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Everything posted by Nuke

  1. its a device made by people who dont seem to understand how physics works, yet are convinced that their contraption is a breakthrough. it has been patented, and has been tested (and confirmed) by a shady lab in china. in other words its a hoax.
  2. movies where ships approach planets directly rather than on an orbital trajectory.
  3. if we cant have on deck refueling, per part recovery bonuses should be something like this: recovery from water 50-70% (salt water is corrosive) recovery from land 70-90% (omg the dents) recovery from designated landing area 90-100% (we can use that again) these might be set on a part by part basis. a structural part might be more recoverable than an engine. one use parts like srbs and decouplers would have different recovery values if they have been used or not. recovery of consumables is on a per unit basis, 100% value of anything left in the tanks (though this can be adjusted per resource, you might have oxidizer boil off and get a lower recovery percentage).
  4. "the other things" in kennedy's speech was 'smash communists'. i suppose medium launchers can do that (anything is possible with nukes).
  5. ive probibly been running with 8gb since 2005. the 3 machines ive built since then all had 8gb. i've yet to find any reason to go beyond that much ram. one thing i noticed while running ksp on linux64 is that many plugins were unstable to the point of being completely unusable. you might be able to pile on parts packs with impunity but some plugins just refused to function, and any parts that depended on them just wouldn't work. or worse they would just crash the game.
  6. usb spec is notoriously overcomplicated. its just a piece of information that you see a lot in electronic hackery blogs. the truth is in the specs (that nobody wants to read).
  7. you know you can re-init the database from inside the game with the alt+f12 menu, its still slow but not as slow as starting it up again.
  8. then there is this little thing called confirmation bias.
  9. i dont know the credentials of the person that wrote the test. it could be someone with a phd thesis on the subject, it can be someone living in their mother's basement who writes online tests for a living (these are not mutually exclusive scenarios though ).
  10. for best results rough up the lens on the leds with some sand paper. powering your leds from usb is easy. according to usb spec you are supposed to short both of the data pins (this tells the host controller that you are just using it for power), then you are able to source up to 500ma@5v. since most ir leds have a voltage drop of about 1.5v, you can power about 3 in series off of usb, but i usually do the leds in parallel each with its own current limiting resistor. usb is kind of overkill for this application, i personally use a rechargeable lipo cell.
  11. match the socket and fsb clock. most mobos have a qvl that will tell you what hardware it works with, cpus, memory, etc.
  12. im the type of personality that looses interest after reading the first question. these tests are always a load of crap.
  13. an intel i5 would be good for your tdp and save you plenty of power for a modest video card. you can also run integrated at first and buy your video card later. 8gb ram will be about all you need. then you just need a mobo. i usually do this: figure out what cpu i want to run. find a mobo that works with that cpu and has all the ports you want/need. find the fastest ram the mobo supports (ram is cheap), i have never needed more than 8gb. video card when everything else is working
  14. the renderer isn't the bottleneck. its the physix engine thats slow.
  15. i wouldn't mind having asteroids in other areas, such as in the space between jool and duna, where you need to send probes to detect them. have some f-i class asteroids out past jool for the hell of it.
  16. problem with user made ground equipment, it tends to turn launch operations into a slide show once you have enough of it lying around. then comes the problem, how to you refuel the refueling truck? you have to recover and build another one. what i want is some kind of bottomless fuel tank as part of the ksc that has a receptacle somewhere (possibly a port in the ground at the start of the runway) for refueling ops, and a receptacle part for your ship. you might be able to walk up to the runway port pull out a hose and connect it to the receptacle in your ship with a kerbal, sorta like how you do with pipes in kas.
  17. im thinking a docking port with angle snaps. it would result in a perfect dock, and then both parts of the dock would auto-weld themselves into one part.
  18. loding is a 1990's solution to a 1990s problem. modern renderers eat polygons for breakfast and come back for seconds.
  19. ^its exactly what it sounds like. one thing star trek never got right: why make the tricorder and communicator different devices? we see smart phones now with some pretty top notch sensor tech.
  20. i view most rules and laws as guidelines. some make sense, others are asinine.
  21. there are 4/5 lights is a direct reference to 2+2=5
  22. nah, it can be too complex for that. to do that in 3d in great deal with complex geometry and in real time, thats supercomputer work.
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