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Everything posted by Nuke

  1. when you dart your 50th squirrel you get a free coat. natures equivalent to one of those cards you get punched every time you get coffee or whatever. turtles also come with free dinnerware.
  2. the amount of torque you would need to rotate the bar would likely deform it. if youve ever worked construction or at least handled a long 2x4 you know that its easier to rotate it along the long axis than the other 2. this is a good example of the concept of moment of inertia as the mass distribution matters. obviously trying to rotate a lightyear long 2x4, you need to accelerate the mass at the end at a faster rate than the mass closer to the center. and obviously that mass at the end cant break the speed of light. assuming perfect rigidity and you ignore any structural issues (and you encounter these at much smaller scales) you will be rpm capped and at a very low value as the ends approach relativistic speeds. at some point you would stop getting appropriate acceleration of the end masses and instead increase their relativistic mass. this would have a bending effect, but since we assumed perfect rigidity that would not be possible. so no chance making an ftl drive out of unrealistic lumber (i cringe to think of how long it would take to mill such a cosmic tree).
  3. theres too much anti-gmo propaganda out there. and it doesnt make any sense as it can stand to have an impact on global hunger issues. i also find it cute when people buy processed foods with 'organic' and 'gmo free' thinking its healthy.
  4. im pretty good with lua, hell i got half a game engine written in lua.
  5. idk about that. i know several but still cant get my head around python. i need my curly braces damn it.
  6. you also have fatter operations. probably the most useful advantage is being able to feed the fpu with one load instead of two, and likewise retrieve the result in one instead of two. including the fpu instruction itself this represents a 40% performance boost when using doubles. then when you take vector extensions (such as avx) into account which are very wide operations requiring a lot of loads and stores to work with, you nearly double the performance. not to mention doubling the data bus which doubles memory performance. should also point out that there are instances where 32 bit machines can have more than 4gb through memory banking techniques. though this was usually in the server space (this usually had per-application memory limits).
  7. 64 bit is about a lot more than a fatter address bus.
  8. easiest way to build a centrifuge on a low gravity dwarf planet is to use a tunnel boring machine to carve out a circular tunnel and put a train in it.
  9. if the cylinders were infinite then you wouldn't be able to localize gravity to a single point, all gravity sources become line sources. in addition all cylinders would have infinite mass as they have infinite volume. this would cancel out their infinite gravitational attraction. likewise changes in orientation would be impossible as they would have infinite moment of inertia (not sure if thats the right math terminology because moi is not a scalar quantity) and thus no amount of torque can change a cylinder's angular momentum. all in all it would be a very boring universe. if objects of finite volume also exist, then they might have some interesting orbital mechanics provided the gravity field is not infinite everywhere.
  10. idk, deep space nine was actually one of the better ones once they get past all the regurgitated tng scripts. they seemed to know where they were going by season 2 and stayed the course for the rest of the show. and while they were at a fixed location they did do quite a bit of exploration of the gamma quadrant via the worm hole. its also a deconstruction of star trek. the federation is shown not as a utopian society but as bungling bureaucracy. starfleet is shown not as an exploration fleet, looks past the propaganda, and shows it as what it really is, a military. even the commander/captain is a down to earth realist rather than the over idealized figurehead of high moral character that picard or even kirk was. janeway, archer, and pike (discovery) were just cookie cutter captains in comparison. kirk only stands apart by being a bit of a cowboy. also hands down it had some of the best space battles star trek had ever seen.
  11. i liked the loose serial format from the first couple season, events in one episode has consequences in the next, but still more or less being self contained stories. gone was a huge problem with voyager where despite the ship getting trashed in almost every episode still managed to look pristine in the next. a lot of people say that season 3 and 4 helped the series but i think that's where they went wrong. going with a season long serial for the xindi plot kind of got tedious towards the end. the whole thing seemed implausible. then season 4 was a lot of 2 and 3 part episodes (and most of them had me falling asleep). i don't think a thousand signatures will bring the show back. and if they did it would just attract the current iteration of star trek writers and would just be bad. if strange new worlds cant fix trek i don't know what can.
  12. i think its a good place for mining infrastructure though. also great for tunneling into for radiation shielding and thus capable of continuous habitation, perhaps with the addition of subterranean centrifuges. its escape velocity is a mere 510 m/s, so its great for launching construction materials and fuel into orbit. likewise more exotic ores from asteroids can be processed on the surface. eventually you will want to move this to orbital colonies. large sections of such a colony can be manufactured under ground in a shirt sleeve environment and launched in a mostly completed state with all of its structure and rad shielding in place and merely docked in orbit. a fully kitted out space colony built in earth-lunar space is going to be massive and hard to move to a good place in the belt. barring some serious advances in propulsion technology.
  13. i wouldn't doubt that they have some canned smoke on board just for this purpose.
  14. i think cats rely on nutrients that are thermally sensitive. cooked food might actually be bad for them. unless those nutrients are added back in after cooking like with cat food or taken as a supplement. the anti-pathogen anti-parasitic benefits of cooking still remain though. they might also supplement processed meals with high quality raw meat (sort of like sushi). or they might simply take their meat rare (best way to make a steak imho, just walk it through the kitchen).
  15. they have taken over my youtube account. its not a forgone conclusion that a more intelligent cat would develop some code of ethics like what we have compared to our ape ancestors. granted it might be completely different than what we use.
