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Everything posted by EdFred

  1. Why are brilliant people on the ship? They will be dead long before it arrives anywhere.
  2. You can't simply take all the smartest (or whatever adjective-est) people on this ship. Why? Because human nature is going rear it's ugly head. Do you really think a 175 IQ professor is going to be happy with his job cleaning toilets on this ship? Or being a line cook? Or having some other job that he feels he's too good for/too smart for/too [adjective] for? There will be unrest, and there will be a whole lot of problems. You can't have a company composed entirely of upper management - just as you can't have a ship composed entirely of super-geniuses. The selection process would have to most likely go as follows Genetic screening. I think most of us agree that we want as little possibility for genetic deficiencies to be passed down. Sorry, it sucks, but it needs to be the main factor. However, genetic screening isn't taking only the best or smartest. There will be a Bell Curve of intelligence from those that passed the genetic screening. It is only to make sure things like heart disease, anemia, ALS, etc are not be carried. Once the genetic screening is done then... Genetic diversity. This ship is going to need a well balanced pool if it is to be a generational ship. Selection is not based on what country you are from, but what your heritage is. Equal ratios of East African Black, West African Black, North Americans Native, South American Native, Pacific Islander, Northern European heritage, Southern European heritage, Middle Eastern, Indian subcontinental, Asian, etc... Not only that, interracial offspring would not only be encouraged but probably mandatory. After a few generations the ship will have the the gene pool well mixed, and probably provide the best seed population for the new planet. Now that we've determined the gene pool for the ship the next is the Skill set. This is a generational ship. People initially on the ship are never reaching the planet. There's no need for everyone to be an architect, engineer, physicist, etc,... The majority of people on this ship are more or less going to be custodians. You will need repairmen, janitors, food service workers, and a whole list of other menial, non-scientific jobs. Yes, there will be a need for doctors, and engineers, and "smart people" jobs, but the vast majority of the people on the ship will be completely average people, and you will have to have that or unrest will happen. Do you think someone who was a CEO back on Earth is going to want to be cleaning toilets for 30 years? Or be happy doing it? Not even close. You're going to need a range of intelligence just like you are going to need a range of genes.
  3. But you don't have to burn "straight up" to get to Mun, or leave Kerbin. If done correctly, it should take no more dV to get to Mun (or anywhere) than it does to orbit and then transfer burn.
  4. Career - [My Name] Sandbox - Whatever body I'm testing ships for
  5. It does if you accelerate enough, but when you readjust to match speeds when you are within a few meters of your target, you essentially end up re-establishing a stable orbit. And remember in LKO, you're moving at about 2300m/s. To rendezvous you're only making changes up to about 10m/s, so you have quite a bit of time before you drop like a rock.
  6. Which results in each person on the planet having a total net worth of a littler under $35,000. No thanks. If I had all 241T and money still had meaning. I would make people offers to entertain me for various amount of money. "Oh, you want $25,000? Cover yourself in mayonnaise wearing a tomato hat, shoes made of bacon, and lettuce underpants. Then run the length of 8 city blocks yelling, 'I'm a BLT eat me!'" Then, I'd say, "No, not convincing enough, but here's $15,000 for your effort.
  7. You're right, I'm a moron that has no concept of anything scientific. I will go back to reading myths and fairy tales and passing them off as scientific fact. Thank you for showing me the error of my ways. *mumbles something about UHI and wanders off to proselytize about floods and dead guys nailed to sticks*
  8. In addition to radio, television, and siren (usually for tornadoes) I also get an emergency alert sent to my Blackberry with detailed information.
  9. Which would make it even MORE inexplicable if it was!
  10. Evidently the term inexplicable isn't as well known as I thought it to be.
  11. I covered that with my last two sentences. I have no dog in the fight. I'm not a proponent or opponent of anything. If solar works out to be the best, fine lets go with that. If it's hydro, lets go with that, if for some inexplicable reason it remains fossil fuels, well let's just keep doing what we're doing - or the only real way to combat it - get rid of 90% of the population and go back to living in caves. But somehow, I don't think most people would go for that solution.
