what's the trick to using only ~2200dv for insertion/injection? Answering my own question: Make the transfer at the correct window.
  19. That is true, but they were near the Nile river, which is what provided fertile ground, not the equator.
  20. Thanks, I was going from memory, and I thought it was 14 for some reason.
  21. Problem #1, Egypt isn't near the equator. It's southern border is barely south of the tropic of Cancer, and the pyramids are well north of that.
  22. I've found there is no point in trying to poke holes in anyone's belief about something so blatantly and obviously wrong when they believe that 2 + cow = purple.
  23. There are two ways to do this. One way (assuming no mods), but it takes more dV is to launch into orbit like you normally would. Go to map view and look at your orbit from the side so the orbit looks like a line. The far side of the orbit, and the near side of the orbit should be in line, and the view of your orbit becomes a line rather than a ellipse or circle. You should be viewing from almost the equator. Using the left or right arrow keys, rotate your view around Kerbin until Minmus' orbit also becomes a line rather than an ellipse or circle. The point where it appears the two orbits cross is where you want to do your burn. Create a node at that point and use the pink triangles (normal/anti-normal) to align your orbit with Minmus' orbit. After you've done this, you go to Minmus just like you would the Mun. The other way, is go to map view at Kerbin's equator and turn until Minmus' orbit is a line as I described above. Wait until KSC is under that line, and then launch into orbit, but rather than making your gravity turn at 90º, make it at 76º or 104º (I think Minmus' inclination is 14 degrees). You should be pretty well in line with Minmus's orbit, and your inclination should be pretty close. (I figured I'd get ninja'd)
  24. The docking port is partially inside of the part it is attached to, which can cause problems.
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