  16. id love a raspberry pi port. the rockbox community usually responds with something like "just use linux". problem is every time i use linux for something simple, it stops being simple. especially when you are trying to conserve battery power. for this application you want your code a bit on the lean side and very friendly to low power modes.
  17. i dont see me replacing it with a phone any time soon, i dont like phones. i figure id make a go at building my own mp3 player from scratch at some point when my doompod breaks down. maybe a pi zero with a 128 gig card would hold all my music. all the work is in the power system really.
  18. my 5th gen ipod still works. not that this is an apple endorsement or anything. i attribute this to jailbreaking it and installing rockbox not long after i bought it. the death counter is effectively disabled. my opinion of consumer tech products these days is pretty low.
  19. i still have the og mindstorms brick (the yellow one that came with classic technic parts) and it still works last i checked. receiver works fine with a usb-to-serial dongle, but you have to use nqc to program it.i also have an nxt brick, but i never used it that much, and when i did i used nxc. these days id rather use an arduino or better yet an esp32 than whatever smart brick they are using now. you can code in a real programming language and interface any one of the myriads of cheap ebay sensors out there.
  20. so a season and a half into my enterprise binge and i am calling it, enterprise > voyager. while voyager was a lot better than i remember, enterprise had better scripts, effects, characters, etc. it might even have the best first season of any star trek spin off. so two episodes into season 3 and im really starting to wonder if the whole xindi conflict ruined the show.
  21. i think the surface of the earth will become uninhabitable long before the sun consumes it, if it does at all. the habitable zone will creep out gradually giving humans enough time to relocate. mars might self-terraform as it gets a better position inside the habitable zone and we can certainly help it along by setting up an artificial magnetosphere (perhabs drilling down to the core at the poles and putting a giant superconducting solenoid at each end, powered by fusion reactors) and importing as much water as possible. then we can move on to ceres or the jovian moons as it expands further. then again we might be type 2 by the time that happens.
  22. i don't think the head honcho had any disabilities, he was just an idiot on a power trip.
  23. i always though cats were actually farsighted. you also have a completely different eyeball geometry, supposedly cats with stilted pupils see the world in widescreen. some wild and big cats have round pupils. they got a floating retina and a reflective membrane in the back of the eye, so the retina gets hit from both sides, effectively doubling the sensitivity. there are plenty of cat vision simulations on youtube. cool thing about cat hearing is that it is directional, its like one of those parabolic microphones that can hear what the neibors down the street are saying while eliminating ambient noises. whats more they can be actively targeted. a more evolved cat brain might also have better audio processing such that they can effectively "see" sound. house cats are already really good at precisely localising sounds. i could be on my workbench and drop a tiny screw on the floor and one of the cats would quickly find it and investigate, hopefully i can pick it up before they bat it across the room. i dont think a strong sense of smell would be all that bad, especially if you are used to it. it would be totally gross to suddenly get a stronger sense of smell. cat pee has a very strong scent, but most cat people usually grow numb to it over time. yet when non-cat-people enter the room they almost always recoil to the smell. sensory wise i think an evolved kitty would make a very good soldier provided they avoid hand to hand paw to paw combat. probibly not your grunts but perhaps your spec ops, artilliary spotters, scouts, snipers, etc.
  24. fortunately springs work in both directions and function as shock absorbers on the way down. im not sure the way cats work would translate well to a bipedal form. cats rear legs have long bones with long springy tendons. the elongated foot (of which only the toes and paw pads touch the ground) provides additional mechanical advantage in concert with the knee and hip joint. in rocketry terms, cats have moar boosters. but it doesnt stop there. throughout the jump the legs go from a tightly coiled configuration to fully extended, a lot of travel when compared to the cat's body length, its applying force for a longer amount of time. so cats have more fuel. then you throw on the fast twitch musculature and those boosters get moar thrust, but at a cost to specific impulse (they tire easy). cats are most certainly rockets. cat-shaped rocket contest anyone? a humanoid biped only has the knee and hip providing much of the work, humanoids do use the foot for leverage when jumping however there is a lot less mechanical advantage. the range of travel is a lot smaller in terms of body height. the muscles are slow twitch for endurance not speed. and another thing we have that cats dont is locking knees. they would probably also need a locking heel as well since both joints are under tension. a bipedal cat will typically stand on fully extended and locked legs, unless they were sprinting. if the total cat height of the standing bipedal cat was a human, its pelvis would be up to about your belly. its torso would be smaller than yours. this cat would probably need human like shoulders if it wanted to do anything useful with them as i think cats have a floating shoulder. the arms would also be shorter and the hand paws smaller as you dont need them for walking anymore (the leg bones likewise would need to be beefier as there is more weight on them). the head would be pretty large, but might be made smaller for less stress on the neck. so this cat would need a vastly different bone structure from either a cat or a human. such a being would be able to jump quite well, especially if they come from a planet with mars-like gravity. i dont think they would sprint very well, but they might do well in an arboreal setting and could hunt large birds with ease, just jump up and grab em. barring locking joints they would have trouble standing or walking for long periods of time. they are definately going to be of lower body mass than the human because of their spindly build. you might be able to have cat girls but they would be a far cry from the anime trope. this pretty much sums it up.
  25. maybe you should just tell us. there are too many damn programming languages.
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