  12. It was a discussion at lunch, not a published paper, so I have nothing to link to. For all I know they haven't completed the study yet, in which case it's a little hard to publish and send you a link. But when I'm told something by someone who is actually conducting the study I'm a bit more inclined to believe them over people on the internet who say "well, I don't believe that because I'm a solar proponent." And yes, I am fully aware you can call me a liar and full of excrement and my statement is worthless because I don't have an URL for you to link to. That's your right, and I won't lose any sleep over it. All I know is what I was told.
  13. Hey, I didn't do the study, I'm not at MIT. Complain to them.
  14. No. What he was saying is that because solar panels really suck as far as efficiency goes, you are heating the atmosphere more with solar panels than the CO2 emissions that may be generated IF your electrical supply is from fossil fuels. If your electrical supply is from hydro or wind already, you are contributing more to GW than if you didn't use solar panels at all. You *might* be able to save money by going solar, but you aren't saving the planet from GW by going solar. I really didn't think the concept was that hard to grasp.
  15. Now, you've taken care of 10% of the world. And imagine the temperature spike above 70,480 sqkm of solar panels. You thought cities were temperature hot spots. Pie in the sky is right on. But solar proponents don't think that far ahead. They play chess like it's a game of tic tac toe.
  16. "Guess what happens when the sun beats down on something dark? You'd be better off just painting the surface white." - an acquaintance at MIT in regards to solar panels reducing Global Warming. The solar panels generate more atmospheric heat than they save on CO2 emissions from the coal that *may* (it's not even a given) be saved. You want to reduce global warming? Turn off your computers, shut off the power to your house, stop using the internet, stop using everything that requires some sort of energy, and go out and plant 50 trees a day. I'm sure everyone who's worried about global warming is going to run right out and do just that.
  17. I see it in quotes, and interpret that as not a true ocean.
  18. Ahhhhhh. I only do Kerbal time in the Kerbal universe.
  19. That's what I meant too. I thought it took ~2 days to get to Mun and ~8 days to get to Minmus. Then of course 2 days and 8 days back respectively.
  20. It took me quite a bit longer than 2 days to get to Minmus. For some reason 8 days rings a bell.
  21. Is your Mobile Processing Lab manned with 2 Kerbals?
  22. I *think* we are talking about the same thing. The AN/DN are the inclination nodes.
  23. Is your AN or DN intersecting the orbit of Eeloo? I've found that unless your orbits are co planar (or very close to it) you have a hard time getting the separation markers to show up. If your AN/DN isn't intersecting the orbit of the body you want to encounter, you will spend a lot of time trying to get an intercept/separation marker. Check your map view to make sure you are actually intersecting the orbit of Eeloo if you aren't coplanar. Also, the further away you are the harder it is to get a precise intercept. Low dV needed = easy to over/undershoot your target. High dV needed = easier to be more precise. Keep in mind that you said it was a 6m/s burn. Changing your dV by 1m/s is a 16% variation. Try 0.1m/s or 0.05m/s changes. Changing anything by 16% is going to probably result in a miss. If you launched towards the Mun and changed your dV by 16% you'd miss it as well. Also keep in mind there are 6 basic spots on your orbits to get the most efficient course corrections. Apoapis, Periapsis, Ascending Node, Descending Node, and the two points that are 90º ahead/behind your periapsis and apoapsis. Most others result in having to do crazy burns to get what you want. Kasuha should be along shortly with screen shots and a more detailed explanation.
  24. I launched 3 rockets in various inclinations at Kerbin. One being sub orbital, one getting low space science, and one getting high space science, and collected whatever science from the biome I landed in at Kerbin. From there I launched 15 back to back to back missions to Mun, (each launch about 10 minutes after the previous one) with whatever science projects I had available at the time. 15 ships simultaneously en route to Mun. Landed them all, collected science, and then 15 ships en route to Kerbin. Boom! Science. Then did the same thing with each Minmusian Biome. When all the ships returned from Minmus I had finished my tech tree and over 3000 extra science before the end of Kerbal day 28.
  25. Burn the AL East to the ground. Go Tigers! (their bullpen is horrible, and will be their undoing this year)
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