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Everything posted by EdFred

  1. OKTO2 + command chair + inline stabilizer + Oscar B tank + KR-2L + massless solar panels = winner. Kerbin TWR of over 38. Interplanetary TWR of over 45000. Currently travelling at 1382855.4m/s - I hope I can stop. Even going through the core of Eve my encounter only lasts 3 minutes. We will see how thick Eve's atmo really is. Well, that didn't turn out so well. Peaked at almost 1800km/s. My Eve escape was the same time as my encounter. I waited too long to do my retro burn. The KR-2L was destroyed on impact along with the reaction wheel, Jeb, and the chair. Oddly enough, the Oscar B, probe core and solar panels survived. I bounced off Eve, and am now traveling at 2083692.6m/s directly back at Kerbin.
  2. When going on EVA, the camera *NEVER* switches to where the Kerbal is. It's always on some ridiculous angle, and as you arrow up or down (because that appears to be the quick way to rotate the camera) you run out of rotation. When going on EVA, the camera should switch to about 8m behind the Kerbal.
  3. Cheat Engine. You can use it to slow down or speed up applications. I used it to slow down Bejeweled Blitz (or whatever it was) on Facebook, and caused quite a few friends to get upset that I was always high scorer on their lists.
  4. Well, that makes total sense now. I thought I saw something when in orbit. Time to build a money wasting ship!
  5. If it takes a lot of dV (at least what I consider high dV) to get there, there's only two logical place. On the surface of Tylo or really near Kerbol.
  6. oooooooh, someone's gonna get in troublllllllleeeee!
  7. If departing the Polar Crater, lift off and immediately head north, and burn until you get a Kerbin PE of 30km.
  8. Not much at all really. I was already running minimalist rockets. I would only drop one stage (other than my Eve ascent vehicle) for the most part, and I only take contracts that will cover (and then some) the cost of lost stages. I had already been returning to KSC before 0.24 came out, so I was already in recovery mode.
  9. I'd just build another ship, have Jeb collect all the data, rescue Jeb with the second ship just like the rescue contracts, and bring all the science home that way until I unlock the claw. Then go dock, transfer fuel and recover. I did the second part this weekend. My Munar command ship didn't have enough (any) fuel left to return to Kerbin. I have never done a get out and push maneuver. I've never pushed my car when it's run out of gas (and it has happened to me once).
  10. Tell me that it's being flown by Lonestar Kerman!
  11. If you launch within a day or two either side of the perfect time you'll be fine. The variance in trying to get the dV burn "perfect" will have more effect than launching a day or two either side.
  12. Currently at 3022689.39555655 according to the persistence file. I've knocked out about 55 contracts, but I've only been to Mun twice and Minmus once. None of the planets have come into phase yet, so I haven't left Kerbin's SOI. I'v1e completed up through all the 160 cost tech tree, and 2 in the 300 cost level.
  13. Kerbal Engineer and MechJeb provide this information. ninjas are up early today.
  14. Meh, works fine for me. The VAB has the contracts in the lower right corner - which is easier than ALT+TAB back and forth between Excel (or whatever).
  15. Step 1. Install mods that need to be updated with each release. Step 2. Download Release Step 3. Throw Tantrum Step 4. Post on message board with misdirected anger. I will keep this in mind for 0.25
  16. Or just look at the requirements under the contract icon in the upper right corner.
  17. You can't target (grand)parent bodies. Kerbol is a (grand)parent to all other bodies in the system. Each planet is a parent to each of its respective moons. The only way to target Kerbin (or any other planet) is to leave its (and any of its moons') SOI. All moons are inside the parent planet's SOI, so that's why you can't target Kerbin - you are still Kerbin's SOI, just being more affected by Mun's SOI.
  18. Well, it would be possible by editing the persistence file (I think). I made the mistake of accepting that contract. I had to cancel. Oops.
  19. Add Probe core + RCS fuel + RCS thrusters to the last dropped stage. Then switch over to the last stage and retro burn until your periapsis is low enough that the orbit decays - either enough that it goes below 22km and it will disappear on its own, or just get it down to 40-50km, and watch it until it crashes. (it may take an orbit or two to do so)
  20. Sorry, no repercussions is called sandbox mode. What's the point of having contracts and reputation if you fail to complete *any* of them, if there is absolutely zero down side to it? Oh, you killed 27 Kerbals in your last 4 launches? No problem, here's another hundred thousand credits, and 300 science. Good job. We'll send some more contracts over for you to screw up. If you want to screw up over and over and over and no have any downside to it, it's called a sandbox.
  21. That's called sandbox mode. You think you should be able to screw up every mission/contract and still have a career? That too, is called sandbox mode.
  22. What's soft, brown, and sits on a piano bench? Beethoven's *last* movement. A "story" my grandfather used to recite. AB, C D B's ? L, M R No B's! O S A R D B's O, I C D B's. A hydrogen ion walks into a bar, bartender asks "Are you here by yourself?" "Yep, I'm positive." How can you tell the difference between a chemist and a plumber? How they pronounce "unionized" Chemisty: Instead of cussing lately, I just yell out "992619!" One I like to throw at people just to see their reaction: Me: "Hey I know a great knock knock joke, but you have to start it." Them: "Knock Knock" Me: "Who's there?" Then they stand there for a little bit confused... And one that worked better with "real phones" where there was a dial tone when I wanted to end a conversation. "OK, got a joke for you, but I've got to go right after it. What has a tiny [insert vulgar term for male genetalia here] and hang down?....a bat. What has a huge [term from above] and hangs up?" *Dial tone* Unfortunately with cell phones it just goes silent and the person on the other end is wondering if it lost connection.
  23. Having been to the surface of all of them, I think I might go with Vall.
  24. Yeah, really. I played sandbox for probably 2 months before heading over to career mode. Then again I have an aviation, construction, and engineering background so everything has been easy mode for me in KSP. (once I learned certain things game specific - like the ability to slide the *$^&@*! manuever node.)
  25. We have two different opinions about that. A sandbox is where little kids play - you know ones that haven't developed the mental or physical capability to play Chess or Go, or golf, base jump, cliff diving, etc... It's a place where you don't get hurt. It's for beginners. In every game I've ever played it's been for beginners...hence the name sandbox.